Do synchranized coaster count as one or two?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
It's not the coaster counting that's important to me, it's Paul Ruben that's important to me.

Sheesh man, get your priorities straight!

The real question is whether you count Paul Ruben as one ride or two.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I wouldn't put any 'coasters' on my material list. I'd put materials on it. ;)

And I'd just double the amount of certain things (like the steel rails) to build the entire attraction.

When I take multiple laps on Gemini and ride once in red and once in blue, I haven't taken a ride on two different coasters - I've chosen to take two rides (one on each side) on one coaster.

This leads quite nicely into the standard mobius defense. Take something like Racer at Kennywood. Twice the material, two trains running side by side throughout 1 "ride" - but you only ride on half the layout if you just take one lap.

Is that a credit? Is it a half credit? Does it take a ride on both side to make one complete credit?

The same arguement could technically be made for Gemini. The only difference is the two sides that make up the single attraction connect to each other while Gemini's don't.

But then that leads to the non-shared structure counter defense (and the deuling subset of said counter defense).

A ride like Rebel Yell is actually two coasters sitting side by side that could technically co-exist without the other. They just happen to be placed next to each other. Does it make a difference if they're timed to race or not.

The dueling subset of this arguement takes a ride like Dueling Dragons. These are most certainly two seperate coasters that happen to be placed right on top of each other and grouped as a single attraction. Each could most certainly stand on its own as a single attractions (ok, maybe not Ice, but Fire is groovy)

So if duelers and certain racers are truly two seperate coasters, then could the argument be made that Phantom's Revenge and Thunderbolt are actually multiple sides of a dueling ride (hell, they intertwine more than most side by side racers) and if so, could Kennywood sync the timing and group both as one "attraction" and change the entrance to a single queue location (right about where the Turtles sit)?

Ok, I'm just being silly there. :)

The problem here is that there is no black or white. Everyone puts their flag somehwere in the grey area and it works for them.

Which I think was the response in the first place.

For the record, I personally do only count Gemini and KW's Racer as one credit, while racers like Lightning Racer and Rebel Yell get two credits. Duelers always get two credits due to different layouts in most cases. And the best part is that I'm right...

...and so is every single other rider who cares enough to count their credits in whatever way they see fit. :)

I totally agree:) (well, except the part about Paul Ruben...).

I used to count coasters like Rebel Yell as 2, but, the coaster only has one name. Dueling Dragons has a sub-name for each coaster, and as for Racer @ Kennywood, though I've ridden both sides, Taking a ride on it, to me=a credit, you did ride the coaster, you just didn't finish it (Kinda like my first spin on Steel Venom, I rode it, even if it did E-Stop).

And, like you Gonch, the best thing is, I'm right, and so are you.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
The Enthusiass Guidebook?

I thought that was "The Coaster Tool's Guidebook", with 500 different recipes for gravy as a bonus. ;-)



Mamoosh's avatar
Counting each coaster -- regardless of how many tracks it has -- as "one" makes life really simple. How? It removes the need for a set of rules on how one counts.
ApolloAndy's avatar
The world is one attraction with about 2,000 different tracks. -> I only have one credit. :(

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

I have a simple philosophy - each 1 coaster has it's own self-contained track.

Dueling dragons are therefore two separate coasters.

By the same note, racing/duelling coasters which end up in a different boarding station to they started, are all part of one continuous track, and therefore 1 coaster (e.g. Grand National @ BPPB).

Well, that's my two cents, shall i get my fire extinguisher?

Just to throw my mercury filled hat into the ring.

The answer is simplely complex. I decide to make a simple log rythm to solve this problem




Now, let the 1st F be the primary function of cS, this will tell you how the structure of a coaster can be as on. Use the 2nd equation to un undermap the linear rythm for RM, acourse RM is the realtionship with the coaster to coaster track and railings. The last part is a little harder, Let D from the 3rd equation summit the range of the function having only half a dimension. Let the baby ducklings go you evil... I just decided to throw that in there to make sure this explanation isn't total boring. Any-hoo, When the time is split in four dimensions this will answer is certian coasters count as one track or two.

Example: Gemini, Cedar Point

F1= 1 /2^4

f2= 1/4^2


One structure for more then 3/4 of the ride.

D= S^cS

F= F2^16/cs = ans1


Equal rail time and range

ANSWER-Gemini is one coaster according to structure and railings, but no according to dimension 2 and 3

If they ever in vent a triple track coaster(maybe there is one, I don't know), well then I'm lost!

I'd do Dueling Dragons, but I'm not that familiar with the ride to plug 'n chug into a system.

i agree with you bazz if it is one continuous track then it should be labled one coaster if it has two complete circuites then it should be labled as two coaster.

The only reason i asked this is isn't because i have to much time on my hands or anything i just got to thinking it, and thought it would make other people think a little bit. But who knows

Once You Feel the Force You Will never Be The Same
Does the "hammer" work on principal alone? Please? Anyone? :)
My log rythms didn't get posted, I guess I'm not that familiar with HTML.

And if you want to really ponder a great philosophical question. If you ride one side of a mobius coaster, have you ridden one coaster or half of a coaster?
i would consider it one coaster i see what you mean. I want to know is how parks count it offically do different parks count it different.

Is that why CP & SFMM have 16 coasters instead of 15? or do they have 16, and not 17?

Once You Feel the Force You Will never Be The Same
Lord Gonchar's avatar
If you count Gemini as 2 then CP has 17.

If you count Colossus as two and S:TE as two then SFMM has 18.

The parks generally count them as one.

EDIT - learn to spell, Gonch

*** Edited 11/23/2004 4:21:19 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

sirloindude's avatar
Perhaps we should take this debate to the elders of coasterdom who live in a cave deep within the earth, or the building that houses TTD's hydraulic motor, if you will. Perhaps they can inflict their great wisdom upon us and reveal the solution to this most perplexing mystery.

My opinion: if the layouts are identical, mirror images, or extremely similar, you get 1 credit. I therefore would consider Dueling Dragons 2 credits, but Lightning Racer as only one. Why? Because Lightning and Thunder are extremely similar. One might go up higher in this turn and lower than that one, but the maneuvers are essentially the same. Fire and Ice are as different as night and day, and thus they count as 2.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

For me I keep it easy so I don't confuse myself. If one side of the coaster can be run while the other is closed, it's 2 coasters for me. They are two different tracks with two different ride control systems. A coaster like a mombius coaster for me would only count as 1 since it needs the other side to operate.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Oooh, another wrench for the gears:

What about dual loading stations like X-Flight or Storm Runner - does loading and leaving each side count as a different credit?

One side could run independently from the other and the layouts are techincially different with the turns in and out of the station being opposites.


green_raptor_6 said:
My log rythms didn't get posted

"Log rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs, rolls over your neighbor's dog..."

Oh, sorry, that's a log ditty, not a log rhythm.

"You seem healthy. So much for voodoo."

sirloindude's avatar
Why not count each seat as a different credit? The ride sensations vary in every seat, and thus they should each count as separate credits.

Also, I should get a credit for every time my dad forgets the name of a particular coaster. I therefore have credits on Top Fuel Eliminator, Top Thrill Eliminator, Top Fuel Dragster, and Top Thrill Dragster.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

rollergator's avatar
"It's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy it's wood, it's log, it's log, it's better than bad it's good"....:)

basically, whoever said it first is right...."Whatever works for you"...

bill, wishing Gwazi was "synched"...I count 'em twice if the layouts are different, and recently, changed my criteria to count them twice if one side runs backwards...but I'm such a lousy emgee my count hasn't been updated since June '03....

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