Deja Vu Still Down at SFGAm

Is it up YET?! I'm going to be there today, the 6th Traveling from Cleveland and want to ride it for the first time... I'm praying...

"The Gay Blazeway"

Available since April, 1985

Deja Vu reopened on Sunday June 2nd I was there so it should be open today for you Justin. Let us know if it is.

Top 5 Coasters 1.Deja Vu(SFGAm)2.Raging Bull(SFGAm)3.Millennium Force(CP)4.CornBall Express(IB)5.Viper(SFGAm)

*** This post was edited by CoasterDude316 on 6/6/2002. ***

Sorry but Justin doesn't exist, it was a rude prank played on me. It's really X-Flighter.

"Tea & Cake Or Death?-Eddie Izzard"~My No Limits Designs...

Is it me or is this DV the runt of the three? I've gotten on the Magic Mountain one at least 10 times (around 1 hour wait each) in under a two month period...

A CoasterForum Member

Theyre all runts

"To summarize, you are a petty low down weasel and I hope that Jeff removes you from this board for that very reason."

At SFGAm on Wednesday, June 5th - Deja Vu was *not* operating for most of the day. In the early afternoon, they opened the ride, but it was closed again within 2 or 3 hours. Maybe weekend visitors would get a more consistent ride, but I doubt it.

I don't think that the climate has much to do with the ride failing. As far as I can tell, what happens is that the cable lift on the second spike fails to grab the train as it comes up, and so it just slides back down between the second spike and the loop. I don't know what the climate would have to do with that - it seems really hard to grab the train on a completely vertical spike at the speeds it's traveling at. but then again, that's just my opinion.

I was there on June 3 which was a monday and they had it shut down due to the rain. But when it stoped they started testing it. I was talking to one of the ride ops while it was shut down. I asked him why did they shut it down. He said the wheels that are at the top of the towers slip on the cable and the train wont go up. But then after testing I got in line first and rode it 2 twice. The second wait was like 30 min . The first wait was like 10 after the testings. It was a great ride and its totaly worth the wait in the rain. Or waiting 2 hours.

Top 3 coasters at SFGAm: 1. DeJavu 2. Raging Bull 3. Viper

*** This post was edited by Blinkcoaster on 6/6/2002. ***

Today, Thursday, June 6, the ride opened at about 12:20. The temperature was around 70. A huge line formed before they opened the line, which went well past Farmer's Market. Anyway, the ride seemed to run without a hitch (I left around 5). I got on the ride in 40 minutes, as I jumped in the line that formed before the ride opened.

As for the ride, its very good. I appreciate the fact that it provides intensity without roughness. Plus, the lift and drops are a blast. Right now it edges out V2 as my favorite ride in the park.

sorry, i asked a question but i worked out the answer just as i hit post. i know that POS = piece of poo!

*** This post was edited by laurence on 6/6/2002. ***

Piece of ____(you figure it out).
Rode the Deja Vu at SFGrAm both Sunday night and Monday after noon (6/2 and 6/3) so I can gaurantee that it was up and running for at least those days (not that my word means much around here, but anyways....)

I did also like their queing system a bit better there than at SFMM's. At least you can choose to wait for the front or back there.

George Burnash

Sometimes it's up. Sometimes it's down.
But with God, life is one thrill ride that you'll never regret being on.

Ok, first off, I once felt the same way about Deja Vu as you guys, and all of the resentful feelings disappeared once I rode it. DV is definately one of the most intense/crazy rides I've ever been on. For all the trouble it has, and for all of the long lines, it really is a cool ride.

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

MillenniumForceX said:
"For all the trouble it has, and for all of the long lines, it really is a cool ride."

I have to say that I was a little disappointed .. I didn't actually dislike it, but it could have been so much cooler ... The speed is not constant enough .. crawling over the inversions, while speeding through the straight sections .. and the amazing air-time when you climb the first tower (for the second time) is totally ruined by the fact that the train is grabbed and hauled up further .. then slowly lowered to the ground (adding unnecessary time to the ride cycle).

Not to mention the spectacularly retarded loading process...

It's a good ride, that could have been a GREAT ride if it was given more time to develop.

Cameron Silver

It's been down for a while. The 8th grade class at my school went a couple weeks ago and they said it wasn't working. I just hope they work most of the bugs out by the next time I go.

HuKeD oNN fonickS dusinT wOrK"[;.

cameron, that would be the reason it valleys...

Planned parks: Astroland, Knoebel's, Hersheypark, SFNE, SFGadv,SFGam,CP,PKI,PKD,PCW,HW,Indiana Beach,SFWOA,SFKK,SFDL,SFSTL,Lakemont,DelGrosso's... Need I say more?

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