Casino Pier adding new ride called Super Storm, some people not amused

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

As crews tore down a landmark roller coaster damaged by superstorm Sandy, officials announced a new thrill ride for Casino Pier with a potentially provocative name: Super Storm. The new ride is slated to be ready for beachgoers this summer, officials said, less than a year after the shoreline was severely damaged by the Oct. 29 storm.

Read more from The Wall Street Journal.

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Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmm.... Initially I thought I would be in the "oh get over it" camp, but after contemplating I think I rather land in the "too soon - not exactly a touching tribute" camp.
There's not much space on the pier left, it was fairly packed with rides at its full length. I'll assume the remainder is deemed safe for occupancy, and rides that were " untouched " like the Wild Mouse, Disco, and Rock & Roll will be re-installed? Pirates Hideaway coaster is still standing I see.
We all saw what happened to the Star Jet coaster, but the amazing thing to me is the other rides at the distant end, Scrambler, Stillwalk Manor, and part of the log flume just vanished. I've heard that after the storm some random coaster, dodgem, or dark ride vehicle would wash up onto someone's property along the shore, sometimes miles away.
I noticed the boardwalk along the Skyride is still missing, and it looks like there's still a lot to do. The Jersey Shore high season starts late, and that may be a help, but there's gonna be a year or two that will look and feel strictly transitional.
Good luck to everyone there.


Carrie J.

Carrie J.'s avatar

Personally, I think it speaks to the need some folks have to be victimized by circumstances. Given a choice to "feel" something about an amusement ride, some choose to feel bad and traumatized and other choose to feel empowered.

Losing everything to a natural disaster is completely devastating. But to stay in that devastation by allowing things like this to take you there, is really just their choice, in my opinion.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin


Mike Gallagher

I'm flabbergasted. I'm not sure I've ever even used that word before. It's not so much that the name bothers me doesn't, and my family was affected badly by Sandy. I just can't see the thought process of a company executive who thinks the name is a good idea in light of the location and circumstances.

On a related note, is this the ride Gator posted about on another thread?

*EDIT* End of article answered my question.

Last edited by Mike Gallagher,

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist



rollergator's avatar

There was a video of one "Street Fighter Revolution" with Rolling Stones theming that totally kicked butt. To me, that was the theming to go with on the Jersey Shore....looked just SO 1970s.


Richard Bannister

I don't understand this "too soon" thing at all. I never have.

If something will be funny in a year, it's funny now.

A relative of mine was killed in the crash of Swissair 111 fifteen years ago. I still find air disaster jokes funny. I'm particularly fond of the Concorde ones...



Vater's avatar

RCMAC said:

Initially I thought I would be in the "oh get over it" camp

Then come, join us. This camp is much more stress-free than the ones with people who get offended by benign words.


Lord Gonchar

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Everything old is new again. We had this same conversation 7 years ago.

My opinion hasn't changed since then. It's silly to get worked up over a ride name.



I'm guessing, not looking. Was it Tsunami?

Last edited by RCMAC,

Lord Gonchar

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Yes. But, interestingly, not a coaster. Instead, the wavepool at Sandcastle.



Raven-Phile's avatar

That's been 7 years already? Sweet 6,000 year old earth, I'm getting old..



Tekwardo's avatar

That was the downfall of Captain Obvious, lol.

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kpjb's avatar

It's still called MonTsunami, btw.




LostKause's avatar

Tekwardo said:

That was the downfall of Captain Obvious, lol.

And we are all better off for that.



Tekwardo's avatar




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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.



Tekwardo's avatar

For as much as we disagree otherwise, we'll always agree on that.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.



OhioStater's avatar

You know how I got over Super Storm Sandy?

I got aids.



Tekwardo's avatar

You mean Aydes. Now go ride a Zyklon.

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.



OhioStater's avatar

I was hoping someone would get that reference. :)

Last edited by OhioStater,


LostKause's avatar

Anyone who read the entire 7-year-old thread that Gonch linked us to got the reference. lol

Last edited by LostKause,

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