Hello guys, it's me again. Um... I was wondering if any of you all knew how a "bobsled" roller coaster stayed on the track. I know it doesnt use the three wheel system (road, side-friction or guide, and upstop). Or does it, because I heard that it is just like the old coasters with out rail-hugging wheels. If so, then howcome they are so safe?
And, if any of you know what the layout of CP's Disaster Transport is, then let me know. Thanks
On the seventh day, God created coasters!
"There's nothing sweeter than a bowling ball with a liquid center" - Homer Simpson
Intelligence is a God given gift: Know how to use it.
Come and see my band skank it while building pine cone bird feeders- http://www.comehomegreg.tk
that's why you never really have any camelbacks on them. Just have to engineer them like you did with the old side-frcition coasters, or at least something similar.
"If the beats were made of meat then they would have to be me ..." - L.L. Cool J
Edit: Intamin bobsleds not Arrow.
*** This post was edited by coasterfreaky on 7/18/2002. ***
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