Criss Angel get hit by Canyon Blaster!

Did they do a POV video of this or just an outside car showing it go throw the course.

Also I would have done this on Texas Giant I would have just let the train hit me rather than get on and ride it.:)

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

Yes they did a POV on the right side of the screen and a off ride to the left.
dude...canyon should have done it on Steel Force at Dorney Park, or even better Millennium Force....Chris Angel is a F*A*K*E
Watch the video from the begining. they have a blonge on the left seat of the car. At the end they have a brunette sitting in the left front seat. Geez this guy is a hack.
My wife had an interesting comment. She wanted to know if he had the coaster go through his whole body then why did he end up in the front seat and not the back, oops bad Criss, you have been had.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

I'm an even bigger fan of Sleight of hand.
But that's just me.
If you like little teensy fingers and palms, hey.
Whatever floats your boat...

(not currently having a 'blonge' moment)

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I have been a small time magician (translated: I don't have the $$ for the big tricks) for quite some time. If I'm in a long line, say Millenium Force (my fave), I'll do several tricks while in line. The peeps love it and it makes the line wait a lot shorter.

As far as Angel, I don't care for edited footage. This cheapens the tricks. I've seen videos of him performing legit tricks and he does have skill, but the edited tricks are bogus (even though the cutting the lady in half on the park bench was hilarious).

As far as Burton's RC stunt, it didn't look legit. The park officials wouldn't let Desperado get so close to him and neither would Burton. Magicians do take risks, but not to that extent. If the video is legit, then something went wrong to get that close.

I did see it. Mindfreak is my favorite show and Criss Angel is brilliant.
I believe this whole thing is called entertainment. Thats what its about.

"the only thing I know is that life is short and the only time you've got left is luck"
Perhaps they were saying kilometers?

Lord Gonchar's avatar
For the record, here's the Mindfreak clip (cut down to just the main part of the illusion itself)

Some of you need to take magic and illusions for what they are. By calling him a Fake, are you expecting him to do paranormal stuff that can't be possibly pulled off by a human being?

Stop analyzing what Criss or any other magician does, and just enjoy it for what it is.

Criss is making millions and for good reason. He is taking old school illusions along with new ones and bringing it to the next level.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

Is Criss so talented that he can make a Gravy Buffet disappear faster than an ACER can?

I just saw an Edward Norton movie called The Illusionist. Not a bad movie.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


I am also a magician myself. I really can't stand Criss Angel. He is a blister on the butt of the magic world. I have heard his sleights are good. But, his poorly edited camera tricks are just awful. Perfect example:

He was in a hotel hallway speaking to some folks. He asked them to think of where they were 5 minutes ago. Bam, they were back down the hallway where they started. Now, everyone knows that there is a trick to magic. However, most of the "tricks" are done by misdirection or sleight of hand, not God awful video editing. When I say this, I'm also referring to Copperfield and his disappearances of elephants, airplanes and the statue of liberty. Even though you know the illusions are fake, at least other magicians make it seem possible to have done.

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