There are 3,073 at the moment. There was like 3,090 the other day. Is this levelling out?
Now, just how many are regulars? There've got to be some that've been with CB since it opened who've never posted or anything for that matter. Have you considered removing them from the list? You could email them about that.
Or just tell me to sod off & leave the admin. to you! :)
There are other tools that people use for the registration, in particular the track record. There are more than 50,000 track record entries!
The number of members hasn't gone down... you must be mistaken.
Webmaster/Admin -
You're the boss. I just took a fleeting look & got 3,090. Heh.
The number has been mainly 3,073. It's now 3,074. Was 3,078 the other day.
Home Park - Wonderland Sydney, Australia.
I'll back CoasterGod up -- the number has gone down before. I've wondered what was up with that too, but I just assumed the moderators had eliminated some of the disruptive folks. ;)
You can delete your account can't you? Maybe some people are actually doing that. (Why would someone want to delete an account on the best site on the net ;))
To open another one with a different name. :)
Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I deleted a few that were bounced back the last time I sent the newsletter. That's why there was a recent decrease.
Webmaster/Admin -