Cedar Point Obsession

But who are you to define that for someone else? There are always going to be over-zealous idiots in any form of entertainment(wait till the new Star Wars opens), those people you just ignore. For the most part people just love the park, have loved it all their lives. Grown up there, taken their first girl friend there, over come fear of rollercoasters there, ect. People defend what they love, that human nature, not unheathy obsession. Your right, there IS a difference.

"Is it possible that we are feeling more brave than usual sitting at home behind our computer screens and eating Doritos"? -Ophthodoc

Most people on this site have a mis-guided opinion of SFWoA because of CP followers.

I myself enjoy every park for what it is, a park...not something to obsess over.

That's just the way most people on this site are...cut and dry.

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2002~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!

Jeff's avatar

It would be a lie if I said CP didn't have anything to do with my opinion of other parks. However, the misplaced reaction that some people have is that CP fans want other parks to fail. That's hardly the case... I certainly enjoy having a CCI in my backyard, but it pains me to see it suffer neglect and poor operation.

96% uptime... think about that. That includes weather, hurling and mechanical failure. That's pretty amazing stuff.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

My opinion about on which is the better park? Not neccessarily the best rides, but the best atmosphere. A best park can vary to any person out there. It depends on how you enjoyed your day. Parks have their ups and downs and so do people. Sometimes you may catch them on a good day and say, Hey! They're really cool! or on a bad day and say, Man, they stink! You know? Yeah, CP is my favorite only because I've only been to two parks in my whole life thus far. I do favor CP against PKI. But each park has something unique. People can be partial.. Maybe I am, CP was my first thrill spill ;)

I hear tons of great things about other parks, except it seems like a concentrated amount of CP goers come here and express their humble opinions.. That's fine and dandy, hey I express mine. But that doesn't mean that they should down other parks just because they don't have this kind of ride, or this kind of food place. Busch Gardens is known for it's spectacular scenes. My friends tell me marvalous things about how beautiful it is. Cedar Point is beautiful in it's own way. Secluded on a spit on Lake Erie. BG is in a beautiful forested area. Colonial Williamsburg, am I not right? Dang, I'm still looking forward to going there. I may favor it over scenes at CP. I know I probably will. Don't be arrogent (and I'm not saying anyone is) about parks. Enjoy them! Heck, there are fewer coasters now than there were almost 100 years ago. (and parks) Many wonderous places are long gone, so we better appreciate what we have right now before they parish too.


I feel that the thing with Cedar Point is that it is not the best at any one thing, But it takes all the components of a park and combines them into the best experence. Other parks focus on one particular aspect, one that they are better than CP at, but meanwhile they fall down on the little things that make the whole park experience.

I love Cedar Point, have been visiting for 29 years. But I also love SFGM and PKI almost as much. I really agree with Jeff it is that Midwestern Obsession, being a Hoosierbuckerine (stole that from MagnumForce) , I see it everyday.

Whats life if you never get to the Po!nt?

I've only been visting CP for 2 years now. I never heard of it before MF was being built and it only up untill then that I hadn't gone to any other amusement parks besides SFKK and SFSTL. One year (the summer of 2000) I decided I was going on a road trip. I got out a calendar, an atlas and decided that I was going to PKI and CP and that was that. I saw what I was missing at all the other theme parks when I got to experience CP and PKI. I was one of the people who "got it". I live over 400 miles away from CP and miss it allot in the off-season but I consider it only a passion and not an unhealthy obsession. I find the positive points of each park I visit no matter where it's at or who it's ran by. Yeah sure negative things get noticed too but I tend to readily forget them about 2 seconds after I board a ride. A lot of people do take their CP a little too seriously I suppose. (i.e. snapping at people and whatnot) I can truly see their point. (no pun intended) These are usually frequent visitors to the park and I must say if I lived closer to it, visted more times and was able to soak it in alot better, I'd probably be one of those people too. I think it's just a good-natured mentality. I don't think when someone get's a bit testy about a park they're really sitting behind the screen with a red-face, sweatin', and having a blood pressure of 380/2. They just have a very intense love for their Cedar Point. And any love for any kind of amusement park is what keeps them open season after season. You see it's not such a bad thing after all. :)

God please let SFKK get something in 2002. ANYTHING!!

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