Coke or pepsi at Nagashima?

The reason I want to know is a non enthusiast friend's dad works high up for Coke. He claims that his dad owns part of SD2K. I know this isn't true and I wanna prove him wrong.

First he says that his dad owns part of the track because of his job. Which makes no sense. I was almost 100% sure Spa Land didn't sell coke products anyway.

And Second, he also claims that if the park were to want to do something with that part of the ride, they'd hafta ask him.

Yes, my friend does have some problems And I don't believe any of but. Just looking for a way to proove him wrong.

*** This post was edited by PkI FaNaTiC on 9/13/2002. ***

To answer Columbus Coaster's query - PKI has machines loaded with Vanilla Coke. But none on tap

They have the vannila coke add in at PKI.

Its easy to be objective to my home park(S). Good bad and ugly its all there. Small or big. coporate or privately owned its all the same to me.

According to my Japenese Sensei, koka koora is much more popular then pepushi. But I haven't been there so I can't answer your question.

84 coasters and counting

*** This post was edited by hunter11 on 9/14/2002. ***

PKI Fanatic, you're right. You're friend is just trying to screw with you. If that was true, there would have been evidence of Coke sponsorship somewhere in the park, and especially the ride. There was none anywhere, guarenteed! I can be sure because I took about 8 rolls of film at the park!

Does that answer it? :)

- Peabody

Peabody said:
Oh, Japanese coke and pepsi, and Dew (hard to find there) are much, MUCH different tasting than what we have here in America. Not just fountain, but straight out of the bottle especially. Very different formula.

Yeah - if its anything like the Vietnamese Coke, you're right. The formula is as you said, different, also, the water they use is totally different to that they use over here, and I'm sure the purification process is different. Also, the cool thing is, it comes in the glass bottles, and you can actually return them to various places to be returned for re-use.

Don't know how Aussie Coke compares to American Coke though, all I know is the best Coke is that in 390ml glass contour bottles - pretty hard to find these days outside of pubs, as they've switched to PET for almost all bottles these days - something about the plastic, it just doesn't seem to store the flavour as well as glass.

So what if the best coaster in Australia is a second hand Arrow?

I remember one thing about food/drink at Spa Land. I ate a fish burger. It tasted quite American. Such a big help, aren't I?

Thanks Peabody! I figured you'd be the one to answer. Or Nasai. But it is a big help and my friend will feel like an idiot now.

Well he's really not my friend just some annoying kid who sits next to me in Keyboarding. :p


nasai's avatar
My recollection actually goes against your guys'.... I do believe that Coke is the main cola served, although I could be wrong. The only thing I bought my day at the park was one cola..... I just drank water most of the darn hot!
It's not really about the fact if they sell Coke products, but if he can really own a piece of SD2K.


I do think I bought a coke there too, Rob, but I certainly don't remember any sponsorship or anything that would suggest Coke owns part of SD2K, so you?

- Peabody

nasai's avatar

No.... I doubt it HIGHLY.

That said, I guess I didn't read the question right? ;)


Den said:

I think parks should serve Ale-8-One, personally. I doubt anyone here who doesn't live within 50 miles of Lexington, KY, knows what I'm talking about... but it's da bomb.

Hey! I've had that.. even though I live in North Carolina, and drank it in Georgia. One of my cousins had some, and offered me a taste. At first I thought it was completely nasty, but before I knew it, I found about 5 empty bottles of it sitting in front of me! It was like nothing I had ever tasted before, yet strangely familiar..

Anyway.. since there's no chance in hell Ale-8 will come to *any* park, I drink Sprite if they have Coke products, and Pepsi if they have Pepsi products.

But what I *really* like, is a big cup of free ice water.. dehydration sucks, as does shelling out $3 bucks for a drink, what a way to compromise!

*** This post was edited by JamminJ on 9/13/2002. ***

kpjb's avatar

I think the main reason that non-American soft drinks taste different is the fact that here they use stuff like corn syrup for sweeteners, whereas in other countries it's strictly pure sugar.

There's a Mexican distributor in the Strip District here in Pittsburgh where you can get a case of Mexican Pepsi in real, old fashioned glass bottles for about $25. Sure, I can get it in cans here for $5, but every once and awhile I treat myself. There's nothing like a nice, icy cold fresh Pepsi in a glass longneck bottle pulled out of a cooler, dripping with ice. Pure sugar rush. Heaven.

"When I was growing up, we were taught something called manners. You'd understand that if you weren't such an idiot." - Jack Handey

I believe they sell Coke at Nagashima. I don't drink much of either these days so I didn't really pay attention when I was there in May. Pepsi and Coke really aren't that big in Japan. The Japanese prefer fruit drinks, coffee drinks, tea drinks and even fruit flavored soda (Fantana is common) to your traditional Coke and Pepsi.
Fantana? You mean Fanta? That stuff is good. I had some when I was in Europe. Althought I'm sure there's a difference between Europe's and Japan.


nasai's avatar

The big drinks in Japan are not Colas, but water based drinks, i.e. Calpis. That, and milk based drinks.

I liked Calpis! Coke was a very, very minor drink there, wouldn't you agree, Rob? It seemed as if 90% of all drinks were green tea based. It's weird, my cola tastes there were backwards. In USA, I like Pepsi best. In Japan, it was the worst.

- Peabody

I actually liked Pepsi in Japan. Didn't try Coke, though. We usually stuck to lots of water, some green tea and usually some milk tea or jasmine milk tea.

The funniest thing was the green tea frapacino they had at the Starbucks in Japan. It was tasty, though!

Which do you prefer here? Pepsi's soooo much better IMO.


Niomosy said:
I actually liked Pepsi in Japan. Didn't try Coke, though.

Pepsi products seemed to only have a fraction of the sweetness/sugar content of the American ones. :( Coke products were not as sweet as the American ones, but not as drastically different. I tried to stick with and enjoy the stuff I couldn't get here like Calpis. Just couldn't get into that green tea....

- Peabody

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