Does anyone here have an inside source at the Morey orginization?

ridemcoaster's avatar

...hmmm anything that keeps Gonch pre occupied is good for the coaster.. :)

*Hands Bill a bigger shovel*

Cyclo Tower said:
Absolutely not true, you can't rule things out using your own guessing game. The site is being treated that way because it is a form of marketing, giving a sort of behind the scenes perspective on this project. Many aspects that have been explained are not just fabricated for the sake of it.

Exactly.. it's not a couple of "moles" leaking stuff out, it's just being presented that way, ie a load of nonsense.

a_hoffman50 said:
Oh... I get it. You are calling people gay and that is supposed to be an insult. Classy.

Whatever pipsqueek

a_hoffman50's avatar

Whether a marketing scheme makes sense to you or not does not make it invalid.

There's that word again, nonsense. Like I said, no information that has been given can be considered nonsense. What's nonsense is the way you are acting in this thread.

It's not 3 guys who signed confidentiality agreements stealthily leaking stuff out which is what it portends.

It's just made to look that way.

njbill, calm down and take a few deep breaths.

Sorry, but nobody here can or will tell you what Morey's new attraction is going to be. Why can't you just accept that? I agree that the website is probably the organization themselves doing some marketing. But what's up with your total need to know, and right now? And if you did find out, then what?

Insulting people in here isn't going to get you anywhere, so put down the shovel and stop digging that hole even deeper. You'll find out around here that you get what you give. If you want to insult 10-12 people, you're going to get in back 10-12 times and then some. I've gotten annoyed at some things people have said in here, but never have I been annoyed to the point where I check out their sites to come up with an insult.

The length and quality of your stay here is totally up to you. My advice would be to stop acting like one of the cast members of Jersey Shore and start behaving in a more civilized and courteous manner.

Cyclo Tower said:
There's that word again, nonsense. Like I said, no information that has been given can be considered nonsense. What's nonsense is the way you are acting in this thread.

The information may be valid, but the manner in which it's being presented is nonsense. That site is not 3 insiders leaking stuff out. its just being made to look that way which is a load of rubbish.

RatherGoodBear said:
njbill, calm down and take a few deep breaths.

Sorry, but nobody here can or will tell you what Morey's new attraction is going to be. Why can't you just accept that? I agree that the website is probably the organization themselves doing some marketing. But what's up with your total need to know, and right now? And if you did find out, then what?

Insulting people in here isn't going to get you anywhere, so put down the shovel and stop digging that hole even deeper. You'll find out around here that you get what you give. If you want to insult 10-12 people, you're going to get in back 10-12 times and then some. I've gotten annoyed at some things people have said in here, but never have I been annoyed to the point where I check out their sites to come up with an insult.

The length and quality of your stay here is totally up to you. My advice would be to stop acting like one of the cast members of Jersey Shore and start behaving in a more civilized and courteous manner.

Meh, maybe you're right.

I'm out

Who said it's not three people from the company? Once again, you're playing a guessing game and coming to conclusions which aren't true. I suggest reading RatherGoodBear's post a few times.

a_hoffman50's avatar

Be thankful that they are sharing information, even if the way they are sharing is not completely true. It is all in fun. Isn't that what this business is about?

rollergator's avatar

The whole "Bizarro" viral-marketing thing was preceded by Hershey doing it for something of theirs right? I'm not saying it's clever, or successful, or whatever, but I think njbill is representative of a portion of people left more confused and irritated than excited and intrigued by the "guessing games" this kind of marketing relies on...

So goes my mental marketeeering challenge for the next few minutes, or at least until something more interesting comes along... ;)

Cyclo Tower said:
Who said it's not three people from the company? Once again, you're playing a guessing game and coming to conclusions which aren't true. I suggest reading RatherGoodBear's post a few times.

You're not following me, I never said they werent with the company. I said they aren't doing this on the sly, behind Jack Morey's back.

And with that, I'm out. I found out more about it at Mr Boardwalk's site.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

a_hoffman50 said:
Oh... I get it. You are calling people gay and that is supposed to be an insult. Classy.

But I am totally gay, so what's the point. ;)

Oh no, the gay guy's gay - and has questionable taste in music!

When did stating the obvious become an insult attempt?

ridemcoaster said:
...hmmm anything that keeps Gonch pre occupied is good for the coaster.. :)

You want me.


It's my gayest post ever - where's Moosh? The window is closing!

a_hoffman50's avatar

I always knew there was something about you... the spikey hair maybe?

Rollergator, being confused early on is all apart of it, the direction behind the early viral-style stages usually involves the reveal of thought provoking concepts and releases that generate buzz around something that's potentially worth following. It also, (as in the case with Project 5292010) can be a very social experience allowing others to interact and discuss while the created buzz grows larger.

Mamoosh's avatar

Lord Gonchar said: It's my gayest post ever - where's Moosh? The window is closing!

See? I knew you loved the attention :)

Last edited by Mamoosh,
ridemcoaster's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

You want me.

Well I thought our petty spats were done to throw people off of that fact..

Thanks for outing us..

obxKevin's avatar

...I feel so left out :(

The poster formerly known as 'Zcorpius.' Joined 2004

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