Button to erase track record.

I need to start my track record over but I need to erase all of it and hate doing it one by one so I think a button to erase the whole thing would be very helpful.
Why do you need to restart a track record?
Holy Ihst! Go see "Blast!"!!
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Because when I first came on here I put a ton of coasters in that I have never rode and now I can't erase them.
Well that's kind of your problem I think.
Holy Ihst! Go see "Blast!"!!
"I'm on a drinking team with a bowling problem..."
Were you trying to impress people with 285 coasters in your track record? You just admitted that you put coasters on it that you havent ridden. Its all about honesty.

You put them up one at a time so now you can eliminate them one at a time.

""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""

Wow, what is this, third grade? Can I play teacher next?

Honestly, is is that big of a deal? Should we crucify the kid because he loaded his track record with coasters he hasn't even ridden?

Your last statement sounds a little too much like a punishment to me, too. Another comment like that and you'll be in time-out.

- Brian

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