Coaster's Choice Awards Problem

When I tried to vote on the Coaster's Chioce Awards I ran in to a real problem. When limited to 5 choices per catagory the true feelings of the voter are NEVER FULLY available. I couldn't vote for who I thought should win in several of the catagories. Does the winner of an award even want it if he knows the voting was fixed?
It only took a few catagories for this problem to be obvious.
Case in point....My #1 Steel coaster is SFNE's S:Ros (as it is for alot of us who rode it)
I considder it the best new coaster of 2000 (and was able to vote for it)
I considder it to be the best new steel coaster (and was able to vote for it)
In fact, I considder it to be the best steel coaster also but had choices in that catagory of
AC, RB, Alpie, Magnum and Raptor.
I think MANY coasters top these for the best steel coaster.
Did I miss something ? Can a steel coaster only be the best if it's been around a year or two ?
And how much influence do the parks of BGW and CP have on the people who picked these 5 ?
5 coasters picked (out of all of the steel coasters out there)
and BGW & CP have 4 of them.
Gee, it's real tough to figure out that BGW or CP will have the Coaster's Choice Award for the Best Steel Coaster, and sorry it ain't so. The best steel coaster new or not is SFNE's S:RoS. Ask anyone who's ridden it

Coastin Steve who gets pissed off when people give him right to vote, and then don't allow him to vote for who he believes should win.
(hey, even political elections have a "write in" space)
beast7369's avatar
Thats what the nomination period was for. I guess it was not nominated by enough people to get into the top five nominees. I am sure it had nothing to do with political clout of a park. Silly people.

What is life without it's ups and downs
***MSN Messenger = ***
Yes, there was indeed a nomination period a while back, which gave everyone the opportunity to get their favorite coasters in race. The results are a tally of the input of the Coasterbuzz community. There is no influence what-so-ever from any parks, organizations, manufacturers, etc... The primary votes speak for themselves, the final ballot was the result of the Coasterbuzz community. Period.
Jeff's avatar
I think if you would have take a moment to read the FAQ and understand who the process works, you wouldn't have made the post you did.

Coasters' Choice is a popularity contest... pure and simple. I don't pretend for it to be anything else.

I would also appreciate it if you didn't question my integrity with your wild accusations of conspiracy.

Webmaster/Admin -
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 4/2/2001. ***
I didn't see any accusations directed at anyone in that post...

I think with any awards system it's inevitable that the most popular candidates will be chosen. I was rather shocked at the coasters up for the Best Steel Coaster award too, but it doesn't surprise me. We all know this site is overflowing with Ohio folks, specifically those who call CP their home park. Any surprise that CP is overrepresented (IMO) in the nominations? And I've only been to a few parks myself so I can really only nominate those coasters I know are good -- even if I think some may be better I'm sticking with what I have ridden and not letting other peoples' opinions determine my voting.

All in all the awards will serve their purpose -- to show what rides Coasterbuzzers (not the entire coaster-riding population) think are the best. IMO they can't be seen as the authority on coaster rankings.

Does the winner of an award even want it if he knows the voting was fixed?

Refer to the recent presidential election, 'nuff said.

You are making an issue out of something that is completely irrelevant. As I stated earlier, the Coasterbuzz community were the ones who nominated the coasters (this includes you, if you did in fact, nominate your choices.) The final poll is a direct result of those nominations.

For the record, your assumption of the majority of the users of this site are from Ohio is erroneous. We know from past topics that those who participate in the forums are from a wide variety of locations (even some from across the pond.) But forum participants only make up a small portion of the site traffic. We have no way of knowing the location of everyone who comes to the site.

Finally, we never intended to be an authority on coaster rankings. We are simply providing another feature to our audience to participate in. If you have that much of an issue with the voting sequence, then don't participate!

*** This post was edited by Neil on 4/3/2001. ***
Neil, I think StandUpFan was refering to the 4th sentence of Steve's post with regards to the fix statement, hence the italics. As far as the Ohio thing, I think he has a small point. I remember when this site was first started. I was one of the original moderators, and almost everyone on the site migrated from Guide To The Point. In the years following, the population has grown, and you are correct in that there's no way to be sure, but I think StandUpFan's point is somewhat valid.

"Did you make a copy? Because if you made a copy, we could watch the copy."
Jeff's avatar
This might come as a huge shock to people, but only 8% of CoasterBuzz traffic comes from Ohio. I'd say that given the population of the state, that's about right.

If any region were to dominate CoasterBuzz, it would be the Mid-Atlantic states, with huge numbers pulling from Philly down to the Carolinas. When you look at it that way, it makes sense that BGW has two nominations in the best steel category.

Also, as explained in the various pages of the Coasters' Choice site, new coasters are not eligible for the overall best categories. They will be eligible next year.

Webmaster/Admin -
Jeff - Do you have the location breakdown? Could you post it just so those of us who are curious could see (if it's not too much trouble)? I don't want to see it to criticize the voting or anything; I'm just curious.
Jeff's avatar
I'd rather not... that data used mostly for advertising, and there are some things I'd rather not reveal to stay competitive (I can't afford to lose the ad dollars I have).

Webmaster/Admin -
Geez, I actually did my best to defend the awards as what they were, and I sure didn't try to make it an issue. So much for that... BTW, if it is irrevelant, why are we posting about it? I agree that's it's not important, but we must care at least a little. :)

First of all, Neil, where did I ever assume that the majority of Coasterbuzzers are from Ohio? My statement that the site is "overflowing with Ohio folks" could be ambiguous but it was meant to imply that a disproportionate amount of members are from Ohio. But Jeff's figure shows that I was wrong and I apologize for upsetting you by making that statement (I'll take back what I said too). But as for me claiming a majority are from Ohio, that's your assumption not mine.

Thank you UCSigep for that explanation; I don't need to add much to it. I brought up the member location thing (which proved to be a mistake :)) to show why I thought two of five CP coasters made the final cut -- because CP has such a huge Coasterbuzz following. But I was wrong; see the above paragraph.

Let me repost my last paragraph concerning the awards, with emphasis added:

All in all the awards will serve their purpose -- to show what rides Coasterbuzzers (not the entire coaster-riding population) think are the best. IMO they can't be seen as the authority on coaster rankings.

It looks like you and I agree, Neil. The awards will serve their purpose -- I never claimed they were supposed to be the authority nor did I claim I was disappointed with the way they have turned out so far. As I stated, any awards system will result in the most popular candidates being chosen (I used myself as an example to show how/why this would happen IMO), and as Jeff said that's exactly what the Coasters' Choice awards were meant to be.

And for the record, that last part about the election was meant to be humorous -- I was NOT in any way comparing this awards system or Coasterbuzz to the election. I'm sorry if anyone got that impression -- that part probably shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Hopefully that will clear up any misunderstandings about my post... I think the Coasters' Choice awards are great and I've already done my voting.

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