Cedar Point Announces Fast Lane On Facebook

birdhombre's avatar

I'm so disappointed my birthday is on a Saturday this year, so I can't take off work to go to CP. :( It's just not the same if I can't lord it over the Common Joshes.

Posted from my iPhone 5GS

coasterqueenTRN's avatar

Lord Gonchar said:
...and the comments are comedy gold.

I know. I was just glancing through them. You would think the world has ended for some. It seems like it's one of these things where you either love them hate them.

I don't see myself forking out the $$ for one of those at a park I am used to, like Cedar Point or King's Island. I would be more likely to pay for one at a park I've never been to before and may or may not ever see again. It all depends.


Last edited by coasterqueenTRN,
Lord Gonchar's avatar

birdhombre said:
But I *can't* look down my nose at them, because we go on different days, silly.

But that's the beauty of it all.

The jerks using Fast Lane on busy days still have to actually look at and *shudder* maybe even interact with the masses.

Going on those slow days means you don't even have to deal with the commoners.

I'm time rich! I love being part of the time 1%.

I love being part of the time 1%.

Here's a question to help you determine how time rich you *really* are:

Imagine a task that, if you completed it now, would save you ten days of effort over the coming year. But, you have to drop everything else you are doing and work on nothing but this task until it is done. You can still sleep/eat/etc. but nothing else. That task will take X minutes/hours/days.

The question is: how large does X have to be before you'd say "Thanks, but no thanks."

kpjb's avatar

I asked my wife the same question the other night.


kpjb said:
I asked my wife the same question the other night.

Perfect response. +1

I am blessed to be time rich. Since I retired in July, my new motto is: I've Got Tomorrow Off, Too. I stay busy enough, but only if I feel like it. So my answer to Brian Noble's entertaining question is as long as it takes, I guess!

I worked for the same company for 33 years. For most of those years, out of necessity, I would schedule my precious vacation time to coincide with slower weeks at the parks. The year Raptor debuted I spent the better part of opening week at the Point, stayed in the hotel, and rode to my hearts content. You could roll a bowling ball up the midway on that Wednesday and not hit a soul it was so empty. These days Cedar Point opens a week or so later and first-week business has picked up with education days being popular outings, so it's a little busier. But that trip in 1994 permanently spoiled me. From that point on I felt "above" busy days and try to avoid them at all costs, scheduling my visits accordingly.

I make excellent use of my season pass each year, what with Kings Island and Cedar Point about equidistant from my place, and it's well worth the money. But all this got me wondering how much more inclined I (or any other season pass holder) will be to visit on a busy day because Fast Lane is now available? When friends from out of state visit the park on some saturday in August will I still say "no thanks, I'd rather die." ? Maybe I'll be glad to shell over the extra money and not really feel the sting because, after all, I've gotten in "for free" so many times already. And how nice for me that a day in August can suddenly be as stress-free as one in May? Hmmmm...

Not quite as stress-free. As Lord Gonchar pointed out, you still have to look at the commoners. Blech. ;)

Oh by the way... It was 70, clear, and sunny, and I experienced the least crowded day of my life (dating back to the 80's) at Cedar Point in 2011, so those treasured days are still attainable if you choose carefully. Get this...the park was so dead that they were asking people to re-ride Dragster to keep the trains weighted, and you could easily walk-on the front seat of Maverick and re-ride without walking around (Said while looking down my nose). ;)

ooh!ooh! Exactly what day was that? I'd like to find it on this year's calendar! ;) Nothing I like better than to hear the young lady on the mic say "welcome back Mine Ride... rider...how was your ride?"

Another great time to hit is when the park has had a sudden downpour that clears em out, or an all day rain that kept the crowds away all together. I keep my eyes on days like that and I've been known to jump in the truck and head for an evening at KI if I see the skies starting to clear.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

For us, it was the Friday night in September preceeding Halloweekends. It had been a long time since the wife and I marathoned rides since we almost always go with our kids and ride the kids' rides. But yeah, we hung around Dragster and MF for a while. I was actually getting pretty dizzy.


^That Friday night is easily my favorite day of the year for riding. I just hope word doesn't spread too much...

Having only Saturdays off each week definitely makes going to the park a little crappier. I find myself riding a lot less than when I was a free-wheeling college kid and could go any day I wanted. But on the plus side, the swim up bar in Soak City is almost never crowded. :)

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

eightdotthree's avatar

Seems every Friday and Sunday during Halloweekends are both slow, Saturdays are insane.

Vater's avatar

I find myself ____ing a lot less than when I was a free-wheeling college kid and could go any day I wanted.

Insert any verb relating to a fun activity above and you've just described life.

Jeph said:
... so those treasured days are still attainable if you choose carefully.

If it were just that easy. Choosing carefully is a great start but a little luck is also needed.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Vater said:

I find myself ____ing a lot less than when I was a free-wheeling college kid and could go any day I wanted.

Insert any verb relating to a fun activity above and you've just described life.

Is it wrong that my first instinct was to insert the verb "pee" into that sentence.

I'm not that old, am I? ;)

^^Admittedly complete walk-on Dragster, Maverick, and Millenium Force waits all day involve a bit of luck, but these days have been a similar situation for years.

Vater's avatar

I suppose peeing could be considered a fun activity in the right setting. Also, it makes the sentence stand on its own without the need for additional context (i.e. "could go any day I wanted").


There are ads on tv saying you should enjoy the go.

Madlibs could make this forum a lot more interesting! :)

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Just go when no one is there anyway and it shouldn't matter. It's not like they are in the middle of some giant new coaster drought or something :)

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