coasterbuzzer of the month...

Jeff, I had an Idea that *might* help with people making noise in your forums. Have a coasterbuzzer of the month. It basicly wouldn't be more than just a brief bio or myabye a picture or somthing like that. The coasterbuzzer of the month should be somone who's been starting interesting threads, always have interesting comments and contribute to Coasterbuzz productively. I'm no pyscologist, but maybe they will act as a role model for other buzzers.

Anyway just an Idea.

A Green Machine is rising at SFO!

We already have "role models"... the moderators. ;)

But back to the matter at hand. Do you want to be the one to sort through thousands of posts by thousands of users and trying to pick one member who stands out? ;)

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
It's just a status symbol, and who needs that? I don't want to get into the favoritism thing, it's just begging for a dispute and a lot of loud conversations.

Pittsburgh, PA
Ok just an Idea

A Green Machine is rising at SFO!

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