CNN's Crossfire to debate amusement ride safety

Posted | Contributed by bigboy

The participants on CNN's Crossfire will debate amusement ride safety and government regulation of the industry tonight at 7:00 p.m. EDT. Check your cable or satellite directory for channel number.

I couldn't agree more with bigkirby. I'd love to see Bill O'Reilly take on Ed Markey. That would really make Markey look bad.

Photos from Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure were added plus some other small updates:

What kind of debate was that? they where only given less then 5mins! The only point across was enough to make most people fearfull of amusmentpark rides ,and belive that lady with the most twisted satistics, and come on with the satistics, I never heard that word so many times "satictics" ,show and from this to this time satistics show, Thats right there satistics that means they are not proven facts!,these senators are just trying to get press. Its a shame that the real facts couldent be shown as much as the satistics of airplain and trains!,at least we know we have a good spokesperson on our side and the amusmentpark industry. I wonder, if laws are passed will all the coaster enthusist clubs, and anyone who hears about it, and is in protest go and martch to Washington D.C and protest it? sounds like an idea is it worth fighting for if it happens?
There aren't really enough "enthusist's" that a march on D.C. or anything like that will really matter.

Yes you can say that "the little guy can make a difference" but remember. These people are professional politicians and % wise, the enthusist's don't make up enough of the voting public to really say "don't pass this or we'll vote you out of office" like say... the medical field or tobbaco.

Sad truth is the little guy these days tends to get walked on for thier impact and influence just doesn't add up to enough of a threat.

And for those of you who are complaining about the time limit of the show. You obviously don't watch the show that much. That's actually pretty average for a topic.

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82 - Farewell my good friend..
Technical Services 2002 *** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob on 7/4/2002. ***

It seemed like every topic on the show was rushed... Time management anyone?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

There really wasnt enough time to discuss it. I would have liked to see a longer debate. Maybe they could have taken time off that ridiculos his/her= ree conversation.

I rode the bullet at thrillville NH
-Stephen King Riding the Bullet

Her comment on airlines being regulated by the FAA has no relation to this topic. The coaster deaths that have occurred have been determined (by Doctors) to have been caused by preexisting medical conditions. If someone has a medical emergency on a plane, the FAA does not come in to investigate. The plane simply makes an emergency landing, medical professionals take the victim off the plane and to the hospital, and then the plane takes off again and continues on to it's destination. Happens all the time. If a person dies of a heart attack on a plane, the airline is not blamed and the FAA does not come in to investigate. Same with busses and trains.

The parks are self regulating. They do not want to see injuries. Injuries result in lawsuits and bad PR. Parks use crash dummies and computers to test new rides before anyone is allowed on. I'll trust the parks before I trust the government.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.

Perhaps CNN didn't have Markey on because they didn't want him to be embarassed again. I think it's very very interesting the people that CNN chose for this debate - doesn't it seem a bit sided pro-regulation? Fox news wouldn't be so politically sheltering. I'd like to see this debate on Fox News The No Spin Zone.

I feel I did watch the show well enough to know that the subject on rollercoasters wasent given enough time to be debated in the proper manor,but the show is just that ,a few mins of people who disagree with each other,and I have to agree with Red Garter Rob that the little guy dosent win,and thats a shame ,but like I said at least there is a preety well spoken person representing the amusmentpark industry,Vs Ed Markey who cant speak for his life ,sounds like he paid his way trou school.
WoodenCyclone, about Markey paying his way through school - you may be closer to the truth than you wish!!

I remember the O'Reily Factor on SNL...

Caller - "I usually like the shows hard-hitting style, but when you made that 4th grade girl cry I think you went to far."

Caller2 - "I think it was fine what you did. You had the facts, and she didnt."

Caller3 - "The little girl was right, Albany is the capital of New York, not New York City."

Well caller, I still say that NYC is the capital of New York. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

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