Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Edit: It's not really a problem. It's supposed to work that way. *** Edited 2/22/2005 10:27:29 PM UTC by Blaster_1578***
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Basicly somtimes when I go back to add a word or somthing not by copying and pasting, but by scrolling between two words to type another. As I type (If I added this) the rest of this text here would disappear as I type the stuff in parenthesis "the rest of this" would be gone.
The thing that is goofy with it is it will happen once then if I go to post on another topic I won't have the problem. I never noticed what happens if I would have submitted it like that.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Seriously though, make sure you're using at least IE 6.0, I don't think I've haad this problem happen to me at all since I upgraded...
You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)
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