Do you raise your arms? Or relax and enjoy?

Let go And Hold hp My hands!! Especially on Titan !!


Titan Laps:5
I usually hold my hands up and keep them up but there are several rides that forced me to pull them down quickly for various reasons times I've rode. The jumps of airtime and intensity the first times on: The Raven, The Legend, B&M inverts(zero-G rolls), Thunder Run,... and handchoppers on: Gemini, The Beast, GhostRider,... Other than that, hands up all the way, especially on SROS, MF, and SOB(tunnels please!).

Everything above was my opinion.If you disagree,please respond in an intelligent fashion.But before you post,I warn you that some people say I'm just too smart to understand. Please take that into consideration.
I usually keep the hands up during the exciting parts, and when I'm not tired... There's really no reason in trying to keep them up during a helix or turnaround, unless you're really thrillseeking. :) On Titan media, by lap 27 on Titan I was quite tired so I just kept them down.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Like Raven_Rider, it's nearly involuntary for me as well. I don't scream, though. :) It kicks up my heart rate and the fear/thrill seeker in me. I've pulled back due to hand choppers (Rolling Thunder @ SFGAdv left side, Kraken though the partly underground vertical loop), but woodies and the air time enhance the thrills for me.
After the Boss kicked my butt last year, I refuse to go into a ride hands up the first time. After that it really depends on the ride. Occasionally I'll scream but usually I'm content to be silent and enjoy my ride.

Go Bucks Go!!!
Beat the Sixers!!!

Hurry up and open Delay-ja Vu!
It seems to be an invoulentary thing with me to hold up my hands, just like Raven_Rider. My first ride on Millennium Force, I was holding on as tight as I could up the lift hill, scared out of my mind, but once I hit the top, my hands just went up. From that moment on, I considered myself a coaster enthusiast... :)

The whole arms up thing seems to me, to be a mental/macho type of thing...
The mental aspect of it seems to be that your hands are the furthest away from holding on to anythng, so it seems to the rider that they are less secure and more vulunerable than holding on, therefore making the ride seem more out of control.

My theroy on the macho aspect of it is best explained this way:

Park Guest 1: "Your a chicken, you won't go on that." (cue in childish name calling and clucking like a chicken while "flapping" arms)

Park Guest 2: "No I'm not! I'll go on it, and we'll see whose the chicken then..."

(On the way up the lift hill)

Park Guest 2: (Sarcasticly) "Yeah, I'm the chicken." (Sticks his tounge out at Park Guest 1) "I don't even have to hold on. I'll ride the whole ride without holding on."

(Announcer) "This has been corney-ass example theater..."


"Johnny Rotten shot me with his BB-gun."
Relax on a B&M or Inverted cause it hurts
I'm all about fun and being a punk! Put your damn hands up!!!

Live to have FUN!

Go Shamrocks!
Go Wolverines!
Whatever mood hits at the moment. Arms up, holding on with both hands, holding on with one hand, crossover hands, hands in my lap...variety is the spice of rollercoaster life! :) Assuming I can ride a coaster a number of times, and I have the "feel" of that coaster, I try it many different ways...when I do I am surprised sometimes at which "method" feels best for that particular coaster. But I never use the hand holds on B&M inverteds.

Mother, did it need to be so high?
I ride hands up all the way,if you're gonna ride then do it the right way!hands up everybody hands up!

rampagelover said:
"The first time I don't raise my hands, but after that...

I wrote this but it isn't always the truth. If there are no trees or "head choppers" I will hold my hands up the first time. And for all of you who hate people who raise their hands... I usually sit on the back seat(the best seat)

RAMPAGE, THE #4 WOODIE,ONLY AT VISIONLAND *** This post was edited by rampagelover on 6/2/2001. ***
Hands up all the way on everything, no matter what it is. Even on Power Tower, put my legs and arms straight out to feel the forces. And no matter what the coaster is, the hands are up.

CP in 2002, get to the point
I am so proud of myself because I put my hands up for the blast on poWer TOwER up for the first time yesterday. Putting your legs up on PT also adds to the goodness of the ride!

On the top of Magnum's second hill I'am the one who screams, "I can see Canada!"
Hands up normally, But I held on real tight on SFWOA's Big Dipper, after all the bruises and sore back from Friday nights marathon on Magnum!
Of course there is always the exception of twiddling my thumbs on Iron Dragon and just crossing my arms on Mine Ride.

"If you look out the left side of the Train you will see the coasters of Cedar Point."

'01 Trips thru the spin cycle-SOB 06
depends what ride. on riddlers revenge and goliath, putting my hands up is relaxing.But on most I hang on and enjoy
I dont on OTSR coaster's, cuz it feels just awkward. But lapbar coasters i perform two hands up displaying the "rock on" symbols.

PCW needs something taller than a boomerang
I usually hold on, usually with one hand. But a lot of the time on lap bar coasters, particularly ones with lots of air, I put my hands up! Ghostrider is fun to go hands up on. All of the headchoppers really make things interesting, not to mention the airtime.

"Clear, Dispatch"
I will always hold my hands up, I think every coaster, well, I guess woodies, and things like Raging Bull and those kinds. The shoulder ones, I wont .
It depends on the ride and also my mood. I can ride quietly and listen to my wife scream or raise my hands and join her. One thing is sure, I always have a smile on my face!
It's more work for me to put my hands up then anything. I'm content with a two click lapbar,
the ''ACEr Slouch,'' relaxing and enjoying my ride...

On those coasters with those damn PTC racheting lapbars however, I tend to ride with one hand on the lapbar to keep it from stapling me, and the other hand in the air, only because it has no place else to go!

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