Coasters That Go over Water!?

What coasters (that you either know of or have ridden) go over water? Or better yet a coaster that goes under water? I know S:RoS at SFA goes above water, what other coasters do?

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

Anaconda at PKD is completely over water, except for the station. The first drop does go underwater!

Here is a picture:

You can see the underwater section in the backround.

----------------- can't handle a rollercoaster huh? ARE the Weakest Link! Goodbye!
Number 1 Batwing Fan!

Anaconda @ Paramount's Dominion goes above and under water! In a tunnel anyways. ;)

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Um...I think it is ninja? at SFOG goes over weater along with on of their woodies.

Big Bad Wolf at BGW, and there may be more but I have never been there.

Ninja at SFOG is all over water and GASM goes over and around the same lake.

*** This post was edited by goofyrules on 4/3/2002. ***

Iron Dragon (CP)
Mantis (CP)
Hercules (DP)
Raven (HW)
Loch Ness Monster (BG)
Big Bad Wolf? (BG)
Run Away Train (SFGAd)
Hoosier Hurricane (IB)
Excaliber (VF) ;)

many more
everything's better with a banjo

*** This post was edited by millrace on 4/3/2002. ***

Coaster I wnet on in 2001 that go over water:

Top Gun@PGA goes over a green stenchy swamp


Sebago Rapids


Boulder Dash



Apollo's Chariot & Big Bad Wolf at BGW.
Hoosier Hurricane at IB and I think maybe Galaxi there too.

TiM Schroll

Cedar Creek Mine Ride @ CP has a drop and short straightaway over water.

I can't think of a good signature.


Jaguar @ KBF goes over Relfection Lake.

Matterhorn and BTMR @ DL both splash into water.

California Screamin @ DC for the launch

Lightning Bolt @ MGM Grand goes over Grand Canyon Rapids

Desert Storm @ Castles and Coasters goes over the Bumper Boats and Log Ride (does this count?)

Kick The Sky's avatar

Incredible Hulk @IOA

Demon @SFGAm and PGA

V2 @ SFGAm

Eagle @ SFGAm kinda, you go around the pond on the helix

Batman the Ride @ SFGAm

Batman:Knight Flight @ SFWOA

Serial Thriller @ SFWOA very end while waiting to go into station

All I could think of off the top of my head....

Bob Hansen

Bolliger/Mabillard for President/VP 2004

haha, the High Speed Thrill Coaster at Knoebel's goes over the mini boat ride, does that count? Locals understand what I'm talking about. :-)

I've been banned 3 times, and I have yet to find a reasonable explanation...

millrace said:
Excaliber (VF)

Excalibur isn't normally over water, but Valleyfair's Arrow loopscrew is in a beautiful spot over a central pond. The only exception to Excalibut would be when it's flooded, I suppose - in which case it doesn't operate anyway.


Hhmmmm...let's see there is

Mine Train (SFOT)

Shockwave (SFOT)

Texas Giant (SFOT)

MegaZeph (Jazzland)

Last time I loked SFA's S:ROS doesn't go over water at all,the S:ROS you are thinking of is the one at SFDL.SFA's version however happens to sit over a giant field of gras &dirt with little or no themeing but is still a great ride any way.
To the same effect as American Eagle, Zeus at Big Chief's goes around a nice scum puddle at the turnaround.

Webmaster of Travis's Websites of Infinite Boredom!
Less than 2 months until SFGAm opens!

At Indiana Beach

Hoosier Hurricane: About 1/2 the ride is over water.

CornBall Express: 1st drop over flume reservoir; 3rd drop over water.

Galaxi: built on a pier above the lake and surrounded by water(slides).

Too many to list .

---- IGGY .

Vortex at PCW


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