BIG sign on the log flume fence at PKI

Did any of you guys see the sign on the log flume's fence this weekend? It said something about "A New Expansion Coming in 2001". I wonder what it could be. A new coaster? A newer log flume? Or epxansion of Rivertown? Anyone have a clue on this one.

THE BEASTmaster *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 5/1/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
How many flumes do they need?

Webmaster/Admin -
I'm guessing a Rivertown expansion.


Actually I think that if they were to take out the King's Mills flume and put in a 'Journey to Atlantis' type ride, I'd be ecstatic. It would be a nice draw to that side of the park since it seems so top heavy to the north side. Part old log flume/ Hanna Barberra water ride, part coaster. It would appeal to a wide audience.

Just a thought...
If they really wanted to tie Cedar Point (If they aren't counting Racer as two coasters, which I don't think they are) for the most coasters, then they would put in a coaster. Because I don't think CP is putting in a new coaster, unless They put in a Wild/Mad mouse.

201.3 Miles to Cedar Point from Owosso MI.
They need to put in a ride that will scare the crap out of you... if that means a coaster, fine. The only ride at PKI that I had ever truly been scared on was Flight Commander (when my over-the-shoulder harness clicked open a notch during a roll) Once was enough for me.
As far as PKI catheing CP in amount of roller coasters it really shouldnt matter. But in my mind in almost certain to happen. Simple reason PKI alot of room left, CP running out of room. As I said once and heard, I heard that PKI has used only about half of the land they own, or something of that nature. But come on they both have there greats SOB, and its father, Outer Limits, Face Off, A huge Drop zone, some 300 feet. Top Gun, etc etc. CP's MF, Raptor, Mantis, Mean Streak, "ok So im the only fool who likes it" The Geminiie God if i could spell. ahhh!! Magnum XL 200, the power towers. I cant say anyone of these parks is week. In fact I dont think I would put any two in state parks or 3 SFO, vrs any three in any other state. I guess its like the Browns and the Bengals thow, we dont like each other. Browns will get the Bengs next year.
Jeff's avatar
Cedar Point does not have a space problem.(TM)

Webmaster/Admin -
Haha, the Browns and the Bengals!!

Yo Jeff, whats with the (TM)?
And I agree they got plenty of space at CP, just look at whats underneath MF, NOTHING!!

"May the Force be with you"
Jeff, out of curiosity, what space does Cedar Point have? I do know that there is about 200 acres behind the Racer and OL:FOF at PKI. They have enoygh room to put at least four more adult coasters back there.


Jeff's avatar
The trademark note is kind of an inside joke to long time readers of Guide to The Point (of which there are clearly few here ;)).

If you want to find space, check the Terra Server images. This isn't a CP thread, so I won't list the many places here.

Webmaster/Admin -
I said PKI alot more rooom like the guy said 200 acres behind Outer Limits, and I said CP running, "not out", but running out of room. This means geeting there. And I love CP and am not bashing it...

[football references removed as this is not a sports forum -j]
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 5/2/2000. ***
LOL, jeff
General buzz has it that it will be an "Atlantis" or "Splash Mountain" type ride. Whoopedie doo. Great, now I can get wet even more! Does any other park have so many wet rides?
Don't forget to count the bathrooms at the Wings restaraunt (sp?). I won't go into detail. ;)



So, Jeff, to clarify....

Cedar Point is running out of room? That's what you're saying?


Starting second season at CP in one month and 8 days.
What's NASA got to do with CP?
My guess is nothing roadkill.

"May the Force be with you"
ShiveringTim's avatar
Let's not forget that CP had two flumes for about 12 seasons. The older one got sacked in favor of a new coaster (Mill Race - Raptor). I would expect that sort of tradeoff at PKI.

Scott W. Short
hey here are some early thoughts about whats going on at pki

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