Coaster Show on History Channel

And for once on TV I saw my home park SFOG.  Mindbender got about a 1 second shot before it's Gotham City Makeover.  I have a feeling however that next year SFOG will get a lot of publicity.  I also liked the drawings of those weird old flat rides.
"Hello to Yogi, Hello to Booboo, Hello to Scooby Doo. Barney and Fred say hi..." --King's Dominion's Singing Mushrooms
Revolution is accually the result of a colaboration between Intamin and Schwarzkopf, or something along those lines. Intamin was involved with many Schwarzkopf rides. Revolution is one such example, and Whizzer is too.
I still have no signature.
The CBC was the coolest part.  That coaster truly looked awesome!  I wish they would remake it, only give it better transitions or something so people won't snap their necks.  I loved how it went from Russian ice slices to steel coasters.  Great show!
I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest
On the CBC animation from Badnitrus there is the perfect spot for a MCBR. Too bad they didn't have that kind of technology back then.
SFNE loses its "floor" for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including the most unique constr. pics of SFNE on the web. Formerly known as srosatsfne.

*** This post was edited by SFNE Freak on 2/23/2002. ***

So Revolution is Schwarzkopf's design but Intamin just designed the loop, correct?

At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!

TLC, Discovery, Animal Planet, Travel Channel, Wings etc etc are all the same company.

The History Channel is an A&E Network

Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

How come the show's not on?
It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast.

PkI FaNaTiC said:
"How come the show's not on?
It's his turn to feast, when you ride the Son of Beast."

Because the show was on yesterday!
Did I mention, that I like coasters...

Cornball Freak are you sure its on on Sunday again?

Cause we looked and didnts ee it on again at all.

At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!

RememberIdora, Schwarzkpf designed the coaster, and Intimin made the track and built it, Well, Intimin did put a little into design but Intimin built it, hence the criss cross traditional Intimin looking track
So this show is supposed to re-air tommorow at 11A.M eastern?  And does anybody happen to know what channel the history channel is in Colorado on AT&T cable?  I searched all last night and couldn't find it. 
I eat glue.
We've talked about this before. At the time "The Great American Revolution" (as it was called then)was built,Intamin was was a dealer, representing several European and American ride builders. Anton Schwartzkopf was one of the firms that they represented. They did not actually start designing and building rides untill the 1980's as I recall. The Revolution is pure Schwarztkopf.
It's not airing today at 1100am EST. I just checked.and it says on channel 62 that modern marvels,which is the series for which the show was produced is not on at this time.Instead it lists some other show on black aviators.Are you sure it's 1100 am and not 1100 pm EST?
Yeah, I looked at the site and it says nothing related to coasters is on any time this month. 
RubberDucky, I don't know about Colorado but I know in CT, AT&T basic doesn't include The History Channel. It sucks.

SFNE loses its "floor" for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including the most unique constr. pics of SFNE on the web. Formerly known as srosatsfne.

I jsut checked my local lsitings and its now noon over ehre in Ohio so It could be on at 11:00 tonight.

At least I dont call a vertical loop a "loopdie-loop"!

I wish they would just make a TV channel dedicated to coasters, of course I am sure I'm not the only one.
Yea right...The general public would find some huge word to call it, say it sucks, then the company that makes it would go down the hole, forever changing to a Home Shopping Channel-type
Rollercoasters are my life, I think about them more than I think about....wait, thats all I think about :)

Proud Owner of

Yeah, I know it would have absolutley no chance to succeed, but it would be nice for month or so...
CPLady's avatar
I drove my poor husband nuts on Friday evening when I watched this program.  I kept calling out the coaster names, even for parks I've never been to.  He thinks I'm obsessive.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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