Disney+ Recommendations

I am going to pick up a subscription to Disney+ for the first time. I know, I know, I am just fashionably late to the party. Beyond all the Marvel and Star Wars stuff that is mainly driving the purchase, what park operations, history, or Imagineering shows are must-sees?

ApolloAndy's avatar

Imagineering Story is good. Behind the Attraction has great info but I can’t get past the terrible narration.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jeff's avatar

Yeah, the Imagineering doc alone is worth the subscription. The quality of the film restoration pre-Disneyland is extraordinary.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Decorating Disney is a really interesting one.

Behind the Attraction is really neat but, as mentioned above, the narration is not the best.

99er's avatar

Those shows mentioned above are all great. I have rewatched them all a couple times and they still hold my attention because of the amount of detail they go into. A lot of my colleagues are in those shows so that makes it fun to watch for me.

While not having to do with operations or WDI, but touching on history, I highly suggest 'Waking Sleeping Beauty' and 'The Pixar Story' docs. Both are really fascinating. Another good series is 'Prop Culture' if you are into movies.


Frank and Ollie (for history).

Just about any of the shorts, but especially Forky Asks a Question and the new ones where Olaf reenacts Disney movies (for laughs).

Last edited by BariMan,

Gemini's avatar

The Disney Parks Sunrise Series is nice to have on in the background.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Thanks all for the recommendations!

I'd recommend "Howard" on Howard Ashman and "The Boys" about the Sherman Brothers.

To being an "us" for once - instead of a "them".

Thought I would tag this back with how I liked everything that was suggested. I ended up seeing almost everything suggested.

Best Documentary About a Musical Group in Dysfunction: While "Get Back" was fascinating, "The Boys" portrayal of the Sherman Brothers makes the Beatles' relationships look absolutely rational in comparison. Honorable mention to "Howard" and Howard Ashman.

Most Educational Documentary I Won't Watch Again Behind the Attraction is a good show that is well researched and organized. It is just presented like the watchers are 8 years old.

Most disappointing watch: The Imagineering Story. I think this suffered a bit from following a binge watch of Behind the Attraction and my knowing just enough of the story that there was no drama. I had such high expectations and it was just good. Honorable Mention: Disney Parks Sunrise Series. I had low expectations for this show I wanted to like that were unfortunately met. I think you could do a similar show better with a Go-Pro attached to a sweep's cart.

Best Marvel/LucasFilms Series: WandaVision. Loved Wandavision, Enjoyed Loki, Hawkeye, and Falcon/Winter Soldier. Mandalorian was fascinating, but I think I enjoyed the technical parts of the show such as story construction and the making-of (I want a Volume!) more than the show itself. The Book of Boba Fett is weak through three episodes. Passionately hated What If?

ApolloAndy's avatar

I couldn't even get past the third episode of "Behind the Attraction" and I absolutely loved everything about the show except the narration. I'm kind of tempted to put it on mute and just read the subtitles.

I think the sunrise series is just fine for what it is. I expected to have a static shot of the castle as the sun rose and sure enough, that's what I got. I stick it on in the background while I'm folding laundry or doing other menial work and it's just to be looking at the castle in my house randomly. I'm sure Jeff can relate.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

99er's avatar

The sunrise series just isn't anything worth watching after you seen it in person :)


^ That is a good plan. Some of the episodes really stand out (Haunted Mansion sticks out as particularly good) and are worth seeing regardless of the voice.

It does bring up the question, though, knowing your opinions: Is the Behind the Attractions Narration > Rip Ride Rockit? B-)

OhioStater's avatar

Boba Fett has largely been unwatchable (aside from Episode 5, but that was really an episode of the Mandalorian), but Episode 6 of the series was worth the cost of admission.

Just sayin'.

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Vater's avatar

Good to know I'm not missing anything (not that I was concerned, since Mandalorian was meh).

It wasn't near as bad as I expected given the early reviews. No one is mistaking it for an Emmy winning production, but it was alright given the low time commitment.

OhioStater's avatar

Vater said:

Good to know I'm not missing anything...

Actually, if you missed the episode (6) of Boba Fett that dropped today, you are missing out on one of the best hours of SW material ever produced.

From a certain point of view.

Promoter of fog.

Vater's avatar

Jeff's avatar

One of the things that I've noticed about these streaming series, especially for Star Wars and Marvel, is that they're far more willing to spend some time on exposition than typical network stuff. And that totally makes sense, because for network TV you have a finite amount of time and if a show doesn't stick, you have to put something else there. Free of that constraint, you can spend some time with backstory, character development and even gratuitous fan service. I think Boba Fett went one episode too far with that. Also, I'm super impressed with Bryce Dallas Howard as a director. She obviously paid attention to what her dad was doing growing up on sets.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

OhioStater's avatar

Yep. Episode 5 of Boba was so good, I was not surprised to see her responsible for it.

I think part of my problem with the first 4 episodes of the Fett series is that I was never that interested in him as a character to begin with. I never really understood the fascination, although the nod to his origins in the prequels was a nice touch.

bigboy does have a point, though. It's only 7 episodes, and these latest two episodes (with almost zero Boba) have been incredible.

Last edited by OhioStater,

Promoter of fog.

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