Define Rough

In the CB forums people are always calling coasters rough. What do you mean by rough? Other people are saying "thats what coasters are for". This is how I look at it: I have been on Predator at sfdl 100s of times. It has got to be the bumpiest and most bumpy ride I have been on but its still a ton of fun because It throws you all over the place. Now last September I went on Viper and sfdl and it was a totally painful ride. The track its self was extremely smooth, but it was my head that hurt through every inversion. Now on another occasion on Magnum It wasn't my head but it was the track and the bunny hops and the lapbars that killed my legs on every hill. So lets define rough here so we know what people are talking about on the buzz:

Bumpy - most woodies, they aren't painful but BUMPY

Headbangin - most of you use this term right

Rough - a ride like my ride on magnum that is totally painful

So lets use these words & their definitions so everyone else knows what you are talking about. What do you think?

What ever floats your boat-What ever bursts your bubble - What ever tickles your pickle :)

Bumpy = jarring

Rough = jarring AND bruises!

rough is to the point of physical pain. or to where I can't concentrate on the ride.

Texas Coasters... wow I'm lucky... IM me if you feel like talking about coasters.

Websters says, Rough: see SLC. ;)

So many coasters, so little vacation time....


What ever floats your boat-What ever bursts your bubble - What ever tickles your pickle :)

To me, rough has nothing *inherently* to do with painful. For example, I never thought of the Outer Limits: Flight of Fear rides as "rough". PAINFUL, yes, but not rough. Similarly, The Legend is (was?) one painful ride, but not an inch of the track is rough.

Conversely, Rotting Lumber @ SFGAdv, is not painful at all, but the way the train bounces all over the track (especially on the right side) it is ROUGH as hell.

To me, rough has to do with the way the trains navagate the track. If it fell like riding abike over cobblestone, then it is rough. But if the only reason you get pain is because of quick transitions or "jerk" :) (Magnum, Iron Wolf, Oucher Limits Flight of Pain) then those are not rough.

So basically, I will *NOT* be using you definitions because I do not think that they accurately describe things. Remember, different people have different toleances for pain
--who used to get beat up a lot a a kid and thus has a high tolerance for pain (Did I mention The Legend and Sonny are two of my favorites?)

legend is painful? Well, I disagree with you because how can a ride be painful if it isn't rough?

What ever floats your boat-What ever bursts your bubble - What ever tickles your pickle :)

Because in the case of the Legend (although I have not ridden it, but can guess), the train navigates the track smoothly but the forces caused by the ride cause you to slam into your restraints or the side of the train...this is not roughness. Roughness is when the ride itself shakes/bumps/jars/etc.
When your ears bleed and you need a back alignment. That's rough.

*** This post was edited by CsTrFrK on 5/5/2002. ***

I have to agree with Jeremy. Rough is not necessarily painful. Where my definitions do fail me is differentiating between a coaster that is rough as in the track is bumpy and a coaster that is rough in the sense that it tosses you around a lot. These are two different types of rough. Either one carried to extremes can be painful.
Oh no we are having a argument! Jeff come save the day by closing the post (JK). But that is what its usually like on this message board!

What ever floats your boat-What ever bursts your bubble - What ever tickles your pickle :)

i define rough as very vibratic (on woodies it doesnt matter, though), and/or being boxed around by the OTSR's (i dont really mind that much tho, i can take it ).

*** This post was edited by MonkeyMaster on 5/5/2002. ***

Rough may not be neccarily painful, but painful can be neccarily rough.

What ever floats your boat-What ever bursts your bubble - What ever tickles your pickle :)

No dude, much like a neutered dog you *dont* get it. The Legend, for example, with it's sustained laterals, especially in the double helix can cause discomfort and brusing....also known as PAIN. But there is no way you could call The Legend rough. Now if you experienced no pain The Legend, ever, then I guess you have a tougher hide than most. I've heard *many* people have fallen victim to "Legend Leg" especially after last year's rain laden SRM.

Therefore I conclude that rough does not necessarilly equal pain and pain is not a inherent result of roughness. Two separate animals.

But like Mr. Fisher alluded to, there is a third catagory, that the tracking isnt bad, nor does it cause any pain, but the ride tosses you about a bit. I call this violent (examples: Grizzly @ PKD, Screaming Eagle @ SFStL, Batman: The Ride @ various)
--"When it comes to women in love, logic doesnt apply": Brock Pokemon

rollergator's avatar

Well, I'm not going to try and *define* rough, but I'll say this much: the woodies at SFoG last weekend were what I'd call "rough and tumble" - they bounced around the track a bit....ok, maybe a bit more than that....but they ran fast and very enjoyable! Homey G. did NOT mislead as to how improved Ga Cyclone was....the drops, the laterals, pretty near perfect. (Shame he has NO idea how good Mindbender is, LOL). GASM bounced a bit too, but the airtime and speed were fantastic, and I remembered to keep my hands down this time entering the brake run shed...;). If you really want SMOOTH rides, stick to well-maintained steel...just my opinion...

Mr. Fisher is my father.

Grizzly's tossing you around can be painful if your restraints are loose. I landed on top of the seat divider on one of Grizzly's better days. That can be very painful. Needless to say I rode with things a bit tighter the next time.

2Hostyl said:

Therefore I conclude that rough does not necessarilly equal pain and pain is not a inherent result of roughness. Two separate animals.

I think that's about how I look at it. The Legend will bang me around, but I don't call it "rough". After a few rides I can brace for it a little better and I'm fine with it (I'll be the one at SRM who always has his hands down and leans into turns like I'm on a bobsled). The rides I usually call "rough" tend to have nasty vibration and feel like they are slamming into the turns rather than whipping through them.


*** This post was edited by Jeff Finazzo on 5/6/2002. ***

rollergator said:
"If you really want SMOOTH rides, stick to well-maintained steel...just my opinion..."

...or Lightning Racer @ HersheyPark...
--who will continue to dangle HP over RGW's head until he finally visits

OK question...I should know this but..what is SLC?

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
NoLimitChic's Coaster Page

Suspended Looping Coaster - the typical Vekoma inverted

- Peabody

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