Disney+ Recommendations

Jeff's avatar

It was pretty weird to do a series on a guy who had a total of 5 minutes screen time in the original trilogy, and I think that's counting him as a child. But the actor was also in Clone Wars, which had hundreds of episodes, so there's that. And then of course he had his time on The Mandalorian.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I can't say that I was a fan of Boba Fett prior to this show, but I enjoyed seeing his backstory. I thought the Tuscan Raiders stuff was neat.

I thought E5 was really good even though it was all about the Mandalorian; apparently I needed to something new on him. But I was not that excited about E6 and all of the time it spent on Grogu and Luke. In my mind, if that epidode was in the Mandalorian show and not Boba Fett then maybe I would have liked it better. I would have rather have had more focus on the connection between BF and Mando.

The most interesting parts of BoBF so far have been the stuff with the Sarlacc. I wish they spent a lot more time exploring that creature…

This is only gonna be 7 episodes?!? Next week better tie up a whole lot of loose ends.

But then again, what do I know?

Vater's avatar

ShaneDenmark said:

The most interesting parts of BoBF so far have been the stuff with the Sarlacc.

Wow. If that's true I'm glad I no longer have Disney+. Trying to imagine a sand pit with teeth carrying an entire series...

eightdotthree's avatar

They could have shot it like "127 Hours"

ApolloAndy's avatar

Except it was, like, 10 minutes. Or at least that’s how it seemed.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Vater said:

ShaneDenmark said:

The most interesting parts of BoBF so far have been the stuff with the Sarlacc.

Wow. If that's true I'm glad I no longer have Disney+. Trying to imagine a sand pit with teeth carrying an entire series...

The “expanded universe” stuff about the Sarlacc is pretty interesting, how it keeps it’s prey alive while simultaneously digesting it, or how it absorbs not only the body but the consciousness of its prey. I’m not saying the whole series should be about Tatooine’s toothy coochie but it should’ve been more than a grand total of 10 minutes.

Last edited by ShaneDenmark,

But then again, what do I know?

eightdotthree said:

They could have shot it like "127 Hours"

That was kinda my thought… Wasn’t he supposed to be in the Sarlacc for a couple years?

I did read an interesting theory online. What if the entire BoBF series is all just Boba Fett’s hallucinations while he is slowly being digested over the next 1,000 years?

But then again, what do I know?

eightdotthree's avatar

Ha ha. That would be wild. His appearance in the Mandalorian suggests that’s not the case though.

8.3- Hallucination Expanded Universe.

But then again, what do I know?

OhioStater's avatar

The finale of Boba (episode 7) was worth the wait. Easily the best Boba-Centric episode of the series, and we finally get to see him be the bad-ass he is supposed to be. Now that the series is complete the reason for the Luke/Mando episodes seems a lot clearer, and taken as a whole it all paid off. Slow start, fantastic finish.

If you're a SW fan, episodes 4-6 are more or less must-see.

And Kenobi drops on May 25th. I'm personally more excited for this than I was for any of the sequel trilogy films.

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

Totally, and I think they might be setting up a series for Cobb Vanth. Timothy Olyphant is "the tits" (fans of The Girl Nextdoor" will get it).

Last edited by Jeff,

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I'm looking forward to Kenobi as well.. But do we REALLY need to bring back Hayden? lol

You can just keep Vader in his helmet and we're good. It's not like it was James Earl Jones in the suit the first time around. ;)

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82

eightdotthree's avatar

I recently learned that the kids that grew up on episodes 1-3 LOVE those movies Jar Jar, Hayden, and all.

OhioStater's avatar

100% true. Most people under the age of 25 I talk about SW with fall into that category. We're old. And no, I'm not that guy, I'm forced to spend every day around a bunch of 20-somethings.

I never really got the knock on Hayden. In fact, one reason I'm so excited to see him back is so he can show off what he can do with a different set of writers and directors.

I'm showing part of Life as a House in my family therapy class today...I think that was his last film pre-Anakin, and he's really good in it; coincidentally playing a young man full of hate....for his father.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

The problem with those movies wasn't the story arc or the actors, it was the terrible dialog written and directed by Lucas.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Vater's avatar

Exactly. I thought both Hayden and Natalie Portman were lousy actors until I saw them in stuff other than Star Wars. Not that Hamill ever delivered a Brando-esque performance in the original trilogy (especially IV), but the direction and character development was leagues better.

OhioStater's avatar

Some Star Wars nerd trivia for your next cocktail party...

Lucas' original plan was to write and direct The Phantom Menace, and then turn the directing reins (much like with the OT) over to different directors. He mentions this in one of the docs on the Phantom Menace original DVD release.

If only he followed through...

Promoter of fog.

Well at least the link was not a Rick Roll.

Tommytheduck's avatar

Well I for one *loved* Book of Boba Fett, the entire series. Hating on the early eps? How could you not love the train heist in Chapter 2? It was just so much fun. And the scenes with Luke and Grogu, it got a little dusty in the room. What a fitting tribute to Yoda, and to Luke's journey in the originals.

While not perfect, (the middle three episodes of Mando S1 could be cut entirely,) both Mando and BoBF are, IMO, the closest you can get to the feel of the original trilogy. I've told people who've only seen the IV - VI that they should watch these next.

Repeating something the Star Wars podcast I listen to has said many times, these shows are just grown adults playing with their toys. They're having fun, and it shows.

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