Coasterbuzz Favicon

I noticed that over at GTTP there is a pretty nice-looking favicon and was thinking that it would be cool if Coasterbuzz got one too. Just an idea.

Cedar Point! The Greatest Place on Earth!
Jeff's avatar
There used to be one... I can't find it. :)

Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
kpjb's avatar
Uhhh... sorry... what's a "favicon"?

"Let's go out and have some fun!" (New Order)
The icon that appears next to the site name w hen you save the site to your Favorites list in IE.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Ah, that would explain it. (I was wondering what it was too!) I use Netscape.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
what in the world is GTTP?
Guide to the Point... the sister site to Coasterbuzz dedicated to Cedar Point. Also run by Jeff.

Joshua Wilcox
The following statement is true.
The preceding statement is false.
I got it in mine and it doesn't have one.

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