Confusing forums!

I just posted a topic yesterday(2/26) about Morgan coasters, and it was there after I posted it. So here I am a day later trying to see the responses, but it's not there anymore on any page! You could have at least closed it if you didn't like it instead of deleting it. I think you should list the posts in order of when the ACTUAL POST was made, not the latest response. For now, i'll just go over to and use their forums, thank you very much. If you are going to respond to this, you better do it fast because this post will self-destruct as soon as a moderator finds it! *** This post was edited by scanz on 2/27/2001. ***
ShiveringTim's avatar
Before you pull up stakes and leave, please note that the forums are organized into pages and your thread is on the second page. You are correct. The threads are sorted by when last updated, latest being at the top. The thread wasn't deleted, it was closed and newer traffic bumped it to the second page.

Scott W. Short
The one titled "whats next for Morgan" wasn't mine. Its not there. It was something like "Are Morgan coasters the most attractive?" I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I didn't spend time writing the post for nothing.
Not to be disrespectful to you, but I don't think you should really tell Coasterbuzz how to run their site. Jeff works with butt off keeping this site up and has done a good job doing so so don't be saying "I'm going to Ultimate Roller Coaster" because it really doesn't matter. Just re-post your topic.


Hey we have all had our post bumped off. Some of us are grateful that it was and some s arent just get ovver it Life isnt Fair.
Golioath Rocks the west but Millinnium Force Rules The Rest
I think that this method is the best because it weeds out the uninteresting forums and keeps in the popular ones.

What is life without SFA?
Jeff's avatar
I don't have the slightest idea what the thread in question is, but our moderators generally bump anything that is most/least/worst/best/prettiest/ugliest/sexiest or whatever. That's the way we run things around here, and it's a formula that has worked very well for more than a year. I never promised a free-for-all, and don't plan to deliver one. To post here, you just need a thick skin and realize that it's not personal. Our goal is to keep things fresh and interesting by shaping the direction of the conversation.

If you don't like that situation, I respectfully ask that you visit another site, as CoasterBuzz is probably not for you.

Webmaster/Admin -
Way to go Jeff. Some of us appreciate the fine job coasterbuzz does weeding out topics that just aren't interesting. Thanks for the GREAT job.
SOME of us have different ideas of what GOOD posts are.
scanz, these are the rules that Jeff has laid down and being a moderator I will follow what he says. Its his site, he lays down the law here. If you dont agree with it, then dont post.

good point

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