Biggest, tallest, not always the most fun?

Seems appropriate to say the Grand National at Blackpool Pleasure Beach should be mentioned here :)

Don't knock it til you try it ;)


curse those runaway vowels ;) *** Edited 6/2/2005 9:33:57 PM UTC by invy***

look, I love Fire Dragon, Great ride, As well as Montu, Kumba, Maggie and others. Im not knocking them.

My point was, The expereience of a lifetime say (KK, TTD) isn't all that after a few rides. Sure you will be wowed the first visit, Maybe two, but after that does it bring you back because you know it's a great multielement ride?

Chuck, who also found timbers as Anticipointment the first time I visited. Do Timbersfest to see what that coaster is capable of. Im still in dissbelief. I still don't see the big deal with Boulder Dash but I know I didn't catch it on a good day.

Speaking of -estestes and marathons:

The world's tallest, fastest, longest coaster marathon contest is back!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Jeff's avatar
Despite being accused of being a fanboy, I've been on Dragster seven times, and I'm not in a huge rush to get on it again soon. Why? I just generally think there are better rides at the park. That, and it seems every year my tolerance for waiting in any line gets less and less.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

I remember waiting in line for TTD, being all pumped up about it, and then after riding it thinking "What a rush!". To tell ya the truth though, that's all it is to me...a rush. As coasters go, it's one of my least favorites.

As far as CP goes I'm more about getting on every other coaster in the park each trip, (with the sometimes exception of C.C. Mine Ride) rather than waiting for TTD. I ride MF, Raptor, and Magnum, as well as, all the others, but my guilty pleasures there are Blue Streak & Wildcat. I love those two!

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08!
Many enthusiasts, like myself, enjoy medium intense woodies, because at almost all parks they aren't the most popular ride, and you can reride a lot. For example, at IB on Memorial Day, I road Cornball Express 48 times in a row in a little less than 3 hours. That was fun.

I also enjoy big rides too though, but not the waits. For example, Top Thrill Dragster. I love the ride, I will do it maybe once a day at Cedar Point, and when I do it I find that its really fun and extremely exciting, especially at night, but when you wait in the 2-3 hour line per ride for 6 or 7 rides, then I can understand how after a while you would think the ride sucks.

All personal opinion, it seems to me.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

Ride of Steel said:
Superman ROS at SFDL is good but it doesn't have the extra oomph to make it that thrilling. I rode it 26 times in 4 hours on my past trip to SFDL and after a while it was so predictable and boring.

Any thoughts?

I normally don't post here that much, and I'm really sorry for the quote, but I really have to say that after riding 26 times in 4 hours, ANY coaster is bound to be predictable and boring. But staying on topic... height and speed don't impress me with coasters so much as an interesting layout and fun factor. I'd rather ride the Beast or Adventure Express any day over MF or TTD.

And this thread proves why parks build *all* types of rides, from strata-coasters to kiddie coasters, because they wish to appeal to as many people's tastes as possible. Case in point, SFGadv is following up their strata with a wooden coaster.

So bigger is not always better but sometimes it is. Are slacks always better than jeans? For some that might be the case. The problem comes in when you try and speak for everyone else, because "most" people, love the variety and don't feel the need to pit one against the other. *** Edited 6/2/2005 11:50:22 PM UTC by DWeaver***

I think alot of people, especially here, forget the fact that most parks are NOT targeting coaster enthusiasts such as the ones who post on this site. A park like Great Adventure uses Kingda Ka as a ingenious marketing ploy - "We have the world's tallest and fastest coaster". The general population, which makes up close to 99.99% of a park's regular attendance don't care that rides like Kingda Ka and Dragster only last mere seconds. They only see how huge it is and fast it goes. They WILL wait hours to ride it...

S2K said:
"We have the world's tallest and fastest coaster". The general population, which makes up close to 99.99% of a park's regular attendance don't care that rides like Kingda Ka and Dragster only last mere seconds. They only see how huge it is and fast it goes. They WILL wait hours to ride it...

And thus, we are brainwashed by all the hype around bigger/faster and most equals "best on the planet" For seven years even... Oops, Sorry about that. ;)

Wood Coaster Fan Club - "Sharing a Passion for the Classics"

So what? People line up for the hype of Star Wars movies too. But you know what? If people are enjoying giving into hype, who's to say there's anything wrong with it?

Problem has always been in this country IMO, if you don't understand something, you critisize those that do. I just don't get that type of thinking.

The best coaster is all based upon your opinion. If you like tall and fast, that will be your fav. If you prefer the smaller woodies with major airtime, then that will be your favorite. I do like TTD, it does give me a rush. I also like Phoenix, S:ROS, and others, like Raptor and Batwing. My favorites have a good variety to them.

Knoebels- 4/28

Ride of Steel's avatar
I'm not saying that strata's are boring. When I went to CP in 2003 I immediately thought TTD was my favorite coaster until I rode MF.

Dragster's a rush. My first ride on it was one of the most intense and unreal rides I've had in my entire luck, probabably 2nd to my night ride on MF in the back seat when the fire works went off right as we were on the straightaway to the final overbank turn.

After a while, non looping rides get predictable so it's not thrilling. I like rides that throw me around and flip me upside down.

I'm glad that when I go to CP nothing is a walk on or else I'd ride MF all day and 'take it for granted' and it won't be such a special ride experience it is when I go there on my annual trip and get to ride it maybe 5 times and 'savor the moment'.

Jeff said:
...I just generally think there are better rides at the park.

Like Gemini & Maggie? I couldn't agree more!

That, and it seems every year my tolerance for waiting in any line gets less and less.


Ride of Steel's avatar
I have a tolerance for waiting in line when the maximum number of trains are running and ride opeators are sprinting to get trains disptached.

Raptor is a good example of this. THe line my look filled but it moves fast.

It's the one train operation with slower than molasses workers that ruins it for me. Can they at least try?

It's sorta discouraging after waiting 10 minutes and seeing one train go up the lift hill because of how slow the workers are.

Na, I'd still rather hit up a ride with no lines. I hate waiting longer to ride the ride than the ride lasts itself. Seems like an unfair trade off to me.

But thats in the Pay-To-Cut thread, and I'm just Impatient and don't understand the 'social benifits' or whatever ;).

Olsor's avatar
How many times did they clone Batman: the Ride worldwide? There's your answer.

(Don't ask me why they made even more boomerangs and SLCs... that's a mystery.)
Boomerangs and SLCs are good, they rolling stock just doesn't quite do it justice...
Yep...the layout of SLC's is awesome. Just the crappy Vekoma engineering prohibits you from enjoying it!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
nasai's avatar
Unless Dawn Marie's with you. Then they aren't quite so bad. ;)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

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