Coaster Buzz T's

I wanted to order one but they're all sold out. When will there be more?

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10)MF 9)Medusa 8)Raptor 7)DD Fire 6)S:RoS 5)Boulder Dash 4)Hulk
3)Beast 2)Nitro

Jeff's avatar

Not any time soon.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

stoogemanmoe's avatar

Jeff would it be okay for me to take my CB shirt to a Tshirt graphics place and have the logo put on a different ( bigger) Tshirt?

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!
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Jeff's avatar

No, it wouldn't be. It's a trademark.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

Why not use a service like ? I'm sure it's a hassle for you to make the shirts, ship them, etc., but it seems like there is a small yet consistent demand for them.

Proud CB club member

Kick The Sky's avatar
I want one too! XXL!!! Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze!

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

"So you think your'e really brave, gonna see the DEMONS cave.
You silly dude, your'e only food, for the DEMON"

Hmmm appears to be quite a demand for them. Perhaps it is time to open up the auctioning block. Do I hear $100? $100? Anyone?

|| Jonathan Hawkins, who saw a 2001 SRM shirt with sweat stains go for $30 ||
Top Gun: TJC flights - Approx. 300 (114 in 2002)

Jeff's avatar

Not a chance... I will not use Cafepress so they can get most of the money. When I do it again I'll use the same local guy who I can count on for quality.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them. It's more effective that way." - KMFDM, "Dogma"

StarCoasters said:
Hmmm appears to be quite a demand for them.

4 out of over 6000 registered members? Doesn't exactly soound like staggering demand to me.

5 :)

~~~ Maddy ~~~


Top 5:
5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force

It wasn't meant to be a serious comment bigboy, no need to get worked up about it. I can vouch that, while Cafe Press is a good idea and very popular, it isn't going to make money and the quality is dissapointing. Their shirts are about the same quality or slightly higher than an iron-on t-shirt that anyone can do. The Buzz t-shirts are very high quality and look very nice (and bright :)).

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||
Top Gun: TJC flights - Approx. 300 (114 in 2002)

There's a thought, why make the shirts? Just sell the iron ons, and people can have whatever color they please...

Planned parks: Astroland, Knoebel's, Hersheypark, SFNE, SFGadv,SFGam,CP,PKI,PKD,PCW,HW,Indiana Beach,SFWOA,SFKK,SFDL,SFSTL,Lakemont,DelGrosso's... Need I say more?

Actually, I was sorta speaking AGAINST the iron ons :). They tend to have the appearance of, well, iron-ons. I'm sure Jeff wants a better image than that for his site.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||
Top Gun: TJC flights - Approx. 300 (114 in 2002)

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