CB Games Contests

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ok, enough of you guys seem interested that I think maybe we should try our hand a some "unofficial" contests/competitions.

Recently CB Games member "Lozz" issued a challenge to build the best coaster in a 10x10 or smaller area and it was well received. Some of you that have been visiting CB Games for a while may remember we did a similar challenge about 6 months ago that was equally fun.

Basically, I'm thinking weekly (or bi-weekly) comepetitions (like Monday to Monday or July 7 to July 21 or whatever) with a general theme ("build an SLC" or "best space themed coaster" or maybe even more specific ideas like someone could create a scenario map with all rides, scenery and space allowed already set)

I personally like the last idea. Everyone could just download the newest "contest scenario" and it would include everything you're allowed to use and the general rules could be put in place of a scenario goal. Sounds kind of nice and neat to me. Everyone follwing me on that idea?

The things we need to work out are:

1. Who decides each week's contest goals?
2. Is there a chosen winner? If so, who decides?
3. Who makes the contest map? (if we go with that idea)
4. Ummm, other concerns that I can't think of right now?

Let's get a set idea on how these will work and get moving on them. This is the thread to hammer it all out. Drop ideas, suggestions, concerns, recipes and philosphy here and we'll get it moving ASAP.

Thanks guys.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

For who will decide the winners.... I think the winners should be chosen by the highest voting average. This could be a problem if someone is a close second and rates the current 1st place as a zero so he/she could win. It's just an idea

Let's just say....the birds will be jealous.

kpjb's avatar
Well, if you wouldn't mind the extra work...

For the ontest scenarios, it would seem that everyone and their mother will post their own scenarios or saved games for others to complete. Then no one will really know which are the "official" contests, and the boards may get clogged with people trying 5 different contests at a time.

How about if people could email their scenarios to you... then you could pick those that you deem worthy of the competition, and post them as an official contest.

Do you have a CB address now that you're a mod? If so, it'd be convenient and wouldn't clog up your personal mailbox.

For a coaster specific contest, a post in this forum would be the easiest way to start one.

Come on, fhqwgads!

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I'm thinking a "contest scenario" download for even coaster specific contests. Like that little 10x10 thing we just did. The scenario could've included all the coaster types in the game, but the map would've only had a space 10x10 to build in. The creator of the map could included as much or as little scenery as they wanted used (including custom items) Say the contest was simply to build the best inverted coaster you could. Now the map could be huge (no space limitation) but the only ride included would be the inverted coaster and whatever scenery. You could even get creative this way and make something like "build your best wooden coaster with a budget of $20,000" - the map would only contain the wooden ride and $20,000. Or you could do odd shaped building areas or weird landscapes that can't be altered or some stuff included that must be incorporated into the ride. Lots of neat ideas to be had.

You get the idea. This way everyone is kind of starting on the same page but the conest is as open ended as the rules allow.

I just like that idea. I supposed the submission would have to go to the "saved games" section instead of the tracks section but that shouldn't be too big a problem. It may even flush out a bunch of the crap the keeps me away from that area of CB Games :)

I don't have a buzz e-mail, but I could set up a specific e-mail addy on coasterimage to receive submissions if we go that route with it.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

*** This post was edited by Lord Gonchar 7/21/2003 6:54:25 PM ***

I'm really liking this idea. This has tried to happen many times before, but I'm glad a respected CBGames member finally decided to step up and be taken more seriously. Okay, now here are my concerns/suggestions:

-Instead of a weekly contest, I suggest a monthly contest. This way, the winner can hold more respect, and isn't blown off as quickly.

-Concern: What does the winner receive as a prize? If it was just a small weekly contest without a prize, then there's really no point to it. I mean, any little thing would work.

-I have 2 suggestions for how this could be judged:

A.) There could be three different judges every contest. Each judge must be well-known and semi-trustworthy. They judge each file on a scale from 1-10 in different areas/categories.

B.) The files could be voted on through the ratings system. The average of the first 10 votes (Zeros excluded) decides the winner. Any participants can not vote.

-Maybe the winner of the previous contest could decide rules/makes scenario for the next contest? That could work.

This sounds like a lot of fun... I sure hope this works out. :)

Tales for the L33t

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, I think it should be less often than weekly, but somehow monthly seems too long to me. Just my take.

As far as a "prize" - I don't know if there's much that can be done there. We're kind of doing this on our own as a "on the side" sort of thing. This isn't official coasterbuzz issue in any form. Who's going to toss in prizes? The best your going to get from my direction is crap with the coasterimage.com logo slapped on it. I'm not sure too many people are interested in winning coasterimage stuff.

It seems like at this point one of the main hurdles is a fair system for choosing winners.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

It's obvious that the ratings system is not a fair way to judge, so I'd lean towards another way of picking winners. My suggestion would be to pick a panel of judges, such as reliable members and players of the game, and have them rate the files on a specified scale and then select a winner.

Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Online
"We find that people don't pay any attention to what's underneath the ride."--SFMM Rep discussing Scream! as quoted in AT

Kick The Sky's avatar
I would say the best way to do this is as follows(with credit to those that came up with these ideas above):

1. Ideas/workbenches are submitted to Gonchar or some other arbiter who would determine the best idea for a monthly (or weekly contest). He would then announce the contest on the coasterbuzz rct forum with a link to the workbench to be used for the contest.

2. The contest submitter would automatically be a judge for that weeks contest. Lord G could take names for other potential judges(just like the ideas for the contest)and rotate them from week to week. Maybe have a panel of three judges, including the one that submitted the coaster idea.

3. The judges would not be allowed to participate in the contest for a week they are judging.

4. The winner just gets bragging rights. This is all just for fun anyways. (Although I wouldnt mind getting one of those airtime whore things you have on your site ;), especially for my car)

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

Lord Gonchar's avatar
That's pretty solid, Bob.

Looks like a perfect general plan. Anyone else have any ideas to toss in?

We need some of those other guys who were interested on the CB Games threads to come over here and jump in.

How about 2 per month? The first contest is from the 1st through the 15th and the second runs the 16th through the end of the month?

Also, should we limit the number of entries? Rather than have everybody uploading a new entry every day, they'd actually have to think about it and choose the one they thought was best to submit. Maybe limit it to two or three entries at the most?

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

Kick The Sky's avatar
I was actually thinking of one. Bring your A game, or dont bring it at all.

If you want, I can volunteer to assist in arranging the contests as well.

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ok, cool. I agree. One submission per contest.

I'm still a little iffy on the judging/winner selection. The idea of a panel seems the fairest, but under any system, I can see where there's the potential for it to be less than fair. You want to be in charge of that side of things, Bob? (insert sad looking, hopeful smile here)

I think it sounds kind of fun getting contest scenarios mailed my way and choosing one. :) I think the judging side sounds like the most hassle, but you're seeming pretty comfortable with it. The only thing I see is that judges can't enter. That makes perfect sense, but what's the motivation to judge? One judge should be the scenario creator by default, but what two other people are going to want to judge. Even I have to admit, I'd rather compete :)

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

This all sounds good to me, except I would be much happier bieng able to submit two rather than one. It would kill me to post one up and then come up with a great idea the next day. Also, with two possible submissions, a person could show his or her range by making two completely different coasters that fit the same criteria.

As for being concerned about how "fair" the judging is, it seems to me that the people here that make the best coasters are all pretty mature and would not start accusing judges of being unfair if they didn't win. I also think that no one will care if there is no "prize" for the winner. It should just be for the recognition and enjoyment of competing.

Oh and the save game thing is awesome - I would love to see what you guys can do with varied terrain and underground options.

RCTandy- you wouldn't submit your final one untill the last day just for the reason you mentioned.

I think this is a good idea. I have been getting bored with the game and these contests are bringing me back to the game.

As for judging I say the person who submits the scenario is a judge, the winner from the week before is one also and too help things out one more volunteer would round out the panel. My one question is would the entries be posted on CBgames or would they be submitted to the judges themselves?

On one last note I think we should keep these RCT2 friendly. I know not all of us have wacky worlds.

Michael Gibbs, Formerly Mr. Freeze 979

I feel the need, the need for speed.
*** This post was edited by Iced 7/22/2003 1:12:29 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Iced 7/22/2003 1:14:20 PM ***

Kick The Sky's avatar
Oooh, I like the idea of the winner from the previous week assisting with the judging. As for myself, I would rather judge. I know it sounds silly, but I think I can lend more helpful advice if I judge. I know Gonchar isnt going to want to hear this, but if him or I enter, there will be several weeks where we are taking home the prize. I want to see other people excel at this like we have in the past. The more people that good at this, the more fun it will be for everyone. As a judge I can take the time to thoroughly critique each entry and provide some advice to each entry.

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I was thinking that too, Bob. I don't want to sound pretentious, but maybe you and/or I can be a judge for every contest. The winner idea is a great one too - it'd break up the winners a bit. No one could win two in a row.

Your three judges would be the scneario creator, last contest winner and either Kick The Sky or myself. Probably usually KTS, but I'd be willing to as often as needed - I could also fill the space of "last week's winner" in the first contest. (the third judge could also be anyone who volunteered their services, just to mix it up and keep it fresh if necessary) But a panel of creator, last winner and KTS sounds pretty nifty. I'm more into the idea of sorting through the scenarios people create and keeping tabs on stuff "behind the scenes".

I think RCT2 friendly (non-WW) is a must.

Now we just have to agree on how often we'll run them and we're pretty much ready to go. I still feel like twice a month is a good time frame. It gives you time to work, you don't feel pressured to pump one out, it will still be often enough to keep interest, it's enough time to experiment with a few designs. Just seems right.

Is this all sounding good? If so, I'll set-up an e-mail addy to accept scenario files/contest suggestions and we'll see how it rolls from there. We might have to kind of get the first ones rolling on our own, but I think it'll catch on with CB Games users and sort of get moving on it's own after a contest or two.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

Kick The Sky's avatar
I would, however, as a judge, would like to be able to submit a "unofficial" entry from time to time :)

As for your plan, I am good with everything you said. I think I will even work on creating a scenario to submit to you :)

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Well that's a given. :)

I was thinking exactly the same thing. I'll still play along - I just can't win.

Ok, if you have contest ideas, start working on those scenarios. Send them to scenarios@coasterimage.com

It'd be nice to get a few to choose from but if not, I know we can count on KTS :) I'd like to run the first contest starting on August 1st - that gives about a week to come up with scenarios.

Dorney Park Visits in 2003: 15

I'll volunteer to judge entries when needed. I don't have many uploads over in CBGames, but the few that I have submitted are of some of the best quality anywhere :)

Mike T.
RCT2 Wizards-Medusa99
Current track record: 25

I will volunteer my judging skills whenever needed as well.

One thing I am still not sure on is where we will submit the final entries. Will we post them on CBG or will the be sent to Lord Gonchar or KTS?

RCT Master- I guess I fit the same boat as you. I still haven't uploaded my first park but I hope to soon. I have been working on it for three months but moving didn't help the process. My goals are quality not quantity.

Michael Gibbs, who now calls SFGAm home

I'll throw my name into the judging ring too. God knows I have plenty of time on my hands.;)


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