Close Your Own Topics

Jeff, I was thinking that, just as someone who starts a thread can delete it at any time, that they should be able to close it also, without deleting it. If the original poster, let's say justs asks a simple question, with a simple answer, and gets it, they could just close it on their own, but not delete, so others could still view it. Or if the original poster recognizes that a thread has gotten out of hand, than they could take the initiative to close it themselves. What do you think?

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
That could get annoying...I'm sure some people would use it wisely, but others might turn into power-phreaks.
Jeff's avatar
Yeah, as soon as someone disagrees, they post something, get the last laugh, and close it. Not good.

Webmaster/Admin -
Good point.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
Sometimes those simple questions lead to very interesting discussions - it is nice to leave them up beacuse you never know where they will lead.

I know that recently there has been more noise than usual on this site but that is what happens when a site really starts to take off. This is a great site with a great member base and I would hate to see it change to accomodate the few that are trying to ruin it for everyone. Plus in the past week or so it appears to have calmed down - either that or the moderators are doing a great job of eliminating the noise quickly and quietly.

Jeff's avatar
Yes, the moderators are doing a good job! I think we've made great strides to restore order.

Webmaster/Admin -

Something that you didn't mention, though, is that parks are open and people are riding again. I didn't notice it here on CB as much as I did on r.r-c, but it seems a lot of coaster fans get a little cranky during the offseason. Once people can get back into the park, there's more interesting discussion and less bickering.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Hmm... I think I saw a feature on a website where you CAN close your threads. BUT, you have to give a reason to the admin and he/she will delete it for you. You could probably do that, couldn't you?

"Your love is like a roller coasta' baby baby..."
If love is like a rollercoaster, doesn't that mean you should be happy ALL the time? ;)

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
Jeff's avatar
No, non mods can not close threads.

Webmaster/Admin -
Oh yeah, I'm aware of that, but what I mean is a thing where you can send a request to you or a moderator in general if they would like it to be closed because they got their answer. That way it wouldn't take up so much bandwidth. *shrugs* just an idea lol.

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
people who want to close their own topic should first have to ask Jeff if he can and have a good reason why it should be closed. That might work.

Kraken is pronounced "Crack-En"
I agree with Jeff, by putting this feature in it would only create more noise.

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