Coaster that need lap bars instead of OTSR

What Coasters do you think should change their Over The Shoulder Restraints to Lap Bars?
Revolution at the Mountain!!!!!!

SFMM went from Amusment Park to Xtreme Park.They skipped Theme park :)
I say Top Gun and Iron Dragon
Almost every Premier,Arrow and Vekoma
I'd actually say Corkscrew at Cedar Point, since there is so much headbanging on that ride, it hurts. But it depends on the type of lap bars and all that, of course. I haven't been on Top Gun, but I think the Iron Dragon is fine -- OTSRs just seem to go with suspended coasters, just something about the feel of the ride, I guess. Just my opinion! :)

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
Why not every one?

If you wanna dis me, then go knit a seater... or somethin' like that...
I was just going to say...every one that goes upside down...but force312 beat me too it. :)
I know it's probably not possible, but Vekoma SLC's could use some kind of different restraint system. A little headbanging usually doesn't bother me, but I have trouble enjoying SLC's because it can be so bad. You've gotta love seeing everybody's red ears after a ride on Serial Thriller ;).
I don't know why Vekoma doesn't use the flying dutchman restraints on their slc's. Well they would have to modify it a bit but they eliminate headbanging. It could be done and it would save slc's. Serial Thriller is exciting, but like ACE Boilermaker said it is hard for one to enjoy it because of all the pain involved. My on-ride photo last time was great because I was making a face of pain- I had just hit my head real hard going into the dive.
Any Boomerang
Revolution- SFMM
California Screamin-DCA (That ride has a lot of good airtime, which would be way better with just a lapbar.)

"Clear, Dispatch"
High Roller @ Stratosphere.....whats the point in them? if you fall off the track, theyre not gonna help you at all..nothing would!
Premiers really aren't that rough. Their restraints just have a tendency to staple you themselves and be a bit shuffly, if that is a word.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Double Loop is so short that you don't have time to do something stupid so you fall out!

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!

CoasterFanMatt said:
"Any Boomerang
Revolution- SFMM
California Screamin-DCA (That ride has a lot of good airtime, which would be way better with just a lapbar.)

"Clear, Dispatch""

CoasterFanMatt, I share your ideas about Revolution & CA' Screamin'! They would both be tons better without OTSR's, but CA law states that all coasters that go upside-down must have OTSR's, I believe. But for some reason, they run Monte w/lapbars, unless they changed even that!

Mr. Crap Caca is my name-o, C-r-a-p, C-a-c-a, Mr. Crap Caca. Just ask SFMM Salvi and his 3-year old cousin! :) Thanx for the cool name SFMM_fa_life!
Didn't we cover this earlier in another thread?

Mr. G-lix wrote:

CoasterFanMatt, I share your ideas about Revolution & CA' Screamin'! They would both be tons better without OTSR's, but CA law states that all coasters that go upside-down must have OTSR's, I believe.

Please quote me chapter and verse. Otherwise, I stand by my earlier comment:

Until recently, California had no laws pertaining to amusement PARK rides, and I have seen no such information in the statutes I've read.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
*** This post was edited by RideMan on 8/7/2001. ***
There is a reason that any ride with a corkscrew, or a corkscrew type element has "horsecollar" restraints. You know that floating feeling on the corkscrew, the one that makes you feel like you are going to fall out? Yeah, the otsr's are what keep you from falling out. They also keep you from slamming into your neighbor. I have heard how bad Revolution is with OTSR, and it seems a little rediculous being that it was the first travelable looping coaster. We have the Mindbender at SFOG, a double looping Schwartzkopf(R.I.P.) coaster and we have lap bars. Boy is it great. Could someone tell me why they put OTSR on Revolution? Thanks.

Georgia Cyclone-The Most A Coaster Can BEEEEEEEE.
I think all coaster that invert with corkscrews should have otsr on them. They keep you from killing the person next to you.

Favorite Coasters:
1.) Incredible Hulk
2.) Millennium Force
3.) Nitro
4.) Medusa at Great Adventure
Then why is there no problem of hurting the person next to you on the FOF's? They have corkscrews. Exactly, there is no problem. It's just some silly rumor.

Benjamin Jones | Yet another coaster-craving yuppie
*** This post was edited by Coastercraver on 8/7/2001. ***

Mr. G-lix said:

but CA law states that all coasters that go upside-down must have OTSR's, I believe. But for some reason, they run Monte w/lapbars, unless they changed even that!

Don't forget that another coaster in California that is similar to Monte has lap bars only. Greased Lightnin' at PGA features a loop and has a lap bar/seat belt restraint system.
I think Lap Bars on the Double Loop would re-juvinate the ride. I too would like to see a different restraint system on the SLC's.

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