Can I get a primer on search options?

I am unable to locate my last TR (SFWOA-does it suck yet?) and would like to know how to get the most from the search function.

Of course, you could also just gimme a link and I might quit whining.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Alright, stop whining Playa!!!!!! ;)

Ric Flair was hitting on the female host, he told her - "Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it has the longest line." WOOOOO!

Argh, stop posting links in club form...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Brandon.. all you have to do is replace the club. with www.


I'm aware of that. It's just annoying to change it.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

It is equally annoying for club members to have to change it.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 8/13/2002. ***

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