Details of Cedar Point

Hello coaster fanatics, since I plan on visiting CP for the first time this summer (Late June), could I get some detailed descriptions of the parks layout? How many themed areas are there? Can anybody post a map of the park? Does the park have a particular cartoon company that promotes the park like SixFlags? Since the park is surrounded by Lake Erie do they have a beach you can walk to while in the park? Some people might say that cartoon characters dont matter at a park but I personally enjoy it. It adds that flavor of being a kid again when visiting. Lastly is there any ride at CP that is a one of a kind ride or the last of its kind? I would appreciate anyones input on this. Aside from all that my purpose of visiting is the fact that they have 14 scream machines.
One of a kind ride??? Try out Millennium Force!! the only one in North America to top over 300 ft.!
But there are quite a few rides that can qualify as being one-of-a-kind. There are just so many to choose from (68)

To answer your other questions, there are a ton of sites out there on Cedar Point. The best ones are the official site ( and the unofficial site ( Both are among the best of the best CP websites out there, unfortunatly neither of them have a park map posted yet *cough... Jeff... cough...*

However, if you call 1-800-BEST-FUN and register your address, you will receive a CP funguide in the mail, which will have a park map in it, not to mention a ton of coupons for discount admission, discount meals, etc...

The park itself is sprawled out over 365 acres (18 of those acres is the Soak City waterpark, which requires separate admission)on a peninsula, which means water on 3 sides. The main themed areas are Frontier Town, Frontier Trail, and Camp Snoopy. And that should answer your next question.... Yes Snoopy and the whole Peanuts gang are the mascots of most Cedar Fair Parks!

Beaches?? But of course!! CP has about the finest beach on Lake Erie. To get to it you would have to exit the park to the resort area. I would recommend a stay at either Sandcastle Suites or Hotel Breakers (though quite expensive) both have their own beach. Both hotels are located right on the peninsula, which means the park is right there!! All you do is park your car, when you arrive, and never use it until you leave. CP also has a camp ground if you travel by RV (they do not allow tent camping) and a newly renovated marina. All of this info, plus this years rates are on the official site.

I highly recommend a visit to both of the websites I mentioned. This is a great tool to plan your trip to CP. And when you get back, please post your thoughts over in the Trip Reports forum. 圀攀 愀氀眀愀礀猀 氀漀瘀攀 琀漀 栀攀愀爀 愀戀漀甀琀 礀漀甀爀 琀爀椀瀀 ⠀眀栀攀琀栀攀爀 最漀漀搀 漀爀 戀愀搀℀⤀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀ⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀⴀ㰀戀爀㸀਀一攀椀氀㰀戀爀㸀਀䈀礀 瀀漀瀀甀氀愀爀 瘀漀琀攀Ⰰ 琀栀攀 漀昀昀椀挀椀愀氀 猀琀愀爀琀㰀戀爀㸀਀漀昀 琀栀攀 䴀椀氀氀攀渀渀椀甀洀 栀愀猀 戀攀攀渀 洀漀瘀攀搀 琀漀㰀戀爀㸀਀䴀愀礀 ㄀㌀Ⰰ ㈀   㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀ഀ਀ഀ਀ഀ਀ ⨀⨀⨀ 吀栀椀猀 瀀漀猀琀 眀愀猀 攀搀椀琀攀搀 戀礀 匀攀瘀攀渀ⴀ漀昀ⴀ㤀 漀渀 㐀⼀㔀⼀㈀   ⸀ ⨀⨀⨀
Jeff's avatar
Hey now! GTTP is too popular to risk violating copyright law. They are watching it, and I'm not going to give anyone an excuse for making an infringement claim against me... thus the lack of a park map.

Anyway, Chitown, check the strategy guides over at The Guide, I think you'll find them useful.

Webmaster/Admin -
Sorry Jeff, I should have known better... Let me rephrase **cough - CP Webmaster - cough**


By popular vote, the official start
of the Millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
One of the best one-of-a-kind rides there would have to be the Racing Derby. Relocated from a Cleveland park (now defunct), it is a varation on a carousel, but fast.

The coasters aren't really one of a kind, but the quality of them really stand out even ompared copies that are made.

Cp isn't big on themeing, although the Frontier Trail/town are a pretty good try at it. Still, that doesn't seem to be a large priority at the park.

The beach is excellent and there are two entrances from the park from wich you can access it. It's even nice to take a leisurly (aren't i a horrible speller?) stroll when you need a break from the park. Just make sure you get your hand stamped before you exit :)
Your reference to the Racing Derby is incorrect.. it is actually called Cedar Downs.

"...coasters aren't really one of a kind..."

Oh, but they are!!! Take Magnum: first to top 200 feet, winner of a handful of awards EVERY year, consistantly named top steel coaster.

Millennium Force: First to top 300 ft., first to use and elevator lift system, steepest non-inversion banked turn...(should I carry on over this one??)

Power Tower: Highest freefall ride when built

Raptor, Mean Streak, Mantis, Gemini, Corkscrew: Highest, tallest, fastest, etc... when they were built

I could go on for hours!! All coasters in all parks are unique, one-of-a-kind in their own way.

By popular vote, the official start
of the Millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000 *** This post was edited by Seven-of-9 on 4/5/2000. ***
I believe that Cedar Downs is one of three such carousels still existing. Not exactly one of a kind but still rare and not to be missed!

According to David Bennet's book "Roller Coaster" Gemini is one of only two steel track/wooden structure racing coasters designed by Arrow. I guess if you go into enough detail, all the coasters have some unique distinction.

Slightly off topic but, I never understood how Power Tower can be called a freefall ride. It isn't really a free fall. It is pushed down.
I am going to Cedar Point for the first time as well, and I sent away for that info in the mail, i got all sorts of neat stuff but no park map.
Hmm... any other way to find one?
I put in a request for info online to CP about a month and a half ago and still havent gotten anything in the mail. Guess I will try again.
Park map? They have an updated one at the official CP webpage.

Cedar Point usually puts out their Fun Guides sometime in April. So hang in there, it'll come shortly...

By popular vote, the official start
of the Millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000
Sorry, Cedar Downs was the All American Racing Derby (or something) in it's formaer life at Euclid Beach. By the way, where are the others like it, because i've read that the Cedar Downs were built in house by Euclid Beach. Maybe the sourse was misinformed.

As to the unique nature of the coasters, it's true that most of CP's coasters have been built as one of a kind/record breaking rides. But most have also been copied since. Magnum isn't the only out and back hyper anymore (even if it's still the best), Chang at SFKK is almost an exact clone of Mantis (except for the omition of a few elements) and Mean Streak is very similar to the Texas Giant. Nearly all of CP's coasters have a replica somewhere else. This doesn't detract from the superior quality of CP's rides.

By the strict definition of unique, almost all coasters are. And when they were built doesn't matter now. If it's been copied it's no longer unique.
meangene first of all, what cedar point rides have benn one of a kinds since Magnum? And by the way the Mean Streak in not as good as The Texas Giant which came before Mean Streak, so Mean Streak is a clone of the Texas Giant
Well, my last post was in response to Seven-of-nine. And my point was that the coasters there really aren't that unique anymore (even if they were when they were built.) But i still stick to the fact that they are the best collection of coasters anywhere in quality or quantity.

Second, I realized that Texas Giant was there first, that is irrelevant to my arguement. The point was that there was something out there like MS. Also, i agree that it is better.

This whole thing is revolving around the definition of "unique". Shall we agree on one? :)

By the way, no hard feelings on a good debate, so i hope i've not offeneded anyone else :)
I think they have a copy of Cedar Downs at Kennywood.
I saw the map on the CP website and printed it. It gives me a good idea of what I can expect when I visit. Although the map doesnt do the park justice because it looks like they are cramming a bunch of rides and coasters into a small area even though its not true. Thankyou to everyones feedback. I plan on visiting in late June so if anyone is planning on being there at that time let me know. I would like to ride coasters with the coasterbuzz regulars that are on this site.
I have to agree with you that Cedar Point does have the best collection of rides anywhere. I also agree that there aren't really any unique rides out there anywhere
i think all rides are unique anywhere you go. except for the boomerangs. every single one of cp's coasters are very unique. texas giant and ms arent the same niether are chang and mantis. not only the layout but the location of the ride. cedar point just doesnt plop down rides wherever they fit like most six flags parks and ki(face/off). i dont know if you ever rode mean streak meangene but when you ride it you feel like you are free. it is at the back of the park and no other coasters are by it. mantis is built over a lagoon. and from what i saw of chang,the surroundings aren't nearly the same. just because coasters dont have any records doesn't mean they arent unique or fun anymore. if you haven't experienced cp coasters meangene,(because it sounds like you haven't)dont say anything retarded about them again. if you have rode them, i dont what to tell you. maybe have fun on them, and quit thinking about records.
"she's so important.... and i'm so retarded" Blink 182's Apple Shampoo
What mean is trying to say is thast Cedar Point does have the best collection of rides but none of them are really unique anymore. Except of course MF.
Ya'all need to explain to me your definition of unique, because CP's roller coaster collection is extremly unique. Records mean NOTHING. Take Gemini for instance..

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