Busch Gardens Williamsburg 2025

I’m a little disappointed with the name choices, but other than that, very happy. Love that the village sets seem to be coming back.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

Jeff's avatar

Bigger Badder Wolf?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog




slamming the words together and making them Half German. Big Bad Wolf’s Revenge, Return of the Big Bad Wolf, or just calling it Big Bad Wolf would have been better choices in my book.

You can vote on the three choices here:


I will again say I’m very glad they are bringing this concept back and that you will go through a town again.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando


Son of Drachen Fire?

Brett BGT has always been the black sheep of the United Parks. Every other theme park in the chain is better run.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

hambone's avatar


slamming the words together and making them Half German

In fairness, German is pretty good at slamming words together.

Wolfsturm makes me think of Sharknado, though. And Geisterwolf seems like a non starter (Ghost Wolf wouldn’t be entirely bad.)

WolfReign is just dumb.

(At first “WolfStrum” had me stumped, and I ended up at “WolfStrumpf” which would be pretty awesome. As would Wolfnado tbh.)

Last edited by hambone,

I was gonna post a few pics of the construction area from the summer when I was on a VIP tour. Alas, I’m stupid and cannot figure out how to post them from my IPhone. I assume I have to put them on a hosting site and paste the URL link. I’ll overcome my technology someday.

LostKause's avatar

They named one of their more recent coasters Invadr, so whatever stupid name they pick will fit right in. They have proven that they are able to come up with some awesome names too, so this time they are overthinking it.

I'm almost positive they are reusing the Drachen Fire station. The location is so far out there, like The Bat at Kings Island. The coaster isn't going to be very tall, so it will not be seen from anywhere in the park until you find it. Just one of the reasons Drachen Fire was removed so quickly after it opened, and another questionable direction for the park, imo.

I like the idea of bringing back the village to travel through, but I've seen the layout on another website, and it is going to be just as small as the new coaster at BGT. Too bad they couldn't get a proper suspended coaster from S&S.

Awesome story though.

I'm just slightly curious: Has anyone ever disembarked a roller coaster and said, "Wow, I really wanted to enjoy that, but I can't get past the terrible name!"?

No but it’s caused me to not buy merchandise. I have enough Batman and Superman shirts, don’t need another one.

Last edited by Touchdown,

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

hambone's avatar

Baby Bad Wolf? Or in German, Baby böser Wolf?

TheMillenniumRider's avatar



Just one of the reasons Drachen Fire was removed so quickly after it opened

Imma guess that the ride being absolute **** was the compelling reason over its location

I'm also happy that they are bringing back this concept.

Geister Wolf got my vote. Not the best name, but better than a lot of the unoriginal names being used recently.

Tommytheduck's avatar



Just one of the reasons Drachen Fire was removed so quickly after it opened

Imma guess that the ride being absolute **** was the compelling reason over its location

Nah. Anyone who's ever ridden it will gladly tell you it was the greatest coaster ever built. (Only after you tell them you yourself never rode it, of course.)

Hypocritical of me to say, however, because I'll tell anyone how amazing Volcano The Blast Coaster was. But that's because it really was amazing.

I rode Dracken Fire, it sucked. It was incredibly slow, your head was bouncing all over the place and it was boring. Same for most Arrow multi loopers. I don’t miss that ride at all.

I am however very protective of my original fear the four t shirt that featured it in the bottom portion.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

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