CP limits smoking!!


Ya, but my comments were in relation to the Canadian system you and CoasterDiscern were discussing on the first page. A smoker pays more through the smokes they buy, hence the high taxes (I believe you said you didn't like the high taxes). My point is that in our system those higher prices help to balance out the increased costs. I can't comment on how it balances out, or doesn't, in the American system.

** Drat, I can never get the f^&%ing ^'s right! *** Edited 3/30/2007 6:26:21 PM UTC by Odd Todd***

Putting the 'odd' in Todd since 1976...
I didn't realize you were referencing the Canadian system, which I understand is a lot better than the one we have here in the good 'ol U.S. of A.
ApolloAndy's avatar
So is the next relase of the site going to have a "politics" forum?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

ApolloAndy's avatar

Charles Nungester said:

Think you better do your research. People dying early actually save the health care industy money vs people living 20 years longer in assisted living.

Let's take this down to a more cut and dry example (smoking is so loaded with propaganda it's nearly impossible to sort out the *facts* from the "facts").

Wearing a seatbelt:

Sure, it should be a person's choice to wear a seatbelt or not, but when he/she gets in an accident and goes through the windshield and is lying on the road bleeding, he should be willing to not have an ambulance come, especially if the ambulance is needed elsewhere. (like the carwash)

*** Edited 3/30/2007 6:45:14 PM UTC by ApolloAndy***

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Lord Gonchar's avatar

ApolloAndy said:
Sure, it should be a person's choice to wear a seatbelt or not, but when he/she gets in an accident and goes through the windshield and is lying on the road bleeding, he should be willing to not have an ambulance come, especially if the ambulance is needed elsewhere. (like the carwash)

So people wearing seatbelts in accidents don't need ambulances?

More than likely if there was an accident of any consquence (seatbelts or not) the ambulance will be there.

It kills me that I'm supposed to be wearing a seat belt in my car while a guy blows by me on his motorcycle without a helmet. (not that I think helmets should be mandatory, but where's the consistency?)

rollergator's avatar

Charles Nungester said:Im a patriot and a rebel and thouroughly for Democracy meaning majority rule.

That's what I'm getting at though. Just to pick an example off the top of my head - if everything were left to majority rule, Playa and jeremy and delan, etc. STILL wouldn't be able to vote....they're (gasp!) minorities...

The "majority rule" concept is great for LOTS of things...but NOT when it comes to individual liberties.

If the majority said you couldn't smoke at all, even IN YOUR OWN HOME....then at what point does the fourth amendment get sacrificed at the altar of the majority? Just because MOST lemmings jump off the cliff...doesn't mean they ALL should! ;)

but where's the consistency?

What's funny is that you expect the legal system to be consistent.

What kills you about the no helmets on Motorcycles?

The fact that you have to wear a seatbelt or that 25 million riders stand up for the right to be stupid?

You lay there and let them make these laws and then bitch about it after they make you do something.

Find out what bills are on the books and tell your congressman/woman how you feel BEFORE THEY VOTE ON IT.

What more than gets me on the Seatbelt Law is that the federal Govt. held the states hostage on highway money to get them to pass it. Same with the 21 drinking age, Same with the 55mph speed limit

Chuck, who says they are just sitting up there making more laws (Often from some minorities complaints) with more restrictions and more intrusions on your life, when theres already ten laws on the subject already.

I would like to say there are lots of different types of cancer that kills people that have nothing to do with smoking. I have lost 3 people close to me that never smoked a day in there lives 2 with brain cancer and 1 with breast cancer. I am a smoker and I have 2 kids which I never smoke around. I have no problem with no smoking policies but at least put plenty of smoking areas around the park. SFNE has like 12 smoking areas while Gradv has like 4 which is BS considering how big Gradv is. Last year SFNE done an excellent job at enforcing the rule but Gradv did not. I live in CT and we have the highest taxes around. When ever they raise taxes on things its always Cigarettes, gas and alcohol they raise first which IMO is total BS. Is'nt that discrimination?
I wonder what will happen to all these luxury taxes when WE THE PEOPLE get the Fair tax?. OH, they'll just sue em again.
If we had the TRUE Americans, the ones who care like us in DC< we could have the country squared away in about a month. Alas, it's all FRIGGEN layers (my apologies to those in here who are, I'm sure you're the good ones) who just take most of the $$ for themselves or whoever kisses the most butt.

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

Translation: If we had working class people (those who KNOW the value of a $), this country wouldn't be so f-ed up!

Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!

*** Edited 3/30/2007 10:08:53 PM UTC by Charles Nungester***
About the smoking thing I remeber last summer that I was at BGA with my whole family and my grandfather went around to these police looking guys who worked there and pointed at everyone who was smoking out of the designated areas and this lady came out and flipped on him.

I think this is a great idea and it makes the whole park atmosphere seem nicer and it works as an example BGA.

Just filling in my two cents.

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

Hopman said:
Translation: If we had working class people (those who KNOW the value of a $), this country wouldn't be so f-ed up!

I can personally think of 10 'working class people' that lost great paying jobs the last five years because American companies either moved overseas or shut down altogether. They knew the value of a dollar, unfortunately, so did the company owners that sold them out.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


rollergator's avatar
^ He MEANT to say "working-class people" representing us in Washington...

I have this proposal ready for ANY members of the US Congress. Been waiting to spring it for a LONG long time....and here it is!

Spend a month, four weeks, with NOTHING from your former life but your wits...and live on a minimum wage full-time job. Just for the experience. THEN go back to your consituents and tell them how you feel about the minimum wage AFTER the little test...

^didn't Spurlock do that for that 30 days series?

Great idea though. I'd love to watch them do it.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


ApolloAndy's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:

So people wearing seatbelts in accidents don't need ambulances?

Semantics aside, my point still stands. Someone dumb enough to jeopardize their own health should also be willing to jeopardize their right to care at the expense of everyone else.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Getting back to the core topic...

I think the enforcement will be much easier now that it's park-wide instead of just in the queue. While you're waiting in line, there really isn't much room to move because there are... well.. PEOPLE in your way. So even if there happens to be a security guard walking by who sees it, he likely won't be able to get close enough to do anything about it. Out on the midways, it's a lot more open (with a lot more employees walking about) so it actually makes enforcement easier. And once people get constantly reminded to "put that out please, or move to a designated smoking area" people will gradually get used to not smoking in an amusement park. Especially since both major chains (SF, CF) and a lot of other smaller parks have similar policies now.

It's like enforcement of speeding on the highway - how many people speed? Just about everybody because it's not enforced -- they just go out to give tickets whenever they need money. If they actually enforced it so people would stop speeding, then they'd lose their revenue stream. However on Rt. 309 between Coopersburg and Quakertown, there's a stretch of about half a mile where *NO ONE* speeds. Why? Because for a period of about 2 months the police were there almost EVERY DAY just about the ENTIRE DAY. Nailed everybody. It was about enforcement, not money. Since then I only actually *see* cops about once every 2 or 3 weeks, but word has gotten out that it's taken seriously in that area. Whenever I see someone pulled over there, it's almost always an out-of-state plate -- someone who doesn't know how much that area is targeted (despite the bright orange "targeted enforcement area" sign :) )

So where was I going on that rant? Oh yeah, once they start enforcing it on the midways, it'll trickle down to the queue, and people will (eventually) get used to it and either stop smoking when not in designated areas, or stop coming to the park. (I have a friend who refuses to drive on 309 b/c he doesn't want to "risk" a ticket...)

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