Coastermania & Coaster EXT

By the way...was information available about discounted hotel rates at Cedar Point for this event? Thanks.
Jason Hammond's avatar
Breakers Express will offer a 10% discount on Thursday and/or Friday. Reservations must be in by March 1st to recieve the discount. Cancelations must be recieved by May 1st.

Breakers Express: 419-627-2109

For More info: 419-627-2223

Sandcastle Suites: 419-627-2106

Hotel Breakers: 419-627-2106

Castaway Bay: 419-627-2106

Camper Village & Lighthouse Point: 419-627-2106

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Hi all, I'm a new member as of today. I've never been to Coastermania but am planning to go this year. It's a 14 hour drive from Maine, so I want to make sure it's worthwhile. Can somebody who has been there fill me in, please? Is it very crowded as compared to a "normal" day? Do you get a lot of rides or are the lines pretty long? Any info would be welcome. Thank you!
eightdotthree's avatar
The lines last year in the morning were about 10-15 minutes, and at night everything was a walk on.

That said, I think I had more fun in the morning meeting and talking to people where at night we were just running off and on rides like robots.

Jason....I contacted Cedar Point resorts today and inquired about the discounted rate....I was informed that as of this time that there is not a discounted rate for this event.
Jason Hammond's avatar
Well, maybe they are unaware of it. I'm not sure the event has been officialy announced other than at the ACE event.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

When last I checked some '06 rates hadn't even been loaded yet (notably, "Old Breakers"). It might just take a bit of time.

It is VERY MUCH worthwhile! The lines were not bad at all except for all the high school kids. Must have been senior trip day or something. The ERT in the morning and night were incredible. My buddy and I hit TTD at just the right time and waited 5 minutes!!

Magnum and Raptor at night are fabulous. Being in the park from 6am until 12:30 am is PRICELESS!!!

Staying at the Breakers or Sandcastle Suites is definitely worthe the extra $$. I'm going to reserve a room tonight in the Breakers so if anyone is looking for a roomie, let me know.

"I love the smell of roller coasters in the morning."

Thanks everyone for your replies... now I'm looking forward to Coastermania more than ever! Sounds like it's definitely worth the 14 hour drive from Maine. Hope to see you all in line!!
Jeff's avatar
The 2006 Coastermania flyer has been posted on the CoasterBuzz Club page (it's the red link in the upper right).

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Greetings all. I just booked my hotel Coastermania. I elected to stay on 6/1 & 6/2. With discount and tax the stay at Breakers Express is $126.44.
I've got a room at the Hotel Breakers on 6/1 & 6/2. My friend Toby and I will be going but do have room for two more if any one wants to stay with us and split the costs. Also, by staying at one of the resort, after the ERT, you can stay in the park for more ERT as a guest of the hotel! Woohoo!

"I love the smell of roller coasters in the morning."

While staying on corse of the topic here. For the photo contest is there any limit to of how many you can submit?. I didnt particapate last year, but i did take many pictures through the day, some came out pretty sweet. I plan on entering some this year, just wondering if anyone knew the facts about the contest other than whats said on the flyer, yes im aware it can only be a coaster photo?

"the only thing I know is that life is short and the only time you've got left is luck"
SFoGswim's avatar
Does anyone have a head count on how many attended Coastermania last summer?

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
SFoG...maybe 1000

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