Cape Typhoon (or is it?) Screenshots/Info

An Atari website page seemed to be put up prematurely (cache of the page here, it was taken off the official site)
Also Frontier's site has a much bigger screenshot

It's obvious that the expansion pack will be mostly centered around water attractions. It also appears the name may have been changed to Rollercoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! I know waterparks is one thing that has been on many people's wishlists for years. So it's nice to see that they have their priorities straight on what to add (not more Asian food stalls and snake trains...). Hopefully the expansion will have many bug fixes and make larger parks playable.

Um, actually, as long as there are bug fixes, I'm rather happy to see this isn't just a scenerey add on. At least they seem to be trying to get the game back to what it should be...maybe.
This might actually be a fun expansion.... not another TT or WW!!

i'm not sure what to put here..

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Cameraman said:
I know waterparks is one thing that has been on many people's wishlists for years.

Yeah, the same wishlists that the designers catered to for RCT3 that (in my opinion) pulled too much focus and who's added features are exactly what makes the game suck so hard.

I'll keep an eye on it with cautious pessimism and just wonder how bad they can screw up the whole waterpark thing.

I see lots in the PoolShot screen that makes me wonder how they pull it off without a serious overhaul of some kind.

There's still the big blocky pathways, but nice little rounded pool edges that peeps see to be moving along. What's with the pools? Presized and shaped or totally customizable? If so, what's the whole AI situation with them? There is a new stall in that shot (a whale lookingthing) and some extra path scenery (the water gun) - also looks like some new wall/roof pieces.

I guess I'll wait and see. :)

As tempting as the waterpark stuff looks, if they don't fix all the bugs and slowness with large parks, I don't see any use for it.
I agree with SFGAm, if non of the bug issues are fixed before the Exspansion...well...I sure as hell won't buy it. As good as it looks with the water soakers,jacuzzis,and the pools...I to like Gonch are wondering how they are going to pull it off. Looking at that screen with all that scenery and peeps in it, I just know that would lag like a turtle. Again back to my original point....If the bugs are not fixed by the release date and get a better FPS rate on bigger parks,this will be just another system crippler!!!
Well, I hope for one thing they add a performance update with this expansion, now if we here more about that, of what it includes it might be worth it. I'll buy it if it has updates, and the water stuff looks interesting too. But like I said, we'll see, I'm not gonna count my chickens before they hatch! ;)
DawgByte II's avatar
Performance improvement is one thing that we all hope for... especially those of us with higher-end systems that get single digit frame-rate when it just shouldn't happen!

But one thing I did notice in the screen shot are paths that are rounded... evident in the background on the stairway leading down...

...also, not 100% positive, but specifically themed fences built ON the path, not adjacent to it.

Yea, mines not total high-end, and I did a $250 dollar upgrade here for processor and ram, and its still runs in hight parks (mystic acres) between 3 and .5 FPS so yea, the perfomance is what I'm looking for. I support most games wonderful, but no not rct3!
Blah...I want ROLLERCOASTER tycoon, not Waterpark tycoon. IIt looks like it is mostly focused on waterparks and animal shows. While cool, there needs to be more coaster related updates (X-car, new track pieces or exisiting track pieces ported over to all coasters not just some), new flat rides, a return to some of the missing things we had in the RCT world already (Tunnels? Water fountains? Opening doors for some of the rides?) and some more theming options (Asian? Christmas? Medevil?).

The last thing needed is waterparks. But of course that is what they decide to focus on before all the other stuff needed. Sigh.

I do like the water/laser show idea though. I have some spots in my parks for that! *** Edited 2/6/2005 12:51:44 AM UTC by Coasterbuf***


What's with the pools? Presized and shaped or totally customizable?"

It says on the atari site provided that there is a fully customizable pool and waterfall mode. That is gonna be system taxing...

RCT3: SOAKED! June is booked solid with gaming...
The walkways which connect the pools in that picture seem to work exactly like the minigolf setting.

I am even less thrilled with this as I was with "Time Twister" (which I didn´t buy).

Just look at the completely un-supported coaster track which winds through the picture. Yuk!

I also wonder why the water-animation and the realism of the water rides is changed from patch to patch. The only decent working water rides now are the log-flume and the rapids. The other stuff is so messed up (again).

They also mention "new coaster cars" which is exactly what this game doesn´t need. It needs new elements, logic and some realism.

DawgByte II's avatar
They mentioned new coasters altogether as well as new coaster cars... There should also be a couple new flats, but I'm just speculating at this point.

...this game will have new rides. I'm surprised anyone would be LESS thrilled with this than Time Twister, considering that was theming & only theming (and some bogus senarios). thing gamers have been clammering for are waterpark attractions like waterslides... now we'll be getting them, and everyone is *****ing. What the hell do you want?!

The supports are still simple because it ain't easy w/ a RCT game to make them complex when you try to keep them all w/in the same tile as the track. That's why on RCT2, they added complex supports if you wanted to customize it afterwards, and maybe hopefully the RCT3 expansion will have that as well.

I just hope they do fix the water effects & friction/realism on the other water rides (namely, the water coaster)... which shoulda been done by patch #1 or #2 (don't think there'll be a #3).

Kick The Sky's avatar

DawgByte II said:

What the hell do you want?!

I would like them to stop developing off of wish lists and make a solid and stable game. You can't even make a moderate sized park without bringing your computer down. There are so many bugs in the game that it is nearly unplayable. Everything that is in this game is off of these stupid wishlists that everyone has been making. They took every blue sky idea out of those wishlists and made it happen at the expense of a playable game.

What I want is a stable game, then maybe they can bring the stupid waterparks, which I never cared for in the first place. This is roller coaster tycoon, not water park tycoon.

Certain victory.

Kick The Sky, you couldn't of said it better! The only reason I played was because I was bored.
This is an interview on this expansion at It has 19 screen shots which showcase many of the flat rides that will be added. It looks like from the article that it will be a solid expansion if the bugs are worked out.
DawgByte II's avatar

A trabant, a Huss giant Frisbee, a Chance Chaos, an Intamin Half-Pipe coaster, among a few other new rides really looks like it's going to have a nice collection

It is really just disappointing to see how smooth the video is of the animation & how the camera pans around, only to load the game onto your computer & find it on the chopping block.

Now, is it just me... or is the River Rapids ride a whole lot more detailed than in the current RCT3?

Jeff's avatar
That's not a half-pipe, that's a Zamperla Disk'O.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

Lord Gonchar's avatar
That's what I though too, Jeff. There is a half-pipe in the screenshot he linked to though.

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