coasters missing from track record

I found the following coaster missing from the track record section of coasterbuzz
whitelightning carowinds
z force sfog
mini mine train sfog
witch(?) magic harbor myrtle beach defunct
galaxy(?) pavilion myrtle beach

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Also make sure the coasters weren't just given to another park, or their name changed.
I think the MB Galaxy went to Virginia Beach, the witch(?) at Magic Harbor? Don't know that, was it their corkscrew? The CS was open at Magic Harbor before the Pavillion, was it the same ride? I can't remember MH having anything else! That CS is now in Columbia? Whitelightning is, as many know, in South Africa, ZForce Flashback, and my minitrain from SFoG is MIA:(. I guess what I'm saying is force's reply has confused me. If they change the ride name or move it, it doesn't become a different ride? Is that what you're saying?

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