Disney and B&M

Hehe, this is a funny thread. Not the topic itself of course, but if you read it, it is quite funny. djhush, if you have nothing good to say, don't say it at all (I think we all learned that in 2nd grade). It just starts arguements, which are not needed.

Back to the topic, I am sure if Disney wanted a B&M, they would get one. It sure would attract more thrill seekers, but yet it might get in the way of the family environment that Disney has always had. In the end, I am sure Disney could build a giant thrill ride and still have it blend in with the family environment whenever they wanted to. Its all up to them.

Cedar Point 2003, and it begins...

with their falling visitor figures and the rise in places such as IOA and cedar point, it cant be long before disney realise that.

djhush said:

ither of them

Isn't the word "either"?

This is a message from don corleone it says lucabratzi sleeps with the fishes.

This topic has been littered with ridiculous arguing.

Its done.

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Closed topic.

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