Boblo Island - Corrections

CPLady's avatar

While doing some research for the coaster page portion of my personal website, I discovered that the steel coaster from the now defunct Boblo Island was not called the Silver Streak. Silver Streak is actually a coaster from Canada's Wonderland.

The Boblo Island coaster was called the Thunder Bolt. Information supporting this can be found at these two sites:

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

There have actually been several coasters at Boblo over the years... go here and scroll down to BOBLO.. there is an extensive history of the park and all its coasters.

Also, thunderbolt was a coaster which was replaced by the sky streak. However, sky streak was called thunderbolt during the first year of replacement.

They also had a "WIlde Maus" wooden and a steel Wild Mouse sometime in the past. And A vekoma corksrew named Screamer and among others and dark coaster named nightmare which is now called the Mayan Mindbender at Six Flags Astroworld.

Click on the link, some interesting history.

And yes, I believe sky streak is the right name, not Silver Streak as it says in the Database.

Of course, I could be wrong...

*** This post was edited by James K on 7/11/2002. ***

CPLady's avatar

It was so long ago that I don't remember the name of the coaster. I believe it was blue and white. And I remember the old style Wild Mouse. Those tiny little cars where two people sat one in front of the other. No seat to speak of. If I recall correctly, it was one of the first rides you saw from the doc as you got off the boat.

Thanks for the link!

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Actually, Jeff's dead on with most of the Bob-lo items. You can't really list a defunct coaster at one park if it's still up and running somewhere else.

I've been on the Sky (Silver?) Streek, the Screemer and the Nightmare. So I looked them up @ RCDB.COM, tracked them to their current locations and credited myself with the coasters where they stand today.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 7/11/2002. ***

hmmmm, Perhaps the coasters could be listed with Boblo.. But instead of (Defunct) next to the name, it could say (relocated)
CPLady's avatar

I also rode both the wild mouse and "sky streek" AT Boblo Island in the early 70's. The links posted above (by myself and James K) are from local sources. Yeah, I know Jeff doesn't always believe what is written in our Detroit Newspapers. I grew up here and went to Boblo every summer from 1966 through 1974.

As James K posted, there is a TON of information about Boblo Island and the coasters on the Coaster Enthusiasts of Canada site (you have to scroll down a ways to find it under Ontario). A good portion of this information comes from people who grew up with Boblo Island.

Originally, there was a wooden coaster called the Thunder Bolt. When the steel coaster was built, it was apparently called Thunder Bolt the first year it was opened, and then changed to Sky Streek the following year (later changed to Streak).

So, are you saying that the Silver Streak at Canada's Wonderland is the relocated Sky Streek??

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Nope...I just think of it as the 'Silver Streek' for some reason. I think RCDB tracks it to Selva Magica as the Titan.

Frankly, that link is taken from people's best recollections.

I attended the park from '71 - '79, on and off in the early 80s and a final visit in 1988.

The dates for the Screemer are wrong, wrong, wrong. There's NO WAY the Screemer first appeared at Bob-lo in 1985. I graduated high school in '85. I was riding it sometime between late elementary - middle school.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

CPLady's avatar

I really didn't go much past 1974. We spent more time at CP since I was working full time by then, so I'm not up to snuff on anything that was added after Sky Streek. The most pleasurable times (for me) were before 1972.

And then there was Edgewater Park....

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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