California and Florida perspectives...

I know some of you will groan when you hear this, but I think it would be fun to have a section or "twice a month" perspective from California and Florida enthusiasts. Things like ride reviews, park reviews, vacation information ect. What do you think Jeff? Seems as though whenever these locations are mentioned, they are either ignored or closed. This would give people interested in these parks some coverage. I guess I should mention Texas as well.

Life's too short! Let's go ride some coasters!
Jeff's avatar
Not once has any topic been closed based on region. It never happened, it never will.

By your comment, I infer that you think the site is too regional, specifically to the Midwest and East Coast. Remember, this site gets its content from contributed sources; We don't dictate the coverage. That said, I think we've had very nice contributions from the West Coast (California Coaster News, Bear-y-Tales, MousePlanet, etc.) and Texas (Lone Star Thrills).

The site's content is only as good as those contributing to it. You can start by offering reviews in the review contribution section.

Webmaster/Admin -
Jeff, I wasn't implying that any topic was closed based on region. But ultimately, I have seen them closed more often than not, and as a result, if you look at the current topics, none of them feature anything from those regions I mentioned. I got to thinking that some might be a little intimidated to even open topics if they don't involve certain parks. That's all, I wasn't implying anything more. Your answer is sufficient enough however, and I heard what I needed to hear. Thanks!

Life's too short! Let's go ride some coasters!
Jeff's avatar

Simcoaster said:
"Jeff, I wasn't implying that any topic was closed based on region. But ultimately, I have seen them closed more often than not..."
You're not implying it, you're coming right out and saying it! Show me examples and compare that number to any closed topics from any other region of the country.

In the last 200 topics, I count 11 closed topics, of which one had to do with a California park (because it was the ever tired "is Superman a coaster" nonsense).

Webmaster/Admin -
Give it up Sim. I know what you were trying to say. A certain post titled "X, most anticipated coaster of all time"? and the response from Jeff comes to mind. I wouldn't add any westcoast topics after hearing that.

Thank you Disney, thank you...
Jeff's avatar
What does that have to do with anything? That thread wasn't closed, and ended up talking about SOB (not sure how).

My response was simply an informed statement about how one of last year's rides was promoted. Don't read into it.

Why do people have this continued notion that I actually have some petty and irrational thing against anything not in my region? It's not a contest or fight for the home team. This isn't high school.

Webmaster/Admin -

Closed topic.

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