CP:Not going back there for a wile!

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Jeff's avatar

I can't believe I'm spending hundreds of dollars again on lodging again at CP this closing weekend for all that mediocrity. What's wrong with me?

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

rollergator's avatar

Jeff, you've obviously gotten your head screwed on wrong from all those rides on WT....and all the other schitty coasters....;)

bill, saying I would've had a fantastic time on the Gemini 100 team, or riding Blue Streak, Raptor, MF, Maggie, Derby Downs, the rapids ride, etc.,etc. Yeah, there really is NOTHING to do there Jeff....why don't you let us take that "wasted" hotel room off your hands....;)

Sometimes I wish I hated CP so I could post negative reviews about it here...it's so easy to piss some of you people off!

The guy didn't have a great time, get over it. If that TR was about SFKK or SFEG no one would have said a thing.

Joe, who can't wait to go to CP Sept 20

It tastes like burning.

Its really funny how now everyone is trying to mock him for liking WoA more then CP, but if it was the other way around no words would be said.. This is really annoying!

I perfer SFWoA and CP rides the same, and the parks the same.. Does that mean I should get bashed also? How about this.. Hershey is better then CP! ha, let the bashing begin...

NITRO ~ The most EXPLOSIVE coaster on the planet!
Im not opinionated, im just always RIGHT!


I agree...sometime I think you are only allowed to have an opinion on here if it agrees with everyone else. If you dare to have your own viewpoint and personal thoughts, you will get lambasted for them.

Sad thing is, he didn't even say he hated the park, just that he didn't love the park. In fact, he even stated he would return, just not right away...

Le roi est mort. Vive le roi.
Thanks Great America!

How dare you say Hershey is better........OMG Raptor is soooooo much better than Great Bear...............



Fiction CAN be fun!

rollergator's avatar

I don't think it's a matter of WHAT opinions you have so much as HOW you state them and esp. how you DEFEND them....sure, I've gotten "cooked" for some opinions, but isn't that part of the fun of discussion....the world would be a pretty dull place if everyone agreed on everything....

bill, who certainly found Hershey on par with CP in many aspects, and HP has WAY better wood....and Raptor may be a *bit* more intense than GB (Raptor has a finishing helix at high speed), but GB has a more interesting layout IMO....and even though CP has an Anton, it doesn't stack up against SDL....I wanna go back to HP now....and CP, too....

For the record, I wasn't trying to lambast anyone.

Just something I found curious. While giving CP a bad review, the comments were brought up to build up SFWoA and IoA in order to make either CP look worse, or these two parks look bad.

No problem with a negative review... but with comparrisons like that it takes on a "My park is better than your park" type of tone.

As for CP... don't know... truely I could really care less. Never been there and it is not on my short list of "ToDo Parks."

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Jeff's avatar

Rollergator has it right on... opinions are fine, but you have to back them up and give reasons for them. We've been over it many times that the biggest CP fans are also its greatest critics. If you just arbitrarily give an opinion without any reason for forming that opinion, it's like, "Who cares?"

Of all the parks I've been to, I've only really been down on two (SFWoA and SFA), and I gave very specific reasons about why I didn't like them. I've seen TR's even for my beloved BGW that were really negative, but in light of the support behind the opinions, I can deal with that. This just isn't one of those reports.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

rollergator's avatar

See, there you have it....I've been to both of the parks Jeff was "down on"...it's MY opinion that those two were "pretty good" when we visited. Now, our first trip to SFA was a near-disaster...ok, skip the "near", it was a disaster...unfriendly, dirty, horrible. The last trip was much better...still, the park has "staffing issues", and when I saw an employee deposit their trash on the ground right between two trash cans I almost choked, and ops are suspect at best, but I'll give SFA this much, it improved some and their ride selection is good.

SFWoA, I think we just hit them on a surprisingly empty day....staff was "too plentiful" for the crowd at the park, and even though they were less-than-hospitable, again, ride selection was a big hit. Based on the majority of reports from "those I trust" (TM), I think it was an aberration, albeit a pleasant one....

SFKK was a park I really disliked after our first visit, but this year staff was much friendlier and I revised my opinion of their park....

Knott's, well, you know where I stand there....hopefully they'll get a chance to redeem themselves in the near future...but if I invite someone to "my house", they'll damn sure be treated better than that....

Am I not backing up the fact that im not fond of the park by saying i dont like the rides? I basically said Cedar Point was disapointing in my review. Then I said how alot of the rides were not as good as I was expecting.

And Jeff not to be a jerk but lighten up. your as bad as everyone else for flaming me with your sarcasim. Not everyone likes ferreris, not everyone likes mansions, not everyone likes steak. There will always be someone who doesnt like what the majority of the world loves.

BullGuy's avatar

SLFAKE said:

One observation:

Your screen name in combination with your comments about IOA in your next to last paragraph again reinforces my sinature line (see below).

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Hey now, Some of us only have "Park X" or "Coaster X" in our handle because of homepark pride. It certainly doesn't mean that I'm ignorant and refuse to accept anyone else's opinion.

Thank You for challenging TOS: The Ride. We hope you enjoy the rest of your day, here at Coasterbuzz.

Tell it to amusement today

FiredupDragonLord, I think you're missing the reason people are "flaming" you. It's not because you dislike CP. I'm not that thrilled with the place myself-one visit a year is fine with me.

The problem with making a trip report such as this one is that it's akin to reading War and Peace and saying "it suked." And???? Why did it suck? What positive things did you have to say? It sounds like you were disappointed by MF because it had a long wait...what were you expecting when you go in August?

Also, you went for 3 days and got on one flat ride-no wonder you were bored. If I were riding the same coasters over and over for three days, I'd be bored as hell, too.

If you can spend five (!?!?) days at IOA and not be bored riding the same three rides over and over, it seems like you went into this trip expecting to have a bad time. You got what you were looking for, if that's the case.


I agree with Mark. FireDragonLord, I think you're missing the point too.

Things I have learned from going to parks with people:

Rule #1: See earlier post.

Rule #2: Going to a park is only what you make of it. If you have the right mindset, you can have a great time at a crappy park. Have the wrong mindset and you can have a crappy time at the best park ever.

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 8/30/2002. ***

Awful grammar and punctuation. It was so bad I had to stop reading it. I'm not flaming you about your opinions (even though I heavily disagree), but how unreadable your TR is. If you are going to post it, spend more time.

P.S. I can't believe a 13 year old is telling you how to write!

I love Deja Valley. And Stunt Stall too!

FireDragonLord said:
And Jeff not to be a jerk but lighten up. your as bad as everyone else for flaming me with your sarcasim. Not everyone likes ferreris, not everyone likes mansions, not everyone likes steak.

Huh? What? I like a good Ferreris wheel ride every now and then.

I think someone's English teacher is about to chase them with a very, very, very sharp pencil.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Jeff's avatar

I guess he hasn't read anything in a wile.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

personally, i don't care to much for CP also. I really can't see how some of their coasters can make the top ten list. I thought it was just me until i read this post. Some people overlook that just throwing a coaster in a park doesn't make it the best. Yeah, staff is OK, and the capacity is good, but thats it. Mantis, Magnum, and WT, r nowhere near my favorites. I rather go to BGW or SFGAdv n-e-day.
some of you posters should really grow up...i would THINK you would be to old for those elementary school games, but i guess not.

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