Cedar Point Facing Backlash over Face Mask Policy

Title pretty much says it all:


Just wait for smokers to go ballistic when they find out you can’t smoke inside the park anymore.

Well, they probably need smaller crowds anyway due to lower capacity limits, so this isn't much of a problem.

I think the calculus is pretty simple: which decision is likely to result in fewer customers: requiring masks, or not? For what it's worth, the winds seem to be blowing pretty consistently in favor of public acceptance of (if not expectations for) masks being mandatory. Airlines started out just asking, but have now been putting some teeth behind it. AMC reversed course one day after saying they would not require masks because they didn't want to "get political." In contrast, the instances I can recall of people trying to pressure businesses to go the other way haven't happened. Costco still requires them despite early noise about a boycott. I am sure I am missing some and there's probably a bit of confirmation bias here, but still.

Bakeman31092's avatar

We should find it embarrassing that wearing or not wearing a mask has become political.

Jeff's avatar

What's particularly telling is that said outage group shares few feelings with the people coming to accept hundreds of years of systemic racism.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Even Fox just came out with a poll that showed overwhelming support for masks 80%. 89% Dems 68% Repb. Some better messaging is helping I believe.

The time has come to formally announce that we as a country are finally telling the idiots to STFU. Anti-vaxxers, Tea-partiers, Q-Anon, Anti-Face Masks, etc.

We indulged them and it screwed us royally. Time to loudly insist they take a seat.

CreditWh0re said:

We indulged them and it screwed us royally. Time to loudly insist they take a seat.

Just not on a roller coaster.

The other thing to think about: maybe mask wearing at Cedar Point would stick beyond the current situation. I mean, it would keep you from breathing midges during after dark riding in June.

hambone's avatar

Every time I see this topic I think "Backlash" would be a good name for a shuttle coaster.

(It wouldn't, really. But that's what comes to mind.)

hambone's avatar

It's still not a good name.

OhioStater's avatar

When you read things too quickly through tired-and-a-lil'-terpsy-eyes, you can read the last few posts as suggesting that "Backwash" would make a great name for a water ride.

At least I did.

Promoter of fog.

Walt S said:
The other thing to think about: maybe mask wearing at Cedar Point would stick beyond the current situation. I mean, it would keep you from breathing midges during after dark riding in June.

Hasn't Cedar Point traditionally had a rule that prohibited face coverings (including facepaint) of any kind?

Interesting how this whole virus thing is causing all kinds of rules and ideas to be reevaluated. Remember when grocery stores used to encourage you to buy and use re-useable grocery bags?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

Cargo Shorts said:

Just wait for smokers to go ballistic when they find out you can’t smoke inside the park anymore.

Apropos of nothing, I always enjoyed the fudge about "XXX is a smoke free park. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas."

Schwarzkopf76's avatar

Since parks have gone to designated smoking areas, it's always seemed that plenty of Cedar Point clientele weren't going to follow that rule anyway (never saw it being enforced either).

The real kicker about this face mask thing is when people try to get very close to you without a mask when you are wearing one. Seemingly to prove their point that they can do what they want to do and have rights and all that. That has happened to me several times here in Chicago, but not in Indiana where I just spent 4 days. Forget the politics.

OhioStater's avatar

Some stuff you literally just can't make up.

These have apparently been spotted in Ohio, and, of course, hold no real legitimacy, but someone actually took to the time to produce these cards:

The "Freedom to Breathe Agency" (try saying that out loud without laughing) does have a Facebook group, and as much as I would love to join as a troll just to read whatever bull**** is posted there, I'm opting not to. For now. Maybe I'll get bored.

The opening line for the group is this:

Breathing is a vital biological activity to physical and emotional well being. Oxygen is No.1 nutrient for every living organism including humans. Wearing a mask is an unhealthy obstruction of oxygen flow that can lead to hypoxemia and hypoxia, can permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart and about any organ. We must protect our birth right to breathe. This is NOT negotiable. FTBA is an agency designed to stop face mask orders from spreading nationwide and globally.

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

There's a pretty great video I saw of someone breathing with and without a mask while wearing an oximeter. You can guess how it went.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I’ve been working at a plant this week wearing a face mask in a building where it is well over 100F. Somehow I survived.

OhioStater's avatar

This is Galen Rupp.

He broke 29 minutes in the 10,000 (which, if you don't know, is frickin' incredible).

In 2011 he regularly wore this:

I know, preaching to the choir. Sometimes things I come across make me laugh and feel sad for humanity at the same time.

Promoter of fog.

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