Dissapointing Flat Rides

I don't understand why I can not find any of the new flat rides exciting. The rides I am speaking about are the Huss frisbee and the Chance Morgan Revolution. I dislike these rides because they are not really that thrilling to me. They don't go upside down and just swing back and forth while spinning. Many people are epressed and love these rides but for me I just don't get it? Is there something I'm missing?

Does anyone else find these rides lame?

My suggestion is to ride them at a carnival where they're not running such crappy programs.


Frankly I think it depends on the type of Frisbee ride it is. The ones where you face looking out towards the rest of the park, like Sidewinder at Adventureland, are a whole lot cooler and intense then Revolution at SFGAM, which you sit facing towards the ride center and don't get much of a view.

So while I love the Zamperla Discovery and Sidewinder (Manufactured I believe by Moser), all others look pretty lame to me.

rollergator's avatar
It's really ALL about how the park runs the ride....I've ridden some flats and been disappointed only to ride the SAME ride elsewhere and come off with a huge grin.

The Frisbee at SFFT was supa-sweet, with *pounding* swings through the arc...located perfectly right on "The Boardwalk". At GAdv, the Frisbee was alot of fun, but more *spinny*...not exactly MY preferred ride, LOL.

Most times in my experience, rides where you pay *in tickets* tend to run a stronger program....but not always...;)

To summarize: most rides have the *potential* to be great rides, most parks don't want to run them at intensity levels that probably require more maintenance and MIGHT make some guests "too queasy"...;)

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I agree, Bill.

That must explain why some Tilt-A-Whirls (among other rides) are better than others. Remember the one we rode at Lake Winnie? That thing was INSANE!

Ryan, I know a lot of people who dislike Frisbees/Revolutions because they are either too boring OR too intense...nowhere in-between. It depends on your tastes I guess. :-)

Personally I love the Frisbees and Revolutions. Delirium is just.....funky....kinda like you are drunk. Great Adventure's Revolution was probably more *intense* but less *fun*. I love both.

Have you tried the Chance "Revolution 2" as in The Claw at Hersheypark? Now THAT is wild.


I'm kind of into flat rides. I especially like the frisbees and top spins. I've never been on Delerium but God do I ever want too. I really wish my home park had more though.
The Chance Inverter was probably the most dissapointing flat ride I have ridden. I remember seeing all the photos and press reports when it came out. A local fair had one that year and I was very excited about riding it. Very lame ride, IMO....
Sledgehammer(Huss Jump2) at PCW was kind of a let down.

It's one of those rides which looks really cool, and has alot of potential, but just isn't run intense enough.

I'm with Nate, hit some of the fairs and you will find some really intese flats. For some reason they just tend to run rides in insane mode at fairs or some of the smaller parks, along with Coney Island (I think the ops there compete on who can get more riders sick). It doesn't have to invert to be a great ride (I prefer it doesn't).

Personally, I don't like The Claw, I think the progam is pretty weak, the spin and swing seem to be in sink, so if you sit in the wrong place the ride is boring. I really liked the Mondial Revolution at PCWland, totally insane on every ride I took. The Top Scan is awesome too. Just about any Zipper will blow your mind too (the classics still rock). You just have to find the right ride. *** Edited 6/8/2004 3:26:07 AM UTC by Black 7***

john peck's avatar
Usally it just depends on the program. I've gotten some of my best rides on Scramblers and again, I've gotten some of my most disappointing rides on Scramblers as well.

I think the rides i was most disappointed with were the Chance Inverter and the Zamperla Rotoshake

I agree the program makes a big difference. The program Knott's uses for their Chance-Morgan Revolution is ridiculous.

It is set to spin one revolution per complete swing, so at 1/4 of the seats give a boring ride. If you sit on the side closest to the ride entrance, you are always closest to the ground at the apex of each swing, thus getting neither lateral forces nor airtime. The other side gets huge pops of air on every swing.

The program is pretty short, too, so no matter where you sit you barely get a taste of the ride before it is over (loading times seem to be 2-3 times longer than the ride time).

The ride would be a lot better if the spin rate were either a little faster or slower so every seat gets to experience the forces at a variety of locations at the apex of each swing. An extra 30-60 seconds of ride time would also make the ride much more satisfying.

I am so not competitive. In fact, I am the least non-competitive. So I win. - Peter Griffin
Man, I defy anyone to ride Delirium at PKI and say it's boring. That's one of the most thrilling rides I've been on. Since when does going upside down determine whether a ride is truly thrilling?
I rode one of these rides at Delaware's State Fair last summer and the ride was totally insane .... the best part was looking at the other riders faces as they got frightenned as the ride went to a point where you literally were parralel with the ground when it spun over at the highest swing of the pendulum action. Plus the weightless feeling at that point was very nice...
The best one I have ever been on is also the only one that I don't know the official name of. Strates Shows have a model named "High Roller." Basically, it looks like a Ring of Fire, but squashed into an oval. Then the train starts moving in the loop, and the loop rotates on the horizontal access. Imagine being in a washing machine on spin cycle, that's what it's like.

Don't ever underestimate the psycho factor in my head Winner of the 5th (and 6th) Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
The program on the Chance Falling Star at the Mall of America is usually a lot better than the one at Valleyfair. I often skip it at VF. And the program for the Topspin at Worlds of Adventure (Thunderhawk) is very good. Every other Topspin I have been on is boring in comparison.
The Program on the Rainbow @ MB Pavalion is good, I think. That thing still scares the crap outta me. Not only that, but it gives good views of the ocean, the Blvd., and it looks like you're gonna come crashing down on the sidewalk. I like Flats, but don't ride much because they often make me sick....:(
The best flat-ride experience comes from manually controlled rides. Especially the Huss rides which offer a variety of different, overlapping movements are best enjoyed if controlled by an experienced operator.
They CAN turn a TopSpin ride into a horrible puke-fest (flipping 40 shock-greedy teens +56 times without pause can happen on request on european fairs).
But the secret with rides like Breakdance is to CONSTANTLY vary the speeds of the different rotations and using the gondola brakes for brief moments. While it makes the ride much wilder and more thrilling, it won´t make you sick so easily, because you always move in different directions and you never get stuck in a solid, nausating circle.
Does that make sense?
Just a quick point about "programs": Huss rides do come with various automatic settings programmed in. On the older Huss rides, there were up to 9 available, with most just building on the one before it, such as longer time, etc. Chance's rides have no "program" selection. What you see is what you get, with the possible exception that you get a "long" and "short" time setting. The Claw is what it is--there are no park-initiated changes. Also, with the exception of maintenance mode, there is no manual operation available for this ride.

As for Tilt's, the best operation comes from an older model with cable drive, as opposed to the newer ones with electric traction motors on the sweeps. The cable drive allowed the operator to vary the speed, allowing for more swing on the cars. Another such ride as this is the Chance Twister (Lakemont, Williams Grove) with which a skilled operator can give a fantastic ride. Unfortunately, as liability issues rise and operators become less skilled, automatic operation becomes more desirable. A sad fact of the times...

rollergator's avatar
CometRider....as I understand it, tricktrack lives in Europe, so his rides aren't watered-down due to the insanity that is the US lawsuit/liability *system*....;)

As far as the Chance Twister is concerned, I've seen first-hand what a "skilled operator" can do...and no thanks!

Oh, and let me credit SFFT for the operation of their Frisbee AND the Scrambler...boardwalk-style BLISS....:)

Comet Rider said:
The Claw is what it is--there are no park-initiated changes. Also, with the exception of maintenance mode, there is no manual operation available for this ride.

I'm not sure I buy that. I've seen Chance Revolutions that spin slowly the entire time, while I've heard some spin much faster. Some Chance Revolutions swing to barely over 90-degrees, yet others swing to the full 120. Especially if the Chance Revolutions are being built exactly to the Afterburner specs, there is indeed manual operation available.


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