Construction underway at Knott's Berry Farm

I'd love to see pics of this area. From just going there this spring, I remember the area being quite large.

As far as affecting a visit, the only thing I know of that got "removed" was the scrambler. The rapids ride may be closed, but I really don't think that will affect your visit all that much. That part of the park seemed pretty dead to us.

It's also very much separated from the rest of the park. So, it shouldn't affect your visit at all - unless you LOVE scramblers. :)

It is Pony on the Cedar Fair web site.
Wow, just what I was hoping for! That sounds like a blast!
eightdotthree's avatar
Ha ha, I haven't been on a scrambler for quite some time. Thanks.

Here is what it says in the press release:

“First Class” thrills will truly be delivered to guests at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California with the debut of Pony Express. Riders will saddle up on one of two, 12-passenger trains, riding “horseback” as they are launched forward at the beginning of the ride. Featuring low-to-the-ground maneuvers, hairpin turns and steep banks, Pony Express will be ready to thrill riders in the Ghost Town section of the park.
Though this ride could either be a Zamperla Motorbike or an Intamin Motocoaster, I'm a little bit more inclined to assume Pony Express will be the latter -- considering the numerous large projects Cedar Fair has done with Intamin in the last 8 years.

Pony Express should be very similar in style to this:

But with pony/horse vehicle shells rather than motorcycles.

What makes people thing this isn't Maverick West with "horse-themed" trains, whatever that might mean? The CF press release that I read wasn't too specific...

Not that you aren't all probably right---you probably are---I just haven't seen the release that you must have seen...

*** Edited 11/6/2007 10:17:28 AM UTC by Brian Noble***

Or, it could be by Zamperla.

Makes sense from a footprint issue, hope they make good use of the availalbe scenery.

Im hoping its either Vekoma or Intamin. The Zamperla models seem to compact and have to many trims to compare to the out of control feeling of the Booster bike and motorcoaster (IMO).

Timbers crew 08

It's official. It's a Zamperla coaster.

0 - 38 mph in less than 3 seconds.

1,300-feet of track.

Highest turn is 44-feet tall.

Height requirement: 48" minimum.

Thanks, kRaX.

Reminds me of a modern-day revival of the Soap Box Derby Racers, but with horses.
rollergator's avatar
^Get out of my head you witch!

I was wondering if the Derby Racers came up in conversation when Knott's execs were discussing this new ride. HAVE to believe it did. Then someone mentioned Windjammer and got a bunch of evil glares... :)

rollergator said:
^Get out of my head you witch!

I was wondering if the Derby Racers came up in conversation when Knott's execs were discussing this new ride. HAVE to believe it did. Then someone mentioned Windjammer and got a bunch of evil glares...

Ugh. Windjammer Express - Surfs up in the Wild Wild West.

"Knott's new racing coaster combines the thrilling surf culture of California with the old Ghost Towns of the past."


Combining surfing culture with ghost towns? Talk about the answer to a question no one asked.
^ Which wasn't the point of my post.

Just a little satire on how parks are always combining this and that -- the old with the new -- the nostalgic with the high-tech.

I laughed. :)
^^ As was my comment, having to do with the lack of logic when it comes to theming.
Or naming.

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