California Trip... Part 2- Which Park?!?!

^^^^ Neither statement is accurate. I am not going to bash MM just to fit in. I have had nothing but good experiences there. I have also been spending my own money to go there since 1994, when I got my first job at 18. Yes, of course, my parents paid before that, from 1984-1994, when I was a kid. I have had employees at DL be rude to me on 4 separate trips. I have made no secret that I do not have a lot of money and my parents don't either. Do you think I would spend what little disposable income I have to go to a place where I am treated badly and don't get value for it?

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

Raven-Phile's avatar

Calling myself a Disney "fanboy" (and I even used quotations) is more of a joke, and me stating that I'm a big fan of the place, as opposed to the blatant SFMM this, SFMM that that seems to come from your direction.

I don't hate SFMM "just to fit in" - I didn't like it from the get go. I just don't like the place, but I don't sit around and pick on it.

Just like robotfactory said, just because I really like something, doesn't mean I recommend it all the time.

Mamoosh's avatar

I find it very had to believe you hard "nothing but good experiences" if you visited anytime from the mid-90's to the mid-2000's. During that time, under the previous corporate and park management regimes, SFMM (the entire chain, actually) was notorious for taking people's money and offering shoddy operations, closed rides, and rude and lazy employees.

Those of us who experienced those conditions and remain critical of the park (and the chain) didn't just magically decide one day bash it. We're not doing it to "fit in."

It must be that you have such low standards of customer service that even the worst company does good in your book. The only other possible explanation to your complete lack of bad experiences at Six Flags is that you're the luckiest person I know. Will you buy my next lottery ticket?

Last edited by Mamoosh,
matt.'s avatar

This is a little over the top. I visited in 2000 and had a fantastic time, especially by SF standards. SFMM is not in my top 10 parks or anything but unless my one visit was a complete, unadulterated, freakish outlier, I am fully confident that plenty of people have had plenty of good times at SFMM.

I find your near-constant reminders of how you haven't visited SFMM in forever and won't be visiting anytime soon more amusing than anything, but stuff like this

Mamoosh said:
What that means is eitheryou've set your standards for customer service so low that you overlookall the bad stuff or you're still spending mommy and daddy's money andreally don't give a crap about getting any value for it.

just comes across as some sort of bizzaro anti-fanboyism, as if you can't possibly fathom anyone ever having a good time at the place, ever. I think if you despise the place, fine, and if you want remind a coaster message board all you want, fine, but nonsense like that is really silly.

It all comes across as someone daring to like a park that Moosh doesn't, oh my.

Last edited by matt.,
Mamoosh's avatar

Perhaps I should change my screenname to AntiSFMMaddict? ;)

Last edited by Mamoosh,
robotfactory's avatar

My best trip to SFMM involved being able to ride 8 of the 14 roller coasters at the park. After two separate visits I was able to say that I had ridden 13 of 15 roller coasters. It wasn't because lines were too long, it's because they just weren't running. Strangely enough, Flashback was one of the coasters I got on the first trip...

Mark me down in the "Bad Experiences at SFMM" column. Obviously the first visit wasn't bad enough to keep me from going back, but I think that was because I went in with such poor expectations.

- Julie

Mamoosh's avatar

Admit it,'re just trying to fit in! ;)

^ Well every coaster website needs at least one curmudeon Moosh, and your little one-liner quips and snaps (at least one per thread) certainly fits the bill. ;)

Last edited by John Knotts,

Mamoosh, basically what you are saying is that because I had good experiences at MM, and I don't agree with your opinions of the park I am wrong. Maybe from now on, nobody should post any messages about their home park unless they are negative. I didn't realize that it was so wrong to actually enjoy going to your home park.

Your comment to me, which, matt referred to, was also completely rude and out of line. Rudeness like that is not needed on this site.

Also, I will buy your next lottery ticket if you want me to, but I have not had much luck with any of the ones I have bought over the years, lol.

Last edited by SFMMAddict,

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

robotfactory's avatar

Of course I'm trying to fit in, Moosh! I've never fit in anywhere else in my life and if I can't do it on a message board full of coaster fan misfits where CAN I fit in?

I'm going to go listen to Fall Out Boy and sharpen my pop tabs now. Maybe then somebody will care about me.

- Julie

LostKause's avatar

Moosh should admit that not all SF visits sucked, and MMAdict should admit that not all his were great. You are both on the extreme side to make a point and paint a picture, and I understand that many of us do that.

It's difficult for me to imagine ever stepping foot in a SF park too. To see SF not value me as a visitor when I just handed them my last hundred dollars or so is a slap in the face that I still haven't got over.

My experience isn't with MM. It's with SFGAdv, and Ohio. SFGAdv was always too crowded on my visits with half of the rides closed (and offering an expensive flashpass to make up for it, btw), and SF Ohio gave me the worst customer service experience of my life. These parks are(were) branded as Six Flags parks. The Six Flags brand is tainted to me. Every time I hear Six Flags, I get a bad feeling.

It's like if an ape enthusiast was raped by a chimpanzee, he'd probably have a bad feeling about all chimpanzis, but not mind orangatans.

Mamoosh's avatar

Tell ya what: if SFMMaddict will admit that during at least one of this visits between 1994 and 2006 he encountered lazy or rude employees, closed rides or rides running under capacity, etc., I will visit the park this summer and post an honest trip report. If the park has indeed improved I will not only admit it, I'll stop reminding everyone of how bad it used to be.

Carrie M.'s avatar

For crying out loud, LK. You start this post with a call for reason and mediation between the two sides, which is great. But then you end it with the most outlandish claim of support for your anti-SF position that anyone has provided to date!

Comparing bad customer service experiences at an amusement park to rape(in any ridiculous context) is, beyond all the other reasonable ways to describe it, stupid!

You're unbelievable, man.

Last edited by Carrie M.,

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

eightdotthree's avatar

That sounds like a good deal Mamoosh. I would love to hear a trip report from you on the place. Despite people painting you an "anti fanboy" I never get that from your posts.

SFMM even though I have never been there, reminds me a lot of SFGAdv, great coasters but not much substance. SFGAdv has made improvements but it's still not a 5 or even a 4 star experience IMO. SFMM strikes me as the same kind of place from a distance and based on my own past experience at Six Flags parks I avoided it like the plague when I was in California for fear of wasting a day.

ApolloAndy's avatar

How about SFMMaddict and Moosh go to MM together and write two trip reports about the same trip?

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Mamoosh, you have a deal. I have never encountered rude employees at SFMM, but during some of my visits, 1-2 coasters were closed. That has happened to me at KBF too. I believe when you visit a park as often as I do, in an area which has no off-season, it is inevitable that some rides will be closed on some of your visits.

As far as capacity, I have a question for you or anyone else who would like to give an opinion. If you go to a park on a school day and they are running 1 train on some of the coasters, would you say that they are operating below capacity, even if each coaster is a walk-on? I would say no. I believe 1 train operations are justified on school days, because every school day visit I have made to SFMM or KBF has been almost completely empty. Even with 1 train ops, I have usually been able to walk onto every coaster. On most of my visits which have been on days which I have expected to be busy, they have had 2 trains running.

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

Asfar as capacity, I have a question for you or anyone else who wouldlike to give an opinion. If you go to a park on a school day and theyare running 1 train on some of the coasters, would you say that theyare operating below capacity, even if each coaster is a walk-on? Iwould say no. I believe 1 train operations are justified on schooldays, because every school day visit I have made to SFMM or KBF hasbeen almost completely empty.

Yes, running one train (of three) on the most popular ride in the park (X2) despite the line being 150min is unacceptable. And this was on a school day. And the rest of the park was empty...I wonder why?

SFMM continues to fail in my eyes, the only time SFMM is a good park is during coaster enthusiast events. ERT makes SFMM enjoyable.

Last edited by RyanTTD,

Nice job editing out the last part of my question and using what I said out of context.

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

RyanTTD, I am aware of how you altered my quote after I replied, to fit your needs and you have been reported. This is the original quote you used before you edited your post..

"As far as capacity, I have a question for you or anyone else who would like to give an opinion. If you go to a park on a school day and they are running 1 train on some of the coasters, would you say that they are operating below capacity"

This was left off of the end. "even if each coaster is a walk-on?"

Your behavior is pathetic and silly.

My mother (1946-2009) once asked me why I go to Magic Mountain so much. I said I feel the most alive when I'm on a roller coaster.
2010 total visits: SFMM-9, KBF-2
2010 total ride laps: 437

^I meant to quote the whole paragraph, but the quote option was not working properly. I accidentally deleted part of your post trying to fix it, sorry.

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