BIG sign on the log flume fence at PKI

This is an old thread, DejaVu & V2. It was over the speculation of what is now Nickalodeon Central at PKI. Check the date of the original thread. Just so you know.;)

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster &

Ice838 said:
"...Mean Streak, "ok So im the only fool who likes it...""

Don't worry, Ice838, it's one of my favorites...:)
Life's too short to mind,
Just keep on with the sweet up and down
What was the point of reviving a post that is over a year old? This post was not about the KCKC site, like Deja Vu seems to think. It was of the old log flume, which they turned into Wild Thornberry's Adventure or something.

The Pens will win the Stanley Cup in 2002!

Jeff said:
"Cedar Point does not have a space problem.(TM)

Webmaster/Admin -"

Ha! And I guess Magnum isn't sinking either huh?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

Closed topic.

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