I think CB has become popular enough and active enough for at least 1 chat room. maybe 1 for general and another for RollerCoaster Tycoon.
But I think we have enough people for at least one. Anyone agree?

------------- *** This post was edited by SFGAManiac on 10/21/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
We've been through this quite a few times... I'm just not interested in chat. It kills servers and tends to be more noise than anything else. Sorry, it's just not gonna happen.

Webmaster/Admin -
oke doke.
sorry I didn't see it b4.

But Jeff, you gotta admit, forums aren't good if you want to talk to live people.

Top 3:
1. Millenium Force
2. Raptor
3. Batman: the Ride
Jeff's avatar
If I want to talk to live people I'll go visit them or call them on the phone. I spend all day in front of the damn screen, it's nice to have real human touch for social time.

Webmaster/Admin -
Ok I've been thinking about this. You don't want to put in chats because...

A: you think talking to real live people is more important
B: slows down CB servers.

I agree with both of those, but hear me out. I am not a rich man, and I'll bet there are at least some other CBers that are not rolling in piles of money either. I would like to chat with these guys, but I'm not gonna just hop on the phone and pay 20 cents a minute to talk to some coaster freak that I've never met. And I'm certainly not going to hop on a 747 to meet one either. In the extreme chance that some of us go to a park and meet up there, fine, but that simply will not hold up for the majority, espcially during the winter. I agree that no one should base their entire lives around computers, and that real human touch is more important than anything the computer could bring. BUT, for the majority of the CB members, these boards are the best thing we have, at least in the world of talking to fellow coaster freaks. And not to count you out jeff, but I'm going to take a leap here and guess that you established Coasterbuzz for it's members, not simply yourself. Chats would bring us all closer, speed up news and communication, and probably help the boards, because not everyone will be in the chat at the same time.
And what about slowing down servers? Well you might not get your CB name on it as much as you'd like, but there are plenty of free chat room servers out there, that only take a minute to sign-up for.
Not to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but so many times you see a great site like this, and the webmaster forgets why he established it, and starts to constrict it to his needs, which usually don't meet the majorities'.

From them ol' political pros in Palm Beach, here's a diplomatic thought. See if it haz any validity:

Maybe CB puts up a "member exchange" type board; folks take the info (i.e.: AOLIM screennames) and plug it in their IM or whatever under "my fellow coasterfreaks..."

CB is spared chat...freaks kan chat even when posting...maybe win/win?

bukweet FL
"kanwegoagain?" *** This post was edited by bukweetfl on 11/10/2000. ***
not a bad idea...
or how about room in people's "info" for ICQ number or AOL Im screen name?

and stop re-counting the damn votes already LOL!!!

Jeff's avatar
Next time I do some major updating, I'll be adding the AIM/ICQ field to the profile. Don't have a timeline for you.

"Not to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but so many times you see a great site like this, and the webmaster forgets why he established it, and starts to constrict it to his needs, which usually don't meet the majorities'."

That's a bit insulting if you ask me. It never ceases to amaze me how many experts there are out there. I've spent thousands in hardware, software and time to develop and maintain this site. If I don't want to do chat, I'm not going to do it. Why is that so difficult to accept?

Webmaster/Admin -
Didn't mean to insult you. I can see your point

What if someone established a chat room for buzzers on say, etc..? Then when anyone wants to organize a chat session, post the meeting time in the forums?

Pittsburgh, PA
For Jeff. I am relatively new to your site, but as an old time coaster-freak, I love it. I'm so sick, in fact, that CB is my home page.

All these guys know so much detailed crap, it amazes me; and as I posted somewhere be4, my little twisted mind enjoys those details.
And I get to drive my wife absolutely nuts with it. Win/win--or as we're fond of saying down here--Bush/Gore.

Now, I'm not trying to "blow air up yer #%*" here; that would make me just another "candidate."
I just thoroughly enjoy Coasterbuzz.

HEY, Maniac.....! I'm absolutely not recounting; I'm still voting!

bukweet FL
"kanwegoagain?" *** This post was edited by bukweetfl on 11/11/2000. ***

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