B&M Launches Official Website

I'm not sure if this is news or not, but it would appear that B&M has finally put together an official website for themselves:


To me it's very simple, elegant if you will, and reminds me of their ride catalog/brochures. Just thought you might like to browse around it a bit.

- BB

Note: Unless you're a customer (which you're not), please don't use their contact form. They don't need coaster enthusiast spam clogging up their inbox.



OMG I have a new sig!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
Very nice site...would be even nicer if all of the photos loaded ;) [yes, I have the latest version of IE].
Ah they have there prize coaster on the openeing page of the site - - - Raging Bull ;)


Try killing your pop-up blocker. Worked for me.

- BB (Do you hate javascript? Because I hate javascript)

Rihard's avatar

BBSpeed26 said:

Note: Unless you're a customer (which you're not), please don't use their contact form. They don't need coaster enthusiast spam clogging up their inbox.

Oops too late. I already wrote asking them why it took so long to finally get a website. I also asked them how to correctly pronounce their names.

*Just kidding ;)

- R.A

Mamoosh's avatar
...and I asked them when a U.S. park was going to get an airtime-filled 250 foot tall, 5,000+ foot airtime-filled Intamin Plug-n-Play wooden coaster with at least a 70* first drop -- you know, for maximum airtime -- that would not be braked to death like High Roller at ValleyUNfair!


Moosh, they only build what parks ask them to build. They'll build that Intamin woodie when someone pays them too, duh!



PS, how do you dial those plusses in their phone number? I need to contact them immediately about their lack of POV. Thanks!

OMG I have a new sig!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
How do you dial a plus? Easy: 2-5-8, 4-5-6 ;)
...I just figured that after my own email/phone/fax-barrage demanding they build a terrain invert at Kennywood would be enough for one day ;)


john peck's avatar
I asked when they would build the first Inverted Log Flume
Man, this is almost as bad as getting slash-dotted.

For those of you who have been on both, would you say the floorless is much different and/or better/worse then the sitting coaster?

It seams to me their not too different, except on the floorless your feet dangle, obviously.

I've only been on the floorless.

rollergator's avatar
The floorlessness makes a *minor* difference at best. Except on Krypton...since you see through to all those quarry walls... :)

The layout is WAY more important than whether or not the train has a floor...IMO....YMMV....etc.

BBSpeed26 said:
To me it's very simple, elegant if you will, and reminds me of their ride catalog/brochures.

Hmmph. Try boring, uninspired, and dry. Lacks brand identity and communicates in a passive voice. Whoever designed that piece of trash should refund B&M's money.

Jeff's avatar
They don't actually need a Web site for any other reason than people expect a Web site. It's not like no one in the industry knows who they are.

But hey, it's built on ASP.NET. See, engineers are smart people.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I find it interesting how they "highlight" if you will, that they will build a sitting coaster to the parks topography, and not on any other model.

I realize, that you can do it much easier with a standard sitter, but, couldn't you do the same with anything else? I.E. - Air, Nemesis, etc.


- Josh

When you give, you begin to live... - Dave Matthews
Raven-Phile's avatar
Funny, I thought B&M stayed away from doing launches? :-D


The website is cute. :)

It seams to me their not too different, except on the floorless your feet dangle, obviously.

Comparing the two that I've ridden(Kumba, MedusaGAdv), The floorless was much more tame. Kumba powers through it's course very forcefully while Medusa sortof tumbles you around(very smoothly of course)and offers more of a flighty feeling.

But that is only comparing those two rides so take it for what it's worth. Also I doubt those differences are an effect of the floor being/not being there- surely more of a park issue with what type of ride experience they wanted.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Radius said:
For those of you who have been on both, would you say the floorless is much different and/or better/worse then the sitting coaster?

Floorless is simply the new sitdown train - with a nifty marketing angle built right in! :)

Sticking with multi-looping sitdowns, B&M has only built what? 4 with 'standard' trains and 2 of those are 10 years old or more. In contrast, they've built 11 floorless coasters in the past 6 years.

Same experience - different train design - instant marketing built in. Why take the standard train?

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