Disaster Transport not worth riding?

Jephry's avatar
First off, I am so sick of people Hating on this ride. It doesn't matter if it thrills you, if the GP likes it then thats who its there for. I am glad all CP coasters aren't that trilling because if they where then it would not be much of a family Park. DT is a tight ride. Not as tight as Millennium Force or even Gemini, but its a lot of fun. The only thing that is wrong that everyone feels, is it is too short

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point
The ride is a coaster, so everyone should love it. It only cost about $1 million to build the building. Know who did it? Charles Dinn. And it is air conditioned. Kids can ride it. It just is not "repeat ride", so there never is a long line. All are like that. Sad, since the originals were great. It never breaks down, and when it rains, you all have a coaster to ride.
Jeff's avatar
Wrong... that building and the effects in it cost $4 million. You also can't ride it in the rain, because the genius who designed the building put exhaust vents over the trough. When the ride is wet you can't stop shuttles in the brake run in case of a block violation. And what does Charlie Dinn have to do with it?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Was it worth the 4 million to enclose it? The effects are terrible...in fact they are so bad that most of them are turned off or not working..at least the last time I rode it. It was pretty much a pitch black ride. But the problem is that we are so familiar with the short layout, that even riding in the dark is not a thrill. I know where I am going. There's no suspense.

I understand that kids and those afraid of coasters might enjoy this ride, but I am not saying that a coaster has to be 200-plus feet to be thrilling either. Some of my favorite coasters are only 70-90ft. high. It's just a ride that has failed not once but twice to live up to expectations.
"The effects are terrible...in fact they are so bad that most of them are turned off or not working"

I don't think they turned off the effects because they were bad, they turned them off because they stopped working properly and they haven't put in the maintenance to keep them up. I also heard from an unreliable source of information (space spiral op) that ITEC productions is no longer in business and that is a contributing factor in not fixing the props.

My only complaint with the ride is that it is short. I do find it a very enjoyable coaster. I like CP because of the variety of coasters, I don't go often enough to spend 8 hours riding magnum, I like to go to experience everything and I usually never miss a ride or several on DT.
To Martling:

If the ride bothers you so much...Dont ride it anymore. Plain and simple!! *** This post was edited by Coasterr on 9/22/2000. ***
I think that this is enough of picking on DT. This topic has been brought up all most as much as the CP space problem, if not more.

Besides, it's getting kinda noisy around here.

Pittsburgh, PA

Closed topic.

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