B&M hyper twister.....

sadly, i have not had the pleasure of riding Raging Bull at SFGam....ive only seen pics.  and man, it just looks AWESOME...that first drop looks like it just nullifies you, haha!! :)  but im curious...after AC and Bull, Nitro was created, but it was more out and back than twister...and from what i can tell, Silver Star follows the same pattern....i wonder if B&M might take another crack at the twister design....maybe even a near clone..it just looks like such an awesome layout, id hate to seem them only have that one...just my thoughts....any comments?
I was wondering how another of its type never popped up anywhere else.  RB seems to be so popular....and it ranks high in the polls.  It would be so cool if PGA got one!!
Two comments:

1) Raging Bull is worthless unless you get the backseat (and there it's a great ride!)

2) It was sooo nice before they turned all the trims on high...now I just think about how slow it's running compared to how it used to every time I ride.


I don't know, the back seat is definitly my favorite, but the front is such a rush looking down that drop first hand.  If any of you have not done it, DO IT!  Its a great ride.  Also, this may sound a little silly, but TRY THIS!  Cross your legs and rest them ABOVE the bottom of the lap bar.  You get a little more air in my opinion.  I am pleased I have this ride at my park, one day it was practically walk on (about 10 min wait) and I hit it about a dozen times.  A real rush!.
I think B&M only makes twisters if they are needed to. Nitro and Silver Star look like they were built on small and limited free space(such as a forest side and parking lot). I think it just depends on what kind of land B&M is given to design on.
I saved RB for my last coaster at SFGAm back in August when I was in Chicago. I had to ride it twice, the ride is just too sweet!  The trims weren't really that bad the day I wrote it. B&M made a GREAT HIT with that coaster, but I am bias because I think B&M is the greatest coaster company on the planet.     
I saved RB for my last coaster at SFGAm back in August when I was in Chicago. I had to ride it twice, the ride is just too sweet!  The trims weren't really that bad the day I wrote it. B&M made a GREAT HIT with that coaster, but I am bias because I think B&M is the greatest coaster company on the planet.     
Of course that's just my opinion I could be wrong~Dennis Miller
I haven't heard a lot about Apollo's Chariot lately? Are the trims turned on high?
SFGadv has the room too build anything they went they just went for a out and back instead of a twister.
Not trying to be a grammar jerk, but "bias" is a noun. It gets very tiresome reading people saying "I'm bias," or, "that Jeff guy is bias." :) The adjective is "biased." Flame away.
Doesn't it seem as though morons always have the caps lock on?
Mamoosh's avatar
SFGAm got a B&M Hyper-twister because of all the bids they took from the various manufacturers they liked B&M's the best.  The reason it was a hyper-twister and not an out-&-back is that the site does not permit it. 

When will another B&M hyper-twister be built?  Never.  Unless, of course, a park accepts B&M's bid over other bids and it happens to be a hyper-twister.

Yeah, its not like its up to B&M.  It really wouldn't make sense for a park to say to B&M "Hey, we want an out and back hyper coaster here " and then have B&M say "Nope!  You get a hyper twister." 
With twister-styled coasters available, I dont see why any park would opt for an out and back. I just dont get it. Rides like Nitro, Shivering Timbers, Magnum and to a lesser extent S:ROS @ SFA all just give the same sensation, over and over and over. Just seems to repetative for my blood. I like for there to be suprises here and there. And dont give me any crap about they're made like that for airtime. You can have air time without having a repetitive layout (see Raven, Phantom's Revenge and SFGAm's Viper)

Anyway, Bull is my favorite steel and I've actually never ridden in the back row (next to back though). I always tend towards the back, but I think most coasters suck in the front compared to the back (Millennium Force the notable exception).

But to be really on topic, I would like to see another B&M twister. I'd really love to see a B&M supersized version of Lightning Racer. That would be sweet...I'm talking white boy sweet!
--"At the end of all my logic and my theory, I'll add a mutha(bleep) so you ignant (bleeps) hear me!" Lauryn Hill

A Nigerian Muslim sharia court sentences a pregnant woman found guilty of adultery to be stoned to death, but only after she has finished weaning her baby.
This is known in some parts of the Muslim world as compassionate conservatism

I really hope more parks get Hyper Twisters because I think they are really great rides.  Is it possible that some parks are looking for the bigger (taller and faster) ride.  Is it easier to make a bigger ride in the form of an out and back?  If it isnt then I would like to see a Giga Twister even thought it wont happen soon.
rollergator's avatar
RB is the one US Beemer hyper I haven't been on...for those who've ridden Golitah (which I also consider a hyper-twister), how do they compare in terms of laterals, positives, float, etc... 
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

Velduanga said:
"I think B&M only makes twisters if they are needed to. Nitro and Silver Star look like they were built on small and limited free space(such as a forest side and parking lot). I think it just depends on what kind of land B&M is given to design on."

Limited space, are you kidding. Nitro is built on untouched land. The could build five coasters there if they wanted!

Baby, I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time.

To answer Gator's post, personally feel like Goliath is the better ride.  RB has the better first drop mainly because of the monstrous air in the back of the train.  (I suppose if you've ridden the other 2 US Hyper Beemers you  know how that goes.)  The turnaround on Goliath is of course much higher, and has a nice lateral at the top which RB doesn't.  On the next hill, well, RB doesn't even come close.  While on RB, you do get a nice float over the top, On goliath, the floatage, as you know, is unbelievable.  Pure float time all the way over, and a wonderful little plop back down into your seat.  As for after the MCBR, RB has a slight advantage in having another air hill, but while the Figure 8 on RB is fun, it really can't touch the ending of Goliath with the quick changes of direction, brain-numbing centrifuge, and final plunging dive into that little gulley in the middle of the centrifuge.  RB has its good points, and is an all in all wonderful, world class coaster, but its just a little too gentle, a little too cream puffy, as others have called it.  For this humble coaster rider, Goliath wins by a landslide.
LOL....Jeremy you are straight up ghetto. By the way, are you down with the apes??
They still can build five coasters in that space if they want to.  Its one advantage of out n backers, the foot print of Nitro may be very expansive, but its also very, very narrow at most points.   

*** This post was edited by ravenguy98 on 1/24/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar
thanks ravenguy98, sounds to me like we have similar preferences.  The Beemers IMO are a lot too "cream-puffy".  After all the talk I'd heard about AC and Nitro, I guess I was hoping for a more "forceful" ride.  Still great coasters, but I really like the low-slung, two-across trains of the big-G and the Intamins...the SEEM a lot faster to me...thanks again!
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

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