Black Mamba - B&M inverter at Phantasialand

It looks like an inversion to me.

Are people expected to get off of this ride with their legs still attached to their bodies? ;)

Mamoosh's avatar
As soon as riders are turned more than 90* from vertical, so their feet are higher than their heads, they are inverted.
^ ...except if it happens on a coaster that calls itself a "Hyper Coaster" which by definition has no inversions.

? :)

I thought about it for while.
Maybe an inversion features the riders turning more than 90° from vertical, and the course of the track simultaneously performing a curve of more than...~~200 degrees (creating a loop shape as opposed to an overbanked curve shape).

Then again, it's all splicing hairs anyway, intuitition is much better at describing things.
You just have to love the way they are shattering the usual "vertical loop" inversion concept on newer B&Ms, Hydra is another nice collection of different elements in that category.
Someone must really be having fun designing these tracks.

*** Edited 1/25/2006 3:02:20 PM UTC by superman***

Vater's avatar

Maybe an inversion features the riders turning more than 90° from vertical, and the course of the track simultaneously performing a curve of more than...~~200 degrees (creating a loop shape as opposed to an overbanked curve shape).
So, Mr. Freeze and Batman: The Chiller don't invert? :)

Hurts your head after a while, eh?

*superman is having a fit of logic breakdown*

ok, maybe in the case of an inverted tophat, the two 90° turns at the bottom of the element count toward the more than 180° curve.
But I agree, no loop shape involved.
Damn. Why not just go and call overbanks inversions as well.

But then, Black Mamba has more inversions as it has this extra overbank next to the vertical loop.

But then again...
why even bother, it's an INVERTED coaster from beginning to end, anyway.

*** Edited 1/25/2006 3:53:01 PM UTC by superman***

airtime for everyone
SFoGswim's avatar
Can I have that NoLimits track?

P.S. Looping Hyper: *** Edited 1/26/2006 6:02:57 AM UTC by SFoGswim***

Welcome back, red train, how was your ride?!
Here's my 2 cents:

If you goes through between 0-90 degrees, you are uninverted and unoverbanked, if between 90 degrees and 135 degrees, you are overbanked but still uninverted, if between 135 degrees and 180 degrees, you are inverted...

That's how I look at it, and still a fair idea, my opinion.

Fun's avatar
The famous quote seems to be a fitting place for this discussion...

Justice Potter Stewart, on obscene content: "I don't know how to define it, but I know it when I see it." *** Edited 1/26/2006 6:28:59 AM UTC by Fun***

I go by this simple standard. If it was designed as an "Inversion", It is one. Does it actually "Invert" I don't know it realy doesn't matter. If there was a claim that it features the most inversions and there was a questionable one then I might stipulate but honestly I just wish I could go to Germany and ride this. It makes Batman: The Ride look like a kiddie coaster from what I can see.

Edit: Might I add that I love the zero-g roll that goes right over the bottom of this immelman. Wicked!!! *** Edited 1/26/2006 8:06:14 AM UTC by coaster_freak00***

"your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries now leave before I taunt you a second time!)

Time for bringing back attention to this tasty little ride!

Its still far from being completed in its entirety and there is no opening date insight. Meanwhile Black Mamba has its own homepage, offering a Webcam, but not much more:

A good amount of pictures of the site in its current state can be seen here:

Take a look at the scaffolding that is built around the pseudo-Immelman! Alledgedly this is going to be a waterfall which the Mamba will run upwards.

wiki wiki wiki wiki...ahh shut up!
In the test run images, the wheel assemblies don't have the usual plastic covers common to B&M inverters, making it almost look like the trains on Eurostar :)
It's amazing though to see them do test runs before the ride is finished - but it's probably a good idea given all the narrowly spaced themeing elements.

airtime for everyone
B&M: You want to but what, where? Yeah we can do that.

I miss Drachen Fire

Wow. This thing looks ridiculous.

It always amazes me to see how much better European parks are at doing this sort of this than U.S. parks - considering they NEVER do this sort of stuff here.

What an awesome amount of theming to go with a B&M invert. It looks like a real good, tight and intense invert. Congrats on anyone living near this park.

Superman - where did you see test run pics?
^Pictures are located on RCDB and here:

So the ride has been long time handed over to the park and now theyre having their way with it?

Thats pretty sweet.

This looks like Nemesis version 2....I like that.

Camden Crazy: Praying for the O's to win the World Series since 1990!


Formerly known as TalonJosh1491

Wow... those trains look stripped.
I'm hopeful this is open by the World Cup. I want to ride it :)
^They would be stupid if they don´t finish it by then.

If you look at some recent pictures, you can see that progress is really fast at the moment, but they still have a long way to go.

wiki wiki wiki wiki...ahh shut up!

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